Resolution 845RESOLUTION NO: 645 A SOLUTION OF.THEEDMORDS MY COUNCIL FOR HIS S 0*8tUDE'NT MEMBER OFTHE E . DO"" CITY COUNCIL N 'HOLAS ZITZMANN, a student at EdmondsfWbodwaylK gh School, IC was selected to serve as a student Mpmbe di ouncil; pr of the Edmonds and WHgktAS, NICHOLAS ZITZMANN served as a student member of the City Co il y 6` � from Janu ary, 1996, to June, 1996; and 'Wf jEREAS, during his tenure as Stu". 0 . ent Copncilmember, NICHOLAS ITZMA$14 demonstrated 9�qknplary: dication and diligepce in the work of this body; and NOW TIgI'gir -J-Ty� a di.As, W M. j� Q 'he, cogvmeo In city govo m- �q t in E bbn .As, pp -Xg terse to A- th, "cil and the May.4, hbir'&y- io;;tg. best :49OLVED that the City Cain 9T dishes to NICHOLAS in h endeavors ih d t e j4b` he ;rill continue to contribuie.1i.-hi 6-- .1 emio atic 'process of s fine talents t the d ct `goy, rnment in the City of 13dmonds and elp efe. PASSED, APPROVED."Algb ADO)PTEO..'rRIS 28TH DAY Of MAY, 1996. Barb Fahey, Mayor Dave garli4g, .Council President Tom Petruzzi, Councill3i er Roger Myirs, Councillnember John Nordquist, Co-, 4n cilmeiiiter Attest: City Clerk Gary Hadkenson, Cqpncilmember t* * Jim White, Councilmember Dick Van HQllebeke, C 6uncilmember 0 CITY OF EDMONIDS •