Resolution 1389RESOLUTION NO. 1389 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS COMMITTING TO ACHIEVE OR EXCEED AT THE LOCAL LEVEL THE GOALS ESTABLISHED IN THE PARIS CLIMATE ACCORD WHEREAS, climate change poses a grave threat to the health and well-being of this and future generations in Edmonds and beyond; and WHEREAS, according to the World Health Organization, human -caused climate change is already killing some 150,000 people every year around the world; and WHEREAS, people of color, immigrants, refugees, economically disadvantaged residents, older people and children, people who are homeless, and people with existing mental or health conditions will experience climate change disproportionately; and WHEREAS, the 2015 EPA report, Climate Change in the United States: Benefits of Global Action, states that global action on climate change would prevent nearly 70,000 premature American deaths annually by the end of the century while sparing the country hundreds of billions of dollars in economic losses; and WHEREAS, Washington State has already experienced long- term warming, more frequent nighttime heat waves, sea level rising along most of Washington's coast, increased coastal ocean acidity, decline in glacial area and spring snowpack and the State Department of Ecology has reported that, "human caused climate change poses an immediate and urgent threat"; and WHEREAS, economists have concluded that Washington's families and businesses are likely to incur billions of dollars of annual economic costs if Washington state and other states and nations fail to drive reductions in climate -changing greenhouse gas pollution. These economics impacts include increased energy costs, coastal and storm damage, reduced food production, increased wildland fire costs, and increased public health costs; and WHEREAS, in recognition of the immediate need to take strong and proactive action to protect our environment, the City of Edmonds in 2006 established the Climate Protection Committee with a core mission to: 1. Encourage Edmonds citizens to be a part of the solution 2. Encourage City staff and citizens to conserve current resources 3. Work with the City Council to implement ideas to preserve and enhance our environment 4. Effectively address the future impacts of climate change WHEREAS, the Climate Protection Committee has established key environmental strategies to: 1) Reduce fossil fuels with renewable energy resources for energy supplied to buildings, 2) Improve energy efficiency of and within buildings and 3) Require the design and construction of new and remodeled commercial buildings to meet green building standards; and WHEREAS, on June 6, 2017, Mayor Dave Earling signed the Mayors National Climate Action Agenda and stated "In light of the [President's] decision to withdraw from the Paris Accord, I feel it important for our city to emphasize our local commitment to, and continued effort to improve our environment"; and WHEREAS, as a signatory of the Safe Energy Leadership Alliance ("SELA"), Edmonds has committed itself to being a regional and national leader in addressing the adverse impacts of climate change driven by the burning of fossil fuels; and enacted bold policies and programs to reduce emissions from its transportation, building energy, and waste sectors and reduced emissions while its population has grown; and WHEREAS, the Paris Agreement resulted in a commitment from almost every nation to take action and enact programs to limit global temperature increase to less than 2 degrees Celsius, with an expectation that this goal would be reduced to 1.5 degrees in the future; and WHEREAS, the State of Washington has mandated statewide reduction of GHG emissions to 50% below 1990 levels by 2050; and WHEREAS, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 1129 on September 18, 2006 adopting the U.S. Mayors Climate Protection Agreement as amended by the 73rd Annual U.S. Conference of Mayors meeting; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 1129 also requested semi-annual updates to City Council regarding the progress of the City in implementing the following program milestones: 1) Conduct a greenhouse gas emissions inventory and forecast for the City, 2) Establish a greenhouse gas emission target (GHG), 3) Develop an action plan to meet the local greenhouse emissions target, 4) Implement the action plan and 5) periodically review progress and update the plan; and WHEREAS, on February 4, 2010 the City of Edmonds completed a Climate Change Action Plan and within the plan it reported Edmonds buildings account for approximately one- third of Edmond's GHG emissions for lighting, heating, cooling, and cooking; and WHEREAS, the Climate Change Action plan states replacing fossil fuel -derived energy with renewable energy sources for both city owned buildings and throughout our community is critical to achieving the greenhouse gas emission reduction goals set forth in the City's Climate Action Plan and the Compact of Mayors, to which the City is a signatory; and WHEREAS, it is imperative that energy consumers and the utilities serving them take early action to reduce carbon emissions given the accelerating rate climate change the planet is experiencing, and shifting to 100% of electricity from renewable sources by 2025 is within reach; and WHEREAS, "renewable energy" includes energy derived from hydrogen, wind power sited in ecologically responsible ways, solar, existing and low -impact hydroelectric, geothermal, biogas (including biogas produced from biomass), and ocean/wave technology sources. "Renewable energy" specifically excludes energy derived from fossil fuels, nuclear, biomass feedstocks sourced from state and federal lands, hydrogen produced from fossil fuels, and incineration of municipal and medical waste; and WHEREAS, the Edmonds City Council has demonstrated its commitment to environmental stewardship and the health and safety of Edmonds residents by numerous other actions, including passing Resolution 1362 on June 28, 2016 stating its opposition to the transport of crude oil by rail; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EDMONDS, THAT: Section 1: City Council fully supports Mayor Dave Earling's June 6, 2017 endorsement of the Mayors National Climate Action Agenda. Section 2: City Council rededicates itself to partnering with the City administration and Edmonds citizens to identify the benefits and costs of adopting policies and programs that promote the long-term goal of greenhouse gas emissions reduction while maximizing economic and social benefits of such action. Section 3: The Planning Department and the Climate Protection Committee will report annually to the City Council our current municipal and community -wide GHG inventory starting in 2018. Section 4: The Planning Department and the Climate Protection Committee will establish and recommend to City Council a GHG emissions reduction target goal for both the near term and long term by July 1, 2018. Section 5: The Planning Department and the Climate Protection Committee will update our City's Climate Change Action Plan and review the specific strategies for meeting the emissions reduction target as well as tying mitigation with adaptation measures where possible. Section. 6: The City establishes the following renewable energy goals for both municipal facilities and for the City at large: i. 100% renewable energy for municipal facilities by 2019; and, ii. 100% renewable energy for the City's community electricity supply by 2025. Section 7: By November 1, 2018, the Planning Department and the Climate Protection Committee will develop a work plan, including options, methods and financial resources needed and an associated timeline and milestones to achieve these renewable energy goals. 3 RESOLVED this 27t" day of June, 2017. ATTEST/AUT NTICATED: Y CLERK, SC PASSEY FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: RESOLUTION NO. APPROV.ED: I� TOM June 28, 2017 June 27, 2017 1389 LW-Mam2114*31 IT" LI�1 4