Resolution 580t z RESOLUTION NO. 580 A RESOLUTION OF THE EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL COMMENDING HARVE H. HARRISON WHEREAS, Harve H. HanA,i"6on was e.teeted to the Edmonds City Couneit on MaAeh 8, 1960 and nerved a.6 a Councilman untit h,i.6 e.teetion a6 Mayon o6 Edmond6 NovembeA 21, 1967 and wa6 Ae- etected a6 Mayon in 1975 and 1979 and 6eAved a6 Mayon o6 Edmond6 unttit December 31, 1983; and WHEREAS, HoAve H. Hwuti,6on 6eAved his City and .it6 eitizen6 and di,6- peayed a genuine .cove and devotion to h.i,6 community boa th,i,e peAiod exceeding two decade6; and WHEREAS, it .i.6 appkopniate that our community 6houZd accoAd public Aeeognition and aeknowtedgement o6 the many aceompti6hment6 o6 Haave H. HaAAizon duping h,i,6 tenuAe o6 pubti"c 6eAv.ice, .i"nctudi.ng h,i.6 .teadeukip in the e6tabt"hment o6 the City'6 6iut Beauti,6.icati"on Committee, the 911 emergency diati,ng ,6y6tem, the Tempo" Pubti,e Wo, k6 PAogum, the Memoni,ut. StAeet TAee PAogAam; and many otheA6. NOW, THEREFORE, be it kezo•tved that Harve H. HaAA"on, 6wtmeA Mayon and Counc i Pman o6 the City o6 Edmonda .c,6 heAeby putt i,cty commended and thanked 6o4 his contri.bution6 to City goveument. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Couneit heAeby extend6 .ct"6 but wi6he6 to Harve and hi.6 w.i6e Jody 6oA 6ucee6z and happ.i,ne66 in their 6utuAe endeavou . PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED th.L6 20th day o6 March, 1984. our em eA Jo-Anne Jaech �, �J CouncitmembeA Steve DWyeA eb en CouncitmembeA Lawta Haff our ell per CouncitmembeA John NoAdq u.ebt CouncitmembeA LtDyd 0450m- Councitmemba Jack WitAon ®'® N =' is - - ..� %• '«:.6,