Resolution 504RESOLUTION NO. 504 A RESOLUTION OF THE EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL COMMENDING ALBERT BLANDIN FOR HIS SERVICES TO THE CITY WHEREAS, AtbeAt B&nd-i.n ways hiAed ass a .6tteet maintenance empto yee in the St eet Depat tment fox the City oU Edmonds on November 11, 1953; and he pxogne/szed to higher poziti.on c&z6ijicati.vnz and became the StAeet Supelci.ntendent in 1969; and WHEREAS, He ably 6onmutated the duties bon many pno1ect's that up- dated the sa6ety and bettenmewt ion the City ob Edmonds; and WHEREAS, Abe has at aU tuna duA ing his emptoyment with the City demon,6t aced the highest degree of dedication, toya.P.ty and indu6tAy and hays atwyz given the highest pxi.oxity to the inteAeat-6 oA the City and its c t tens in the at2oea- ti.on o� his time and tatents; and WHEREAS, Abe .us hdghty nespeeted and wett- tik.ed by those he worked with and supetviz ed and wilt be m,c6,s ed in the coming yeau; NOW, THEREFORE, the Edmonds City Councit nuotves that Abe Btandin be commended jot W � ne ebAoxts and outstanding conti. -- but.%onz to the City o� Edmonds duxi,ng hips. nea ty 28 yeah o4 empto ym ent;. and FURTHER RESOLVES that the Edmonds City Council extend6 its but wishes to Abe Sta.ndi.n and hus wi4e, Teedee as they kook 4on- wand to a wett- ecuened ne itement. 7251 RRIS N y LLEN, COUNCIL PRESIDENT ATTEST: Inene Varney Moran, X ty CIex Juty 28, 1981 Date