Resolution 971�_Reoolntion �No: 971 c" �qesolntiun of #lie TbManbo (EitV (Eouncil ti 4ankin$ 'a4o as A- .Iller for ATS 1.erkrice to toe. Citt, (founril no Council 11resi� exit fleretts, 'T4ximas X Ailler was elected by the City Council as City Council President on August 3, 1999, to serve until December 31, 1999, and Lleretts, fliourtril Presiberct cIffillex was elected and willingly agreed to serve when then Council President Gary Haakenson graciously stepped down; and - (Teretts, the Cagar ttnb All fllounrilmenthers recognize and admire not only his sterling leadership as Council President but his fairness as well; and Ileretts, Touncil presiberit Hiller executed his duties as Council President with integrity and style while displaying an unparalleled kindness to City staff and citizens alike; and heretts, Ar- Ailler while maintaining a hectic work schedule, labored tirelessly to bring the budget for the year 2000 to fruition while at the same time facing unmatched budget cuts caused by the passage of Initiative 695, Eleretts, He has accomplished all of this while maintaining a united and positive relationship with his fellow Councilmembers, and citizens of Edmonds; and �40fu, `Bl4erefare, Pe alt �Resulfreb, that Tll.awas A_ Miller be commended and thanked for his efforts as Council .President while looking forward to his continued participation as a CounciImember. vaoseb, ,APprafieb, aub c�Abapteb this 14t4 Pug of �Berentber, 1999_ Barbara Fahey, Mayor Michael Plunkett, Councilmember Gan• Haakcnson.. Councilmcmber Dave Earling, Councilmember Dick Van Hollebeke, Councilmember Jim White, Councilmember John Nordquist, Council mcmber Attest: City Clerk 0 CITY OF E O M O N D S 0