Resolution 1113X-0-1-113 .-ound C. I' w 0 ncifimember A 4Zf solution of The- EAioW6'- 6--fty tanking C u -U Jeff Wdsdn 'ounc ,_. tz 'a�evL.6n,th -C'tY t6&hA'ftoh-J3nur 2002 §y' ..to. Ded6mber, on Die - i m qr. position ihili- g.- er on'.reprpse�nl6d'the Cityiintdrbi�lw sdritin' on' number of Cqm es, i*D m-ittees-s�th--as�Communfty/D.eveopmerit ervic `pfAk&no'nq i5r��!&'T ii Oversigf§. !,00.,tv, 0 Z 4:) J� a Q s, seash -.,ransoortation Forum, ighway 9 noh6rA*dfi-?*,�,-6' iTomorrow dmondsl.�- F -W�Mrq _q -d jerdt"'!H -A 4A4^ RL-ong-kahige db�edi 1% Q0 - a N -D gjaSK•V.Oj��gaif A fm a r - 1, , , woa��%Iy"' -7n a�eaecoaaQhile-len ingmls remendous-knowidd of, and, tv�, I I I Ill p �11 Wa-Z; 56740, , k'Zo, X--04 _tlfaeyaacoaIIUBaA ROD n C gw WMf. 0 We X 'I - -, I'M "Se *041100e.6 a, ONIN, ' ' , C�- '45 !!e' ago NN T j 0 • s -ID V-600f. always s n no Or 0 v W&n wa f 10 nsciifitious U "•ARYIVE". M. v o a W- He deliberating Council agenda items caskin 3�a n, na Councilmembers before make [in' ..end' i-- long, hard)hour§in the priviff-sedt' or- 4-- OR— -thgf�7e$VM; b en ib�zi-ReGgnized for. his Now, Me �tpWdr%W(,� m 'service to kt-bal�-not-[@A-st -hks to Ie he City 4-huge-tha Co'-uncilm66ber.-AffWils'on 'and be o ck to him, in,future-endedvors. Passed, and4Vo hi$ p 0 and L. Marn, S P GanfHaak (:rn ayor --Z Peg Mictrael ��I m6er' -Elunket;t 64 e e Isori h kherhb& Daws on; vson,'Pounci!mernb4r. Mauri Mobre,'d&dricilme'm6dr .40.. e edun D-n - a FD I Dave Orvis, Coundirne r I T Y OF E .0"S