Resolution 1268A W§sofutlon of The Edmonds City Councd Thanking D. -7. Wilson for Yfis Service to e Edmonds City Councd Whereas, (1). J. Wi&onserved on the Edmonds City Council from January 2008 to of Edmonds; and Whereas, Counci(memberD. J. WifJOn, In addition to carrying out countless duties as a Councilman, was appointed to the following Boards and/or Commissions: Community Transi Lake Ballinger Work Group, Regional Fire Authority Snohomish County Tomorrow and South Snohomis Cities. He also served on SNOCOM, and the Community Service/Development Service, the Public Safety/HR and Lodging Tax Advisory Committees; and I 1 ".1 My W. Whereas, Wr Wilsonled the way to approving the Cold Weather Shelter ordinance ensuring that our most vulnerable citizens could find safety during cold winter nights, jrVou), r1fierefore, (Be it Resoked that D. _7. Wirsonbe commended and thanked for serving on the Council and for serving as Council President. The Council and Mayor wish hi the best in the future. I Passed, 4pproved, and,4d'opted this 20th day of December, 2011 Dave Earling, Mayor Michael Plunkett, Council mernber Adrienne Fraley- Monillas, Councilmember Attest: City Clerk