Resolution 599Al RESOLUTION NO. 599 A RESOLUTION OF COMMENDATION HONORING JOHN STILLINGS WHEREAS, It is appuptiate and desiAabte that a community award pubZic xecognition jo,%'outstanding athletic achievement by its citizens; and The City oj Edmonds and the Edmonds Chamber o6 Commence ce ate extAemeZy proud to honor the United States Otympic athZe,te,s and coaches 6xom Edmonds 6ox theiA patticipation and achievement in the 1984 SUMMER OLYMPICS in Lo.6 AngeZes,;'ll',, Caf-i6otnia; and WHEREAS United States Otympic, SiZveA Medatist, John StiUingz, honored not only his community but W entite nation and i has 6wLtkeAed the OZympic tradition o6 pe'ace6ut athtetic t i'l competition, dedication to excetZence and commitment to good .6poxt,6man6hip; NOW THEREFORE, The Mayor and City CounciZ o4 Edmonds, W"hing to ij.-' express the ix pxide and appxeciation hereby pubtiety commend and recognize JOHN STILLINGS, winneA of an Olympic Si vets MedaZ in Men's 4 -caned Otew. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED thZ6 4th day o6 Septembex, 1984. Council Pxezident Jo-Anne Jae'EIF Councj2membetc Steve Dwyer CouncitmembeA Laura HdU -CouncitmembeA WitZiam J. Kasper Cour Ctmembetc John No&dquiAt Csun c-4-tmembetc Ltoyd OstAom Csun citmembetc Jack Witson