Resolution 739RESOLUTION NO. 739, ,r A RESOLUTION OF THE E DMONDS CITY COUNCIL C' BOB _WER v. 4" COMMENDI 'G, ' -DO WHEREAS , BobBdwer was appointed Wastewater Tfeatmefii PlaniSupervisor on,: May 18, 1987; and WHEItEAS,r`the,City of Edmonds was in the o ess of si&g anew secondary rthe,� �j ro construction ti _tfie*1 �4e�tsingle co wastewater treatment pldnft'. by, the. City's history; and A REAS t -Bob Bower play6d;a� sigi3iticanipart 'iii,teAewirig.thd design to ensure" re a ftr .%'6pe operational and effciencyconsidditi6if 'retaken,ifif6-a _ &6iintafid* :sugges ting a: number of imprqy REAS, :Bob B owe r helped develop an manu al and set up the otrairung. program for new staff and hired new staff; and WHEREAS Bob Bower spent countless hours during the construction period and the new plant startup helping ensure'that'ifie City was'receiving a good product; and 4 4 ent of. neighborhood i undin 'th�� 'WHEREAS -:Bob tower as a resid the nEdmondssurro Ieljj�d the city ighb 'd Lynnwood wastewater treatment pNrit' �y and his'n'e) is. e the problems o f that plant; s" w -FURTHER RESOLVED that Bob I Treatment Plant Superv86r BE1T. lo�iei, a�tewater Treatm thanked o'n­ belf9f of the citizens of Edmonds f6 "W* P-4, is hereb licly commended and th " �:' nd important co construction of the s c lddi&t'e ervi '6'a ntributio'ns to"the design and construction of th 'N In ORU*5 Y" i 66QWisiewater Treatment Plant., n APPROVED, AND -XPORO 'y. A ED, ADOPTED d4y of Februa 1992 PASS this 18tb Si wlK 'Council President SteVePwyer, Cou4cq*mber Mfke H 'I Q John ordqui l.bowerres 'Earlin ROMIR91 IN 00.1—W901 Councilmember City Cler • CITY OF EOMONOS • W