Resolution 064RES OWTI OT 1 0. 64. A Hesolutior, providirg for a special electior_ to be held it the City of Edmords, 'jashirgtor, or the 12th day of Eovember,1929, and for the form of ballot to be used thereat. Y <MMIUAS, pursuant to the provisions of Ordir:ar_ce Lo.420 of -e City of Edmords, washirgton, it is provided that a special electior shall be held it said City or•lovember 12, 1929 for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said City for ratification or rejeLtior the propositior of said City making ar acquisition ar_.d bettenner.t to the Municipal Water Works System of said City and the of $25,000.00 of water revenue Bords to pay the costs thereof; and I,THE EAS, it is 7 ecessary to provide for the form of ballot to be used it said electior; row therefore, Be it resolved cy the City Courcil of the City of Edmords; 1• That the ballot used it said special electior. or Lovember 12th, 1929, be it su�star_tially the followir_g form: 225 BALLOT SPECIAL ELECTIOE HELD IT, THE CITY OF FZMOIIDS , WASH- IIGTOTC, Or JOVEMBER 12, 1929. Pursuant to Ordinance E o.420 of said City. IISTRUCTIMS TO VOTERS Every voter desiring.to vote in favor of the following proposi- tion shall mark."X" irl the square opposite the words "In favor of the above proposition", and every voter desiring to vote against the said proposition_ shall mark an "x" in the square opposite the words "Against the above proposition." P R 0 P 0 S I T 1 0 1. "Shall the City of Edmonds, Washirgton, pursuant to the system and plar for the extension and betterment of the water works system of said City adopted by Ordinance L o. 420 of said City, acquire by cordemratior and purchase the water -shed of the Edmonds Sprirg Water Compary, together with the easements, franchises and water - rights incident thereto; the water -shed being a tract of land in Snohomish County, Washington, described as follows: Lots 1 to 16 irclusive, Block 39, 11�ew� Lots 21 to 40 irclusive, Block 39, Lots 1 to 40 inclusive, Block 38, Lots 1 to 40 irclusive, Block 40, Lots 1 to 40 irclusive, Block 66, Lots 5 to 38 inclusive, Block 67, all in the Plat of the City of Edmonds, and 40 acres it Southeast ore -quarter (SE4) of the Southeast ore -quarter (SE4) of Section 24, Township 27, lorth Range 3 East, W.I., the City to have the water rights appurtenant to said lands; said acquisition and betterment to include the diversior dam and intake row located or. the above described Southeast ore -quarter (SE4) of the Southeast ore -quarter (SE4), and the twelve-ir_ch supply main leading from said intake to the reservoir located in Block 78, Plat of the City of Edmonds and also to include the chloriratirg plant now owned by the said Water Company; and for the purpose of payirg for the same, issue its special Bonds rot exceedirg the principal sum of 25,000.00, or such sum as the Court or Jury -ay assess, together ':;-th the r_ecessary cost ar_d expenses incident thereto, such s,=Tn of 25, 000.00 being the estimated cost thereof as rear as may be, payable solely from the revenues of said Municipal water works system, serially in. from five (5) to twenty-five (25) years with interest at a rate rot exceeding six per certum (60) per annum payable semi-annually." In favor of the above proposition - - - - Agairst the above proposit ion - - - - - - 2• That the officers of said special election shall be the P. following; ar.:d that the pollirg places be at the following places: First Ward : City Hall, Judges, 1drs.Ruth Bigelow, 1drs.211uth Mathewson_.; Inspector J.M.Hathaway. Secord Ward: At L.C.Ergel's Office, Judges, Mrs.Idarie Oake, Mrs. Eleanor Johnson; Inspector, Wm -Otto. Third Yard: At Corgregational Church. Judges, Mrs.Mary Evars, Mrs. Er=a ildcElroy. Inspector, A. Coble. 3. Ard let the City Clerk cause due rotice of said special election to be made as provided by law. Passed by the Council this 8th day of October, 1929. Attest: Geo.�d.Leyda, City Clerk. 2.J'1..2ourtrer, Mayor.