Resolution 579RESOLUTION NO. 579 A RESOLUTION OF THE EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL COMMENDING LARRY S. NAUGHTEN FOR HIS SERVICES TO THE CITY WHEREAS, Lanny S. Naughten mu etected to the Edmonds City Councit in November oj 1977 and teetected by the voteu in November o6 1981; and WHEREAS, Councilman Naughten .6eAved as CouncZtman o6 the City o6 Edmond6 JAom January 10, 1078 to Decembet 31, 1983; and WHEREAS, dating hiz tenure as Councilman, Lanny S. Naughten.6eAved with a 4vue oj 6aitneA4 and dedication on the po"cat body iteptesenting the city in which he was raised; and WHEREAS, Councilman Naughten ha6 provided both the citizens and 4ta66 contitibute to the growth oj the community a& iU-wtwted by oj the City oj Edmonds with a guidance and an incentive to h" 4eAvice on the Ptann•ng Commia4ion; and WHEREAS, Councitman Naughten 4ubmitted hi4 teAignation to the Council it on December 31, 1983 in o'LdeA to derive a4 the Mayon oj the City o6 Edmond6; NOW, THEREFORE, the Edmonds City Councit hereby twtvu that Councitman -Naughten be commended got his e66oAt6 and conttibutio%4 to the pugta4 o6 city govanment in Edmonds dating hia team -K, 1 in o66ice, and RESOLVES FURTHER that the City Councit exptew,6 .its gratitude to Lanny bon att hi4 cont?Libutions to the community and wishes him att Auee"6 in hi4 new o66ice and 6utuAe endeavou NX PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 20th day oS Match, 1984. Cour atmembea Steve yet ---JlLr-Anne jaech,-XvUNCIL FRESIVENT Cour cktinemb eh . L4dta HaZZ 4461tirtotty CZVf -il-201-04 , 001 CoUnoWqttmbeA Jack WiZaon