Resolution 437RESOLUTION NO. 437 A RESOLUTION OF THE EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL COMMENDING PHILIP A. CLEMENT FOR HIS SERVICE AS A MEMBER OF THE EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS, Phi tip A. Ctement wa6 appointed to the Edmonds City Council on DecembeA 17, 1974, and teetected by the votetus in November, 1975; and WHEREAS, Councitman CZement setcved ass a Councilman o6 the City o6 Edmonds 6rom Decembetc, 1974 to May 16, 1979; and WHEREAS, duty ing his tenure as Councitman, Ph-i ti.p A. Ctemen-t consi6teat ty made .i.mpoAttant contA but%ons to the tegizZati.ve procezz though his outstanding ana-2yti.cat ab.itity and hiz tatevrt 4or seeing the 4utuhe consequenca o4 today'ts action; and WHEREAS, Councitman Ctemevit rendered an unuzuae zetc.v.ice to the c itiz en s o � Edmonds as an "lute anal y .6t o4 the C,i t y' s 6.inanc iat a44a.vus; and WHEREAS, Councitman Clement brought to the de.Piberatio" o6 this Counc it a sensitive insight into the needs and probtew o� peopte �tcom att wa. h o6 Ziie; NOW, THEREFORE, the Edmonds City Counc i t hetceb y rLaotvez that Councitman Clement be commended jot hies e64orts and conttc ibuti.onz to the progtaz o6 city government in Edmonds, duti.ng his term of o � 4.ice; and RESOLVED FURTHER' that the City Councit hereby exp&usez its b t graude to Phil and his w.iAe Sue 6or theiA many conttr ibuti.onz to the Edmonds community and w.i shez them succezz in thei& 6uture endeavotus . PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 15th day o4 May, 1979. 1 ayotc, City o6 Edmonds ATTEST: