Resolution 578c c a RESOLUTION NO. 578 A RESOLUTION OF THE EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL COMMENDING RAMON J. GOULD FOR HIS SERVICES TO THE CITY WHEREAS, Ramon J. Goutd was elected to the Edmond6 City Councit on November 4, 1975, and waa reelected by the voteu A.n November ob 1979; and WHEREAS, Councitman Goutd aerved as Councitman o6 the City os Edmond6 from January, 1976 to December, 1983; and WHEREAS, during hia tenure as Councitman, Ramon J. Goutd made di,6tinct contr.ibutiona to the tegi6tative process through h.i,s unba,iCi.ng organizationat and anatyti,cat abititiea a6 weft as h.i.s con6iAs ent group teaderahip; and WHEREAS, Councilman Goutd has aeAved both the citizen6 and atabs ob the City ob Edmonds through hi.6 unique sense o f empathy toward6 the human spctit, h,ia past service on the Ptanning Commission and as Mayor Pro tem ob the Councit demonstrated a continued dedication to community conceA" . NOW,THEREFORE, the Edmond6 City Councit hereby resotves that Councitman Goutd be commended jot his e6jorts and contti.butions to the progre6s ob city govehnment in Edmonds during hi6 teem in o 6 6i.ce, and RESOLVES FURTHER that the City Council expresses .its gratitude to Ray jot att hi6 ejjorts within the community and wishe6 him att sueceaa in 6uture endeavors. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 20th day ob March, 1984. .C1/1em •bell JaoArme Jaech es y oouurci em er y s m Z,ounei mim' beA Jack WiZ6on :f E.