Resolution 010RESOWTION E010. WHEREAS, the Department of Highways has estimated that the receipts hihc will Pccrue to the credit of this 'city under the provisions of Cha;tsk 181, 190 Laws, for the period April 1, 1941' to larch 31, 1943, #ill be Five Thousand mine Hundred & l:inety-two and 421100 015992.42) Sollars; and ',lH::,-EA , there is an Unexpanded balance of fuLds which accrued to the credit of this city durinZ the period t ril 1, 19j9, to Anrch 319 1941, of Seven _ unlr d and sixty-ei7ht ! 84l100 .( 703.84) , and Whereas, the tota lurds ava,ila:;le For expenditure daring the period Apeil 1, 1941, to larch 31, 194L, is therefore estimated so be `six 2ho'azara Seven urea and jix'th one w 25/100 (06761.26) : and WrI22nKS, the wepartment of Aifrhways does regUest that this City j U i; adopt a10rTi1F:.1j rOM T iTIl SE umil: ; forth the U:eS LO which 1shall put the above -reamed sum laf money in accordance with the provisions of the above -named stagy ue; . 1011 THWi'.BOHE, 32 IT MOVED by the Wyor and City CoaLcii Of the city of Eamores it regular meetirg duly assembled, as follows: 1. Thot based) aeon estimated -receipts as aforesaid the foll- owing is propos_d asi the items coverinv enIcnaitares of said city from and City 3treetGund for the biennium commencing april 1, 1941, and ending. larch 11,! lqn: Total laintenarce Uonstruction Overhead::. - Operation secondary State Highway ,:2460.00 1400.00 '2000.00 g60.00 - Other City Streets 430106 700.00 3601,26 Totals 6761.26 01100.00 J56' 01.26 l00.00 I 2. That should sueh receipts exceed the estimate aforesaid, such excess shall be expanded by the city in the manner provided by law, sabject to the approval of the Department of riSh ays. 3. ihat the cityClerk be,, and is hereby, i.rsiructtd Lo for- ward a. copy of this tesolution to the Department of Hig4ways. xjOWED by the "you Ana the My Council this 15th day, of July, 1941. l'. .. iourtner Attest: L:yor Geo. 1. Le da, vity Glerk.