Resolution 1110No. 1110 A W§sofution of the Edmonds City Coundl Commendring �9�f000ifiol11S0!Z for%erSert ce as a:Stu�lent' ireserita ve:offhe. Edthonc&,City Councif { Vfiereas, •rr9Koiry: 2%tomson; a stude t 'at l.morids- Woodw,��..a� ''' 3 gh: clioot; :w selected to serve as a StuderitT�epresentatiii t ie f nds4lCity.Couricil,;, 1�Fc teas, JKoffy . omson, :served : as :a: 'student ,:member' -of :tli& City,:.Council from September 6 through�Oc'tober-25•;20.0, ;,arid- Vh�reas; during Tier :tenure :'aS ' Siodait pi6seritative, JKoffj► ' �oinsoit : :deiiiciristi4fed enthusiasm and attentiveness iigh�:woik-of the body;_,_ _ u_6_c._�. k y in ar,ety�of:schootactj City Couff61 and`Uhe `M ier future endeavors and te.-her fine tale] t o-the Edm4ds and elsewhere. process of government