Resolution 833RESOLUTION NO: 833 A RESOLUTION OF THE EDMONDS CV COUNCIL COMMENDIN(i EMILY STN FOR HER SERVICE AS A STUDW MEMBER OF THE EDMONDS MY COUNCIL WHER EAS, EMILY SHE V, a student at Meadowdefle High School, 'a's selected to serve as a student member of the Edm6nds City Cdimcil;, and WHEREAS, EMILY SHEN, served as a student member of the Ciiy Council from June, 1995, to December, 1995; and WHEREAS, during her tenure as student Coun.01nimbe'r, EMILY SHEEN I demonstrated exemplary dedication. and diligence- in the work of this body' and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT �OLVED, that EMILY SHEN be commended for her participation in city g6,v6r bfit in Edm6nds'duri#g her teith. In oitce, Bk.!TF-J4TH"7 LY D that the City Co uncil and the May& hereby extend their ,best wishes to EMILY in her future endeavors aifd express" the,hb& that she will continue to contribute her firib talents to the &ftftratic proice'ss of government in the City of Edmonds and 'elsewhere.. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS 16TH Y OF jr U��Ry, 199.6 e Tom Petruzzi, Councilmemb.pr Jim White, Councilmember 'Attest: City Clerk 0 CITY OF EOMONOS •