PSP021318PUBLIC SAFETY & PERSONNEL COMMITTEE MEETING February 13, 2018 Elected Officials Present Staff Present Councilmember Tom Mesaros (Chair) Al Compaan, Police Chief Councilmember Adrienne Fraley-Monillas Patrick Doherty, Econ. Dev/Comm. Serv. Dir. The meeting was called to order at 7:12 p.m. in the Police Training Room Special Event Parking Discussion Chief Compaan referred to a letter in the Edmonds Beacon from an individual who received a parking citation for parking all day in a 3 -hour zone which raises the issue of day -long events that necessitate attendees finding all -day parking. Options include, 1) venues informing attendees and perhaps providing a map of parking areas outside the 3 -hour zone, 2) special event permit process, or 3) shuttle. Discussion followed regarding pros and cons of events/venues providing a parking pass, identifying parking lots with whom a venue/event could coordinate parking, insurance indemnification for public parking on private property, and the BID's program for after hour and weekend parking, Action: Refer to Mr. Doherty for discussion with ad hoc parking recommendation group 2. ECC Amendment to Allow Boards/Commissions Remote Participation Mr. Doherty distributed the revised ordinance and described the issue raised by the Economic Development Commission regarding how to accommodate members participating by phone. At the previous the PSP Committee meeting, it was suggested the rules regarding remote participation apply to all boards and commission. Discussion followed regarding other cities' practices, importance of members attending meetings in person, circumstances that allow remote participation, importance of allowing remote participants to vote and count toward quorum, reasons for absences, and ability to participate remotely encouraging absent members to participate. Mr. Doherty will research other cities' practices and revise ordinance to require attendance at entire meeting and reduce remote participation to twice a year. Action: Forward to full Council with above information/revisions The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m.