Resolution 387RESOLUTION NO. 387 A RESOLUTION OF THE EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL COMMENDING ROBERT A. ANDERSON FOR HIS SERVICE AS A MEMBER OF THE EDMONDS CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS, Robert A. Ande&son was appointed to the Edmondh City Couneit on Ma&eh 20, 1973, and %eebected by the vote&a in November, 1973; and WHEREAS, Counc tman Anderuson ae&ved as a Coun.c tman of the City o6 Edmonds 6&om Mach 20, 1973 to Janu.aty 9, 1978; and WHEREAS, du&.ing hia .tenure as Coune itman, Robert A. Anderson di.speayed a high deg&ee o4. concern 4on the .cnte&esta os the citizens ob Edmonds and the empto yeu . o6 the City and demonat&ated an undeutand i,n.g o6 the human e.Cement in the mat-ten.s be6o&e thi6 Counc it; and WHEREAS, Councieman Ande&son bought to the detibe&ations o6 th.is Council a &are ab.itity to unde&stand divex6e po.intz of view and to Socus on the common purpose we pwr.6ue; and WHEREAS, CounciXman Ande&son'a term ob osj.ice expires January 9, 1978 as a membe& o6 the City CounciQ; NOW THEREFORE, the Edmonds City Counei2 hereby &wolves that Councitman Robert A. Andenzon be commended bot hiz e6¢o&t6 and eontaibutioni, in the p&og&esa o6 city gove&nment in Edmonds duni.ng his term o$ o66iee. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the City CouneiZ he&eby extends .ifi6 beat w.izhes to Robert A. Andeu on and hi .6 wife Joann and .f oohs $o&ward to a continuing aaaocia- tion with them in ae&v.iee to the community. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 20th day ob December, 1977. ayo&, City o6 Edmond.6 ATTEST: