Resolution 550r } i WHEREAS, _J RESOLUTION NO. 550 A RESOLUTION OF THE EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL COMMENDING TERESA JOLLY FOR HER SERVICE AS A STUDENT MEMBER OF THE EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL Teresa Jotty, a student at Btanchet High. Schoot, axes se- tected to 6eAve as a student member o4 the Edmonds City Counc it; and WHEREAS, Teresa Jotty served as a student member. o6 the City Counci,e 6tom FebA.uaty 1, 1983 to March 29, 1983; and WHEREAS, du i.ng hen tenutce as a student Counc t,ememben, TeAaa Jotty demon.6tAated exemptaAy dedication and di ti.genee in the woth o6 tW body; NOW, THEREFORE, the Edmond6 City Counc i - hereby t uotves that Tene6a JoUy be commended 4ot hen paAtici,pati.on in city government in Edmonds dutc i.ng hen -team in o 4 6 i ce. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the City Councit and the Mayon hereby extend their but wishes to Teresa in hen .stud i m and 4utune ca- teen and exptas the hope that she wilt continue to contn ib- �• ute hen 6 i.ne taeentA to the demos ati.c pnoeezz o6 govenivnent in the C,i ty . o 6 Edmonds and ens ewhene. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED tziz 29th day o4 March, 1983. Ly''•i� \„J H VEH. HRRISN, MYR rtes t � C.cteA� Date CouncUmembeA Jo.-Anne a� ecTi — our em p: e& K en cne teen Councitmem et Ramon Goub ' our em etc a.u& aU� Coun em eA W Ka6peA our em elr anAy aug en 5i, ounccXmem et o n No gu.ivst Y 4. V i T r Ly''•i� \„J H VEH. HRRISN, MYR rtes t � C.cteA� Date