Resolution 459RESOLUTION NO. 459 A RESOLUTION OF THE EDMUNDS CITY COUNCIL COMMENDING TOM CARNS FOR HIS SERVICE AS A MEMBER OF THE EDMUNDS CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS.. Tom CaoL6 was etected to the Edmonds City Council- on Novembers 4, 1975, and reetected by the voteAz in November, 1977; . and WHEREAS, Councitman Carnss seAved as a Councitman ob the City ob Edmonds brom January 1, 1976 to February 8, 1980; and WHEREAS.. dulti.ng his tenure as Councitman, Tom Carves d Zi.gentt -y and ably served the cit zem ob Edmonds by Gnus energetic dedication to the Councit'z wwdz and his tenacious puusu,i t ob ideas and poti.cies he beti.eved,tn; .and WHEREAS., Councitman eman Carves atways ivus.usted on the fright ob a t pehsonz to be heard and showed concern bor the interests and opinions o b each -i.ndividuat, whether citizen or empto yee or v,vs,c for to the City; and WHEREAS, Councitman Cat" earned the tt tee ob "Fastest Make/. ob Motions ", and the obb.iciat records ob tGws Councit wit2 stand borever " testimony to hi-6 uninhibited pattc:ci.pati.on in the deei.benations ob this body; NOW, THEREFORE, the Edmonds City Councit hereby resotves that Councitman Tom CaAyis be commended bon his cont,%ibutions to city government in Edmonds during h.us term ob ob4ice. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the City Councit hereby extends .its best wizhu to Tom Corns and h.us w.ibe Ca&ot yn,. and the it ehiZAen. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED thus 5th day ob February,.1980. Mayor, City o6 Edmond6 ATTEST: City Ct er FILED WITH THE CITY CLERK: February 5, 1980 PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL: February 5, 1980