Resolution 5770 c 0 i^ In f RESOLUTION NO. 577 A RESOLUTION OF THE EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL COMMENDING KATHERINE ALLEN FOR HER SERVICES TO THE CITY WHEREAS, Katherine Allen was elected to the Edmonds City Council in NovembeA ob 1977 and Aeeleeted by the voters in November ob 1981; and WHEREAS, Counei&embeh Allen berved as Counccfinembea ob the City ob Edmonds bnom Januaty 10, 1978 until heA A"ignation on Novembe2 22, 1983; and WHEREAS, dun.ing hen tenure as Couneitmember, Katherine Allen diap.layed heA enehgetie devotion to the aima and neapona.i.b.iti ie.6 ob the Councit with a tenaeioua and humonoua bpi it; and WHEREAS, Councifinember Allen has.a&niaabty eerved the eiti.zena ob the City ob Edmonde through hen continued benvice in the State Leg.iatatune, as a paet member ob the Edmonds Sehoot Board, and through hen eontnibut•i.ons ab Pnea.ident ob the Edmonds City Council; NOW, THEREFORE, the Edmonds City Council hereby Aeaotvea that Councilmembed. AU-en be commended Jot hen ebbonta and contni.but•i.on.s to the pnogneab ob city government in Edmonde during &A term in obb,iee, and RESOLVES FURTHER that the City Council expneaaee it-6 gratitude to Katie bon att heA contnibuti.ona to the community and wishes her att auceeae in buture endeavors. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED th.i.a 20th day ob March, 1984. e, eat: cze4ft Date 31-401811 CouncZ&embeA Lftoyd OAthOm our em er Jack UM-on �;\ Nl 1 a ; -5