Resolution 589T ........... .... ................... ....... .......... ........................ ......... RESOLUTION NO 589 A RESOLUTION OF THE EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL COMMENDING BRIAN STEWART FOR HIS SERVICE AS A STUDENT MEMBER OF THE EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS, BIL&n Stewart, a student at Woodway Seniot High Schoot, M-6 zetected to zeAve as student membeA o6 the Edmonds City ' Councit; and it n J. WHEREAS, Btian Stewart .6eAved as student member o6 the City Councit itom January 1984 to June 1984; and WHEREAS, &tAing his tenure as student Councitmembet, ft&n Stemoatt demonstAated exemptaAy dedication and ditigence in the wo&k o6 this body; jilt, NOW THEREFORE, the Edmonds City Council hereby tezotves that Skian 1 Stewait be commended jot his patticipation in city goveAnme in Edmonds duting his teAm in o66ice. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the City Councit and the Mayon heAeby extend the it best wishes to Bxian in his studies and jutuAe caAeeA and express the hope that he wiU continue to contxibute his 6ine tatents to the democtatic process o6 goveAnment in the City of Edmonds and etsewhete. PASSED APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 11th day o6 June, 1984. Councitmembetc Jo-A nne Jsec h tj Councitmembetc Steve Dwyet 4RRV VOl� X. M R i Councitmembetc Lawta HaU t: City CZeAk' Date� CouncZtmembetc Wittiam Kaspet 7 rs j ?7 Councitmembet John Notdquizt sun c em etc t yd OztAom Councitmeynbetc Jack Witzon ............................... ....................... 01"-Y�;::-'," . . Ftt