Snohomish Regional Drug & Gang Task ForceReturn Address: Snohomish County Sheriff Attn: Fiscal Office 2i13pe 3000 Rockefeller Ave. MIS 606 5N0 Everett, WA 98201-4046� Please print or type information Document Title(s) or transactions contained therein: 1. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING SNOHOMNISH REGIONAL DRUG & GANG TASK FORCE Grantot(s) Last name first, then first name and initials: 1. CITY OF ARLINGTON 2. ADDITIONAL NAMES ON PAGE 2 3. Additional names on page of document. Grantee(s) Last name first, then first name and initials: 1. SNOHOMISH COUNTY 1_1 Additional names on page of document. Legal description (abbreviated: i.e. lot, block, plat or section, township, range, qtr.lqtr: N/A 111 Additional legal is on paq Reference Number(s) of Do N/A of document cuments assigned or released: 1_1 Additional numbers on page of document. Assessor's Property Tax Parcel/Account Number N/A I_I Property Tax Parcel ID is not yet assigned 1_1 Additional parcel numbers on page of document. The Auditor/Recorder will rely on the information provided on the form. The staff will not read the document to verify the accuracy of completeness of the indexing information. � C,�8' 01/1l)Di3 — 6/4,4`/ `l CON'- -13-5 2 INTE .LOCAL AGREEMENT ESTA,,UMIING SNOROMISH REGIONAL DRUG & GANG TASK FORCE nis Inteilocal. Agreement is among Snohomish County, a political subdivision of the State of Wasliington, and the following jurisdictions (I ereinafter collectively preferred to as the "Participatirig Jurisdictions"): City of Arlington City ofMomve City of Bothell City of Mountlake Terrace City of Brier City of Mukilteo City of Darri ngton City of Snohomish .city of Edmonds City of Stwwood City of Everett City of Sultan DSHS, Child Protective Services City of t3old Bar City of Granite Falls Washington State Patrol Snohomish Health District City of Index City of Lake Stevens Sauk SniattleTn'be City of Lake Forest Park Stinaguamish Tnbe City of Lynnwood Swinomish Tribe City of Marysville Tnlalip Tribe City of Mill Creek lntadoeat Agre mmt FslabUshing Snohomish Regional Drug. & Cog Task Force —Page 1 WITNESSES THAT: WHEREAS, the State of Washington Department of Commerce (hereinafter "COMMERCE"), has received funds from the U.S. Department of Justice under authority of the Anti -Drug Abuse Act of 1998 to provide grants to local units of government for drug law enforcement; and . WHEREAS, eligible applicants include cities, counties and Indian tribes; and WHEREAS, RCW 39.34 permits one or more public agencies to contract with any one or more other public agencies to perform any governmental service, activity,. or, undertaking that each public agency is authorized by law to perform; and WHEREAS, Snohomish County and COMMERCE have entered into a Narcotics Control Grant Contract (hereinafter "Grant Contract") whereby Snohomish County shalt use specified grant funds solely for a regional task force project consistent with the task force grant application submitted to COIv%MCE on or before July 1, 2013, upon which the Grant Contract is based (by this reference both the Grant Contrad and the grant application are incorporated in this agreement as though set forth fully herein); and WHEREAS, the Participating Jurisdictions recognize the above -mentioned Grant Contract between COMMERCE and Snohomish County, and WHEREAS, the Participating Jurisdictions desire to participate as members of the multi jurisdictional task force with Snohomish County administering task force project grants on their behalf; and VY REAS, the Participating Jurisdictions desire to' enter into an agreement with Snohomish County to enable Snohomish County to continue to be the receiver of any grant funds related to the task force project; and WHEREAS, each of the Participating Jurisdictions represented herein is authorized to perform each service contemplated for it herein; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of covenants, conditions, performances and promises hereinafter contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: Inieiiocal Agro mcnt Establishing Snohomish Regional Drug & cang Task Force —Pago 2 1.0 TASK FORCE CONTINUATION, TERM, AND PURPOSE 1.1 The countywide multi-jurisdicdonal task force, composed of law enforcement, prosecutor, and support personoml, known as the Snohomish Regional Drag & Cmng Task Force (hereinafter "Task Force") was created pursuant to the interlocal Agreement Among Pardcipating Jurisdictions dated -January 18, 1988, The Task Force has operated on a continuous basis since that time under a series of irderlocai agreements, the most recent effective fionm July 1, 2012, through June 30, 2013. This agreement shall serve to continue the operatton of the Task Force. 1.2 The effective date of this agreement shall be from July 1, 2013, through Tune 30, 2014, unless earlier terminated or modified as provided in this agreement. 1.3 The purpose of the Task Force shall be to formally structure and jointly coordinate selected law enforcement activities, resources, and functions in order to disrupt illegal drag trafficddng systems and to remove traffickeas through a cooperative program of investigation, prosemeon, and asset • forfeiture. 1.4 The Task Force agrees to perform the statement of work indicated in the Task Force Abstract set forth in the application for fending between CDMMERCE and Snohomish County. Therefore each participating Jurisdiction adopts the following Task Force goals. Reduce the number of drug traffickers and gang members in the communities of Snohomish County through the professional investigation, apprehension and conviction. Efficiently attack, disrupt and prosecute individual and organized mid to upper level drug traffickers and street gang members who do not recognize Jurisdictional boundaries or limitations, and by doing so, impact drug trafficking organizations previously inmpregnable. Inieriocal Ag—ent Establishing Snohomish Regional Thug & Givag Task Force —Page 3 • Enhance drug enforcement cooperation and coordination tluOugh multi -agency investigations, training of local jurisdictions and the sharing of resources and infOrMation. To address these issues with the foremost consideration of safety for both law enforcement and the community. 1.5 The Task Force shall continue to follow a management system for the shared coordination and direction of personnel as well as financial, equipment and technical resources as stated in this agreement. 1.6 The Task Force shall continue to implement operations, including: a. Development of intelligence b. Target identification c. Investigation d. Arrest of Suspects e. Successful prosecution of offenders, and i Asset forfeitureldisposition 1.7 The Task Force shall evaluate and report on Task Force performance to COMMERCE as required in the Grant Contract. 2.0 ORGANI7.ATION 2.1 Exhibit "D incorporated herein by this reference, sets forth the organization of the Task Force. 22 The Task Force Executive Board shall be comprised of the Snohomish County prosecuting Attorney, the Snohomish County Sheriff, the Everett Police Chief, the Everett City Attorney, and one (1) chief of police from the remaining Participating rurisdictions chosen by the chiefs of police of the remaining Participating Jurisdictions. The Snohomish County Sheriff shall serve as Chair of the Executive Board. The Task Force Executive Board may adopt bylaws providing for appointment of alternates to attend Executive Board meetings in the absence of members. At such meetings the alienate shall have the same Interlocal Ageeemeat Establishing Snohomish Regional Drug & Gang Task Fo_e — Page 4 rights as the appointing member. Any action taken by the Task Force Executive Board under this agreement shall be based on a majority vote. 2.3 All law enforcement personnel assigned to the Task Force shall be directed in choir Task Force dirties by the Snohomish County Sheriffs Office (SCSO) through the Task Force Commander, The Task Force Commander will be an employee of Snohomish County for all purposes and, if not a regular SCSO deputy, will hold a special commission for that purpose. 2.4 Exhibit "A", incorporated herein by this reference, sets forth the personnel currently assigaed to the Task Force by each Participating Jurisdiction. Nothing in this agreement shall restrict the ability of the Snohomish County prosecuting Attorney, Snohomish County Sberiff, Everett Police Chief, or chief law enforcement officer of any Participating Jurisdiction to reassign personnel now or later assigned to the Task Force. 3.0 FINANCING 3.1 Exhibit "B" sets forth fe estimated Task Force Grant Contract budget and is incorporated herein by reference. Participating Jurisdictions in the aggregate agree to provide funds that will allow for at least a one-third match of the funds awarded under the Grant Contract. 3.2 Exhibit "C" sets forth the Local Match breakdown for the period from July 1, 2013, to June 30, 2014,' and is incorporated herein by reference. Although State and/or Federal Grant fiords may vary from the amount initially requested, each Participating jurisdiction agrees to provide funding that is no less thaw the amount indicated in Exhibit "C", and to pay its fimding share to Snohomish County as administrator of Task Force funds promptly upDn request. 3.3 As required by the Grant Contract, each Participating Jurisdiction agrees the funding it contributes shall be provided m addition to that currently appropriated to narcotics enforcement activities and that no Task Force activity will supplant or replace any existing nareotic enforcement activities. Interlow Agre =mt Dmablishigg snommish RegiorA Drag & Gang T&*Force —Page 5 3.4 Except as modified by section 5.3 below, all revenues collected or generated by or. for the Task Force shall be forwarded to the Snohomish County Treasurer and placed in a designated special account for the purpose of su pporting Task Force operations, and all real or personal Property of the Task Force will be held in Snohomish County,s name for the benefit of the Task Force. of the Task Force, all fiords remaining in said special 3.5 Upon ternuinafion account shall be disbursed pro rata to the then -current Participating Jurisdictions in proportion to the percentage of their most recent financial participation as indicated in Exhibit "C". 4.0 GENERAL ADMINISTRATION 4.1 Snohomish County agrees to provide COMMERCE with the necessary documentation to receive grant funds. 4.2 By executing this agreement, each Participating Jurisdiction agrees to make any .certified assurances required by the Grant Contrail that are wlthtn Its particular control, and agrees to make all its. records related to the Task Force available for inspection consistent with the Grant Contract 4.3 All Task Force contracts and agreements executed on behalf of Participating Jurisdictions under this agent must first be approved on motion of the Task Force Pxeuative Board. By executing this agreement, each Participating Jurisdiction agrees that, for the purpose of administering the assets and reurces available to the Task Force, Snohomish County is hereby granted the authority to execute on behalf of the Participating Jurisdictions all agreements and contrails signed as approved by the Task Force Executive Board, by and through its Chair, including but not limited to all contracts for professional services. Agreements and contracts executed in this manner shall have the same legal effect as if they were executed by each Participating Jurisdiction. No such agreement or contract may impose or waive liability with respect to a Interlocal Agreement Establishing Snohomish Regional Ding & Gang Task Force —Page 6 Participating Jurisdiction in a manner that is inconsistent with the bold harmless provision in section 10.0 of this agreement. 4.4 Any dispute arising under this agreement will be forwarded to the Task Force Executive Board for arbitration- The determination made by the Executive Board shall be final and conclusive as between the parties. This provision shall not apply to issues of indemnity and liability governed by the hold harmless provision in section 10.0 of this agreement 5.0 ASSET FORFEITURE 5.1 The Participating Jurisdictions shall refer all poteutial asset forfeitures initiated or investigated by officers assigned to the Task Force during the pendency of this agreement to the Task Force for disposition at the discretion of the Task Force Executive Board or prosecuting authority (Prosecuting Attomey ar United States Attorney). Any such referred asset fmfeitre that is pursued in state court will be prosecuted in the name of Snohomish County on behalf of the Task Force and its Participating Jurisdictions. 5.2 The Task Force Commander, under the direction of the Task Force Executive Board, shalt manage the acquisition and disposition of assets seized or forfeited as a result of this agreement in compliance with law and Task Force procedures. 5.3 A portion of the net monetary proceeds of each asset forfeiture made by the Task Force shall be distributed to the involved investigating agencies commensurate with their paiticipation as determined by prior agreement between the Task Force Commander and Said agencies, or in the absence of ce Executive Board, prior to dedication of the such agreement, by the Task For remaining proceeds to the Task Force as specified in section 3 A. As long as the personnel assignments stated in Exhibit °`A remain unchaeged, distributions to Snohomish County and the City of Everett under this Interlocal Agreement Establishing Snohomish Rcgional Drug a omg Task Force — Page 7 subparagraph shall be 40 percent each of the net monetary proceeds remaining after distributions under this subparagraph to Participating Jurisdictions other than Snohomish County and the City of Everett. If assignments change from . those stated in Exhibit "A", the .Task Force Executive Board may modify the relative percentage allocations to Snohomish County end the City of Everett on a case -by -case or permanent basis. For purposes of this subparagraph, the term "net monetary Proceeds" means cash proewds.realized from property forfeited during the term of this agreement that is not retained for use by the Task Force after deducting all costs and expenses incurred in its acquisition, including but not limited to the cost of satisfying any bona fide security interest to which the property may be subject at the time of seizure, the cost of sale in the case of sold property Cmolndthg reasonable fees or commissions Paid to independent selling agencies), amounts paid to satisfy a landlord's claim for damages, and the amount of proceeds (typically ten pit) payable to the State of Washington under RCW 69.50.505(9) or similar law- The The Task Force may retain funds in an amount IT to $250,000.00 from the net proceeds of vehicle seizures for the purchase of Task Force vehicles and related fleet costa. 5.5 Any Participating jurisdiction receiving a distribution of assets forfeited under RCW 69.50.505 shall. use such assets in accordance'with RCW 69.50.505(10), which. limits use to the expansion and improvement of controlled substances related law enforcement activity and prohtbits use to supplant preexisting funding sources• of the Task Force, the Task Force Executive Board shall, 5.6 Upon termination dispose of the Task Force's interest in assets seized or forfeited as a result of this agreement in. accordance with applicable federal, state and county requirements, and shall distribute proceeds in accordance with sections 5.3 and 3.5. Jnterfoeal AgcemudEstahUshiug Sn0h0mishRe0onal Droll & Gang Ta&Forcc—Page 8 6.0 ACQD7sITION AND USE OF EQUIPMENT 6.1 - In the event that any Equipment is acquired with grant funds, the Participating Jurisdictions agree that the, Task Force will use that equipment only for specified law enforcement purposes for the term of the grant. 6.2 Upon termination of fie Task Force, any equipment provided by Participating Jurisdictions will be returned to those respective jurisdictions. 6.3 Upon termination of the Task Force, the Task Force Executive Board shall dispose of all acquired equipment in accordance with applicable federal, state and county requirements, and shall distribute proceeds in accordance with section 3.5. 7.0 MODIFICATION participating Jnrisdictions hereto reserve the right to amend this agreement in the future from time to time as may be mutually agreed upon. No such amendment shall be effective unless written and signed by all then -contributing jurisdictions with the same formality as this agreement. 8.0 NONDISCRpMATiON PROVISION There shall be no discrimination against any employee who is paid by the grant funds or against any applicant for such employment because of race, color, religion, handicap, marital Status, political affiliation, sex, age, or national origin. This provision shall include, but not be limited to the following employment, upgrading, demotion, transfer, recruitment, advertising, lay-off or termination, rates of pay or other forms of compensation, and selection for training. 9.0 TEPJ, INATION OF AGREEMENT 9.1 Notwithstanding any provisions of this agteemcnt� EMY Party may withdraw from the agreement as it pertains to them by providing written notice of such withdrawal to all other parties, specifying the effective date thereof at least InteriwW AWBMCnt Embgshing Snohomish Regional Drug & Gang TaskForee —Page 9 )h thirty (30) days prior to such date. A withdrawing party may take with it any equipment it has loaned or donated to the Task Force, and shall be entitled to distributions under section 5.3 of this agreement with respect to asset forfeitures initiated before the effective date of withdrawal. 9.2 if there is a reduction in funds by the source of those funds, and if such funds are the basis of this agreement, Snohomish County may unilaterally terminate all or part of the agreement, or may reduce its scope of work and budget. 10.0 HOLD HARMLESS 10.1 Each party hereto agrees to save, indemnify, defend and hold the other parties harmless from any allegations, complaints, or claims of wrongful and/or negligent acts or omissions, by said party and/or its officers, agents, or employees to the fiiIlest extent allowed by law. In the case of allegations, complaints, or claims against more than one,psrty, any damages allowed shall be levied in proportion to the percentage of fault attributable to each party, and each party shall have the right to seek contribution from each of the other parties in proportion to the pero Cage of fault attributable to each of the other parties.. Moreover, the parties agree to cooperate and jointly defend any such matter to the extent allowed by law. An agency that has withdrawn assumes no responsibility for the actions of the remaining members arising after the date of ar claims of loss or liability arising prior to the withdrawal, but shall remain liable f effective date of withdrawal. 10.2 - The TUIali:p Tribes waives sovereign immunity to suit by any party to interpret or enforce the terms of this Agreemert- The parties agree that in enforcing obligations under this Agreement, a party seeking payment from the Tulalip Tribes shall look first to the proceeds of any insurance procured by the Tribes for this purpose. Should any ratio exceed the limit of the Drink ' Tribe's insurance policy arising from the entry of a final decree in any court, or by settlement of a civil action mutually agreed to by the County and the Tulalip Tribe, the Tulalip Tribe hereby lnterlarat Agreemcatt Fsrahtivttiu$ Snob=iisb Regional Drug & Gang Task F-- Pago 10 waives any claim of immunity or exemption for any assets it holds that are not subject to a restriction against alienation up to the amount necessary to discharge the . indemnity obligation and the costs of collection. 10.3 The Sauk Suiattle Tribe waives sovereign immunity to suit by any party to interpret or enforce the terms of this Agreement. The parties agree that in enforcing obligations under this Agreement, a party seeking payment from the Sauk Suiattle Tribe shall look first to the proceeds of any insinance procured by the Sauk Suiattle 'Tribe for this purpose. Should any claim for indemnification exceed the limit of the Sauk Suiattle Tube's insurance policy arising from the entry of a final decree in any court,.or by settlement of a civil action mutually agreed to by the County and the Sauk Suiattle Tube, the Sauk Suiattle Tribe hereby waives any claim of immunityn on up on for any assets it holds that are not subject to a restriction against alienation tip to the amount necessary to discharge the indemnity obligation and the costs of collection 10.4 The St Uaguanaish Tnbe waives sovereign immunity to suit by any party to interpret or enforce the terms of this Agreement. The Parties agree that in enforcing obligations under this Agreement, a party seeking Payment from the Magusmish Tribe shall look fast to the proceeds of any insurance Procured by the Stillaguamic Tribe for this purpose. Should any claim for indemnification exceed the limit of the Stiilaguamish Tn-be•s insurance policy arising from the entry of a final decree in any court, or by settlement of a civil action rnutualiy agreed to by the County Bad the Stillaguamish Tribe, the Stillaguamish Tnbc hereby waives any claim of immunity or exemption for any asseta it holds that are not subject to a restriction against -alienation up to the amount necessary to discharge the indemnity obligation and the costs of collection. 10.5 The Swinomish Tribe waives sovereign immunity to suit by any party to interpret or enforce the terms of this Agreement. The parties agree that in enforcing obligations under this Agreement, a Party seeking Payment from the Swinomish Tribe shall look 7nterlocal Agsement Fstablishvag Snohomish Regional Dmg & Gang Task Force — Page 11 first to the proceeds of any insurance procured by the Swinomish Tribe for this purpose. Should any claim for indemnification exceed the limit of the Swiriomish Tribe's insurance policy arising from the entry of a final decree in any court, or by settlement of a civil action mutually agreed to by the County and the Swiriomish Tribe, the Swinomish Tribe hereby waives any claim of immunity or exemption for any assets it holds that are not subject to a restriction against alienation up to the amount necessary to discharge the indemnity obligation and the costs of collection. 11.0 GOVERNING LAW AND VEND - This agreement shall be governed -by, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington without reference to choice of law principles, and venue of any suit between the parties arising out of this agreement shall be in the Superior Court of Snohomish County, Washington. 12.0 IN'�TION With the exceptionof necessary operational agreements between law enforcement agencies of the Participating Jurisdictions and agreements pu s► mt to section 5.3 hereof, this agreement constitutes the whole and entire agreement among those parties as to the Task Force and no other understandings, oral, or otherwise, regarding the Task Force shall be deemed to exist or bind the parties. 13.0 E)MCOTION OF m[tiLTIPLE ORIGINAL COUNTERPARTS This agreement may be reproduced in any number of original counterparts. Each party need sign only one counterpart and when the signature pages are all assembled with one original counterpart, that compilation constitutes a fully executed and effective agreement among all the Participating Jurisdictions. in the event that fewer than all named parties execute this agreement, the agreement, once filed as specified in section 15.0, shall be effective as between the parties that have executed the agreement to the some extent as if no other parties had been named. InWlocal Agreement Estzbhshmg Snohomish Regional Drug &. GM TaskForce —Page 12 14.0 SEVERABILITI' n the remainder of the If any part of this agreement is unenforceable for any reason agreement shall remain in full force and effecL 15.0 RECORDING This interlocal agreement will be Mel with the Snohomish County auditor in compliance with RCW 39.34.040. In witness whereof; the parties have executed this agreement. SNOHOMOH COUNTY, approved at the direction of the County CounciL ppTER B. CAMP 4-t— Execufive Wootive Diiector DATE:,�p ATi 5�T` P,OV RECO ED: ALLovick, Sheriff � /-3 DATE: S Z A oved as to form only: ty U • g�111 1at,to,el Agroement F.sratl`%bM9 Snohomish Regional Thug & Gang Task Fonts —Page 13 COUNCIL USE ONLY Approved: nocmw OBIT A $A9bOmrS Re 'oval Dtn &Gan Task Force Personnel Assigned by Jurisdiction July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 Fs1NDINGEverett EvERETT POLICE DEPARTMENT PD 1 Lieutenant Everett PD 1 Sergeant Everett PD 1 Detective Everett PD I Detective EverettPD 1 Detective EverettPD 1 Detective Everett PD 1 Detective Everett PD 1 Detective Everett PD 1 Support Personnel ARLINff QN POL CE DE AR FUNDING Arlington 1 Detective manvcvrr r EPOLICE DEPARTMENT Y �� Marysville PD 1 Detective FEND IG BOTr L POLICE DEPART. Bothell PD 1 Detective SNOHQMISH COUNTY SHER "S DBE Justics G e Assistaarz Grant , i Task Force Commander Snohomish County Sheriff 1 -Lieutenant Justice. Assistance Grant 1 Sergeant Snobomish County Sheriff 1 Sergeant Snohomish County Sheriff 1 Detective Snohomish County Sheriff I Detective Snohomish County Sheriff 1 Detective Snohomish County Sheriff 1 Detective Snohomish County Sheriff 1 Detective Snohomish County Sheriff I Detective Suobomisb County Sheriff 1 K9 Detective Snohomish County Sheriff I Reserve Deputy Snohomish County Sheriff 1 Support Staff SNOI1OIv1ISH HEALTU DISTRICT Fi MING Snohomish Health District 1 Local Health Officer VACANT VACANT VACANT VACANT VACANT SN H VIISII COUNTY PROSECUTOR' FFI Justice Assistance Grant 1 Deputy Prosecutor Snohomish county ProseautorlSheri� I Deputy Prosecutor Snohomish County Pr49eeut0rlShcriff 1 Support Staff Snohamisb County Prosecutor 1 Deputy Prosecutor - Ptr ENDING STATE OF WA9MIGI—Q& Washington State Patrol 1 Detective DSHS, Child Protective Services 1 Case worker W A STATE GAtvJ1NG COZv1TIISSION _G �Washington State 1 Agent WAS G ON NATION GUAR39 Washington National Guard 1 Intelligence Analyst co sa � VACANT Rana .�cotro� l Agent -PIT AFJDIT ATF VACANT l Agent - P/T DRUG ENFORCEMENT GEN Drug enforcement Agency VACANT 1 Agent W(I- a nQN AND CUSTOM ENFRCEMINT III . -� MO DING Immigration And Cu tOms Enforc 'rLent VACANT 1 Agent NAV AL CRIMINAL E`Tl ELLIGENCE SERA SaWRIG NCIS VACANT 1 Agent INT RNAL REVENC SERVE ELRMINQ Internal Revenue Service 1 Agent EXMIT B Snohomish R 'onal Aru &Gan 1 as1� Force ByrnelJAG Giant Estimated Operating Budget for July 1, 2013 through Jime 30, 2014 FEDERAL FUNDS LOCAL 2 ATCH TOTAL 137,569 149,033 286,602 Salaries 42,431 47,959 90,390 Benefits Contracted Services 0 0 0 Oroods and Services 0 0 0 Travel 0 0 0 0 0 0 Training 0 0 0 Equipment Confidential Funds 0 0 0 TOTALS $180,000 $196,992 ' $376,992 s $184,081 from Local Matching Funds; $12,911 from Forfeited Assets Fund interloaat Agreement Establishing snobomisb Regional Drug & GangTask Force F,XMIT C Snohomnal Urus Gan Task Force 1;oca1 Match Breakdowns for July 1, 2013 through June 30, 2014 NItISAICT]i()N pIDP LATIUN P1ACLNTAGE, __ AlMOUNT Arlington Bothell Brier Darrington Edmonds Everett Gold Bar Granite Falls Index Lake Stevens Lake Forest Park Lynnwood Marysville Mill Creels Monroe Mountlake Terrace Mukilteo Snohomish Snohomish County Stanwood Sultan DSHS, CPS Snohomish Health District Washington State Patrol Sauk Suiattle Tribe Stillaguamish Tribe Swinomish Tribe Tulalip Tribe 17,930 2.50% 16,570 2.31% 6,100 0.85% 1,345 0.19% 39,800 5,55% 103,100 14.38% 2,060 0.29% 3,370 0.47% 180 0.03% 28,210 3.93% 35,860 5,000/0 60,660 9.46% 18,370 2.560/6 17,330 2.42%) 19,990 2.79% 20,310 2.83% 9,200 128% 304,435 42.46% 6,220 0.87% 4,655 0.65% PARTICIPATING JLWSDICTIONS' TOTALS: Interlocal Ageranent Esiablisbing Snohomish Aegional Drug & Gmg Task Force $ 4,612.00 $ 4,262.00 $ 1,569.00. $ . 346.00 $ 103237.00 $ 26,518.00 $ 530.00 $ 867.00 $ 46.00 $ 7,256.00 $ 9,723.00 $ 15,602.00 $ 4,725.00 $ 4,457.00 $ 5,142.00 $ 5,224.00 $ 2,366.00 $ 78,302.00 $ 1,600.00 $ 1,197.00 $ 194,081 EXHIBIT D T. SRDGTF Executive Board Chief of Everett (Asst Chair), Chief of Lynnwood, Snohomish County Sheriff (Chair), Snohomish County Prosecutor, City of Everett Attorney, SRDGTF Commander Sno Coun Gang Community tit '� Community Mobflizatlan / Commander Sno Druggction ream 1{ong Lioson oficer (GLO)i Response Team (G CRr) 500., Everett PD & I Lynnwood PD 1 Criminal Deputy Admin Lt. i operations Lt. prosecutor Operation operations SAUSA Admin Sgt USAttomey 6 Local LE Det. 4 Local LE Det 1 Det Tech f 12 Financial Det i-}.IDS j DEC T tN�CS enI - National Guard Reserve Det 1 WSP Det, IRS Agent Analyst P/T SC50 rtrme Gambling Det wA State Volunteer P/T Sao _ pn Gambling Det- Pfr !Health Dept 3 Dffice ` Assistants I ATTEST: APPROVED AT THE DIRECTION OF THE PARTICIPATING JURISDICTION: Title m y ATTEST: Jurisdi ion Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Dated J C 1 Jurisdiction of i Dated ✓ '(ll l) Dated VJ �� ATTEST: APPROVED AT THE DIRECTION OF THE PARTICIPATING JURISDICTION: Dated 4-1�(a /f Jurisdiction of ATTEST: �jur�isdicti�onCle�rk3�,-4,,V&5 cl.& Dated {o APPROVED AS TO FORM: 1u4W4e4m Att ney Dated----..-.- ATTEST: APPROVED AT THE DIRECTION OF THE PARTICIPATING JURISDICTION: Title MAYOR ATTEST: Jurisdiction erk APPROVED AS TO FORM: risdiction Att ney Dated MAY 282013 Jurisdiction of CITY OF BRIER Dated May 28, 2013 Dated, zL2- q&olg ATTEST: APPROVED AT THE DIRECTION OF THE PARTICIPATING JURISDICTION: 5 Title MAYOR ATTEST: ri on Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Dated M Jurisdiction of Dated Jurisdiction Attorney Dated 8, 2013 DARRINGTON May 8, 2013 ATTEST: APPROVED AT THE DIRECTION OF THE PARTICIPATING JURISDICTION: , C, 1, k Dated Jam" 4- 13 Title Jurisdiction of ATTEST: Jurisdiction Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: (Lgiddiction Attorney Dated Z - y- / 3 Dated -7 ' 4 — { 3 ATTEST: APPROVED AT THE DIRECTION OF THE PARTICIPATING JURISDICTION: Dated & YA -140f:3 ;� Raalev� Title % Jurisdiction"of 4j ATTEST: 1 WI ld6 Jurisdiction Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: z. urisdiction Attorney Dated 11, —/.)-- gL� Ig Date ATTEST: APPROVED AT THE DIRECTION OF THE PARTICIPATING JURISDICTION: FW- ILQ xxo /*W/Sff I)-g4'((gzmL fW"c-'k < p�d� ATTEST: APPR D AS TO FORM: Jurisdiction Attorney Dated h/161/. � r Jurisdiction of LL?:z or- ew ,A/t Dated 13 Dater 2 L12 ATTEST: APPROVED AT THE DIRECTION OF THE PARTICIPATING JURISDICTION: Title_you i or ATTEST: Jurisdiction Clerk A AS Jurisdictt n Attorney Dated s/15/18 Jurisdiction of7l Dated S/ / S %% Dated S�— I5-- ATTEST: APPROVED AT THE DIRECTION OF THE PARTICIPATING JURISDICTION: (2-21 Title C> v- ATTEST: Jurisdiction Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Jurisdiction Attorney Dated 5 1� Jurisdiction of 7L Dated 7--7 ,/,3 Dated ATTEST: APPROVED AT THE DIRECTION OF THE PARTICIPATING JURISDICTION: Title ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Jurisdiction Attorney 15 Dated 1-14 t jurisdictionof Dated (� -- W - � Dated /S- /3 ATTEST: APPROVED AT THE DIRECTION OF THE PARTICIPATING JG'RISDICTION: Title 0 ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: T Jurisdictioi,Attorney Dated Jurisdiction of + . A0wv.1 Dated �4� Dated _ �. ATTEST: APPROVED AT THE DIRECTION OF THE PARTICIPATING JURISDICTION: FAV FMIMEJ wpm ATTEST: J'A'A' L r 'Purisdictiop, Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: z a -,,- � �, x urisdiction Attorney kw i� S 1/" tie 0,-� A k UN7 Dated C �D Jurisdiction of scx, Uc Dated 2 �` Dated ATTEST: APPROVED AT THE DIRECTION OF THE PARTICIPATING JURISDICTION: Title C t� f+^,r�•JP-�t �' ATTEST: 4Jr s Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Dated :0 r.lN�y Z4 13 Jurisdiction of M i LL— QAjiR L r— Dated 5— 2-1- f3 Jurisdiction Attorney �� Dated ATTEST: APPROVED AT THE DIRECTION OF THE PARTICIPATING JURISDICTION: ATTEST: Jurisdiction Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Dated J7/7 L1---,1 Jurisdiction of Citv of Monroe Dated .5-/7 / 13- 4,1 - 13 Jurisdiction Attorney Date. ATTEST: APPROVED AT THE DIRECTION OF THE PARTICIPATING JURISDICTION: ATTEST: aof�if9�l `l/ U� Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Jurisdictioni Attorney Dated J 3G rZOJ3 Jurisdiction off {� Dated --3O •- Dated - 6..'� ATTEST: APPROVED AT THE DIRECTION OF THE PARTICIPATING JURISDICTION: ATTEST: Jurisdiction Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Jurisdiction Attorney Dated r Jurisdiction of Dated /` / 3 Dated ATTEST: APPROVED AT THE DIRECTION OF THE PARTICIPATING JURISDICT ION: ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: L� Jurisdiction Attorney Dated Z (� ! 5 Jurisdiction of City of Stanwood Dated - 9 20 13 Dated ATTEST: APPROVED AT THE DIRECTION OF THE PARTICIPATING JURISDICTION: ATTEST: Juris ction C1 APPR VED AS T FORM: Jur1sdic n AteorrYey Dated S " S -13 Jurisdiction of Sultan Dated 5 •9 . 13 Dated ATTEST. - "PROVED AT THE DIRECTION OF THE PARTICIPATING JURISDICTION: 3 ATTEST: Jurisdiction Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Dated- 4-7- i , x Jurisdiction of. Dated .j. _ Jurisdic n Attorney Dated- � � / /3 ATTEST: APPROVED AT THE DIRECTION OF THE PARTICIPATING JURISDICTION: ATTEST: Jurisdiction Clerk Dated 4•11•1) Jurisdiction of -'�+og-6r11114 -0j j Dated AP M: J isdiction Attorney Dated 60