Resolution 546RESOLUTION NO. 546 5 A RESOLUTION OF THE EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL COMMENDING DANIEL PRINZ WHEREAS, Dan PA i.nz z eaved ass a "Loaned Executive" 6vn the United Way Campaign in the City o6 Edmonds and South. Snohomish County; and E WHEREAS, Dan P&inz has demowsttated gneat civic spcAit by hips e66oAt6 to naize contAibutions {ion the United way Fund which. o &,u assistance to c c tizen6 in the area; and { WHEREAS, a gAate6ut Mayon and City Council deem it bitting that a commendation be is,6ued and that said commendation shoutd 7 be a paAt o6 the peAmanent neeondts o j the City o6 Edmonds. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, WASHING - TON, that Dan Prinz be and .us heneb y commended bon civic spix t and p,%ide in the community, and bon W time, tatents ' and eneng y. =6 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy o4 tW &et6a.lut.ion be 4unwi6hed to Dan P)u;nz and an additionat copy be entetced into the peAcmanent ucond6 a6 thia city. �• PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 1st day as FebxuaACy, 1983. Councit Pnes.i ent Jo-Anne Jaee :ZH4ARVEPIH—/.H RRIS MAYOR j CounciZmembeA KathvLine Wen 4 our em etc Ramon Goutd A-t,"PAt: Ikene Wtney MoAan CouncitmembeA Wittiam J. Kaspen ate Counci&embeA LauAa HaU I. Cou-neitmembeA LaAAc y Naughten CouncitmembeA Jan Na quint i ell a z r,. t: r a C