Resolution 586RESOLUTION NO. 586 A RESOLUTION OF THE EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL COMMENDING MARLO M. FOSTER WHEREAS, Mateo M. Fostetc was hied as PatAotman of the City oj. Edmonds Augutst 16, 1963 and seteved in that capacity untie ptcomoted to Setcgeant in 1967 and 6inaety was ptcomoted to the kank o6 Chie6 o4 Potiee December 15, 1970; and WHEREAS.. Mateo M. FosteA attended the F.B.I. Nationat Academy in 1972 and gtcaduated with honotus; and WHEREAS, Under his tenutLe as Chie4 o4 Ponce, the Depan tment hays ex- panded to it,6 pnesent tsttcength o4 32 eommi6,sioned o44icetus, ,seven s ecutc i ty o 4 6icetUs and ten c i.v.c,tian empto yeez , and .cis tceeognized as one ob the motst pnoUeszi.onae poti.ce agenei.ez . thtcough.out the State; and WHEREAS, Due to his teadmship and "siztance such coope ati.ve ventures as SnoCom, Medic 7, contAacted ,fade setcvice�s and the City o6 . Edmonds Dtcug Investigation Unfit and K -9 Pattrot became a tceaed ty; and WHEREAS, Mateo M. FosteA has atways kept the tsa4ety and wetiatce o4 the community be4one hiz own petusonae inteAests and he ,us to be commended and tceeogvuzed 4oti W honesty, integkity and *.dedica- tion. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Mateo M. FosteA, 4okmec Chie4 o4 Ponce o4 the City o4 Edmonds is herceb y pubt i.ety commended and thanked on behae4 o4 the citizens o f Edmonds jots hiz .gong and dustd n- g ui6 hed s etcvice. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayon and City Couneie heAeby extend thedtc but wishes to Ma to and hiz wife Vat jots success and happinus in act theiA .6ututee endeavotr s . PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this/ 8th Jo -Anne Jaech, Councie Ptcesd ent Steve Dwyetc, CounET mem eA Laura Haet, Councitmem en WitUam J. Ka,6peA, our em en John NolLdquZ6t, Coun em etc Lto yd. O;stcom, Councitmemben Jack Wi. eson, Coun em e�.