Resolution 034325 RES OLJT I OT'L 0 . 34 . (L. I . D. 28.) A Resolution declaring the irtertion of the City Council of the City of Edmords to improve the following described Streets ar_d Alleys it said City, towit: Alley between Third Street and Fourth Street from Main Street extended South to Dayton Street; beginning at a point in Alley be- tween Third Street and Fourth Street, 120 feet South of Main Street, thence East 80 feet it the following manner; by construct- ing a lateral sewer system in and upon said Streets and Alleys within the City of Edmonds, Snohomish Courty, Washington. Also by constructing inlets, catch -basins, manholes and do- ing such other work as may be necessary in correction therewith. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Edmonds, Snohomish County, Washirgtor. FI3ST - That it is the intertior of the City Council of the City of Edmonds, State of Washington, to improve the following described Streets and Alleys, towit: Alley between Third Street and Fourth Street from Main Street South to Dayton Street beginning at a point in Llley be- tween Third Street and Fourth Street, 120 feet South of Main Street, thence East 80 feet in said City in the following manger by cor.�structirg a lateral sewer system in and upon said Streets ar_d Alleys withir_ the said City; also by constructing inlets, catch -basins, man -holes, and doing such other work as may be necessary it correction therewith. SECOT,,D - That the payment for the improvement herein men- tiored shall be made in whole by special assessments; a local improvement district shall be established embracing as near as possible all of the property specially berefitied.by such improve- mert, and such property shall be assessed to cover the cost of such improvement. THIRD - All persons who may wish to enter protests against the improvement mertiozed ir_. this Resolutior are hereby notified to appear it the Courcil Chambers it the City Hall in said City of Edmords at a meeting of the Council to be held or the Fourth day of October, 1921, at the hour of eight P.M. of said day, then and there to present their objections, if any they have. FOURTH - The City Ergireer of the City of Edmords is hereby directed to submit to the Council at or prior to the said Fourth day of October, 1921, a statement of the estimated cost and ex- perse of the improvement above mentioned, and a statG_:eZ : of the proportionate amourt thereof, which shall be borne by the property within the proposed district, and a statement of the ag_,} egate value of the real estate exclusive of improvements within said proposed improvement district according to the valuatior last placed upor it for gereral taxatior, together with a diagram or print, showirg thereon. the Lots, Tracts a.rd parcels of lard aLd other property which will be specially berefitted thereby, and the estimated amount of the cost ar.d expense of such improvement to be borne by each Lot, Tract or parcel of lard, or other pro- perty. Passed by the Courcil this Sixth day of September, 1921, and approved by me the same date. (Seal of City of Edmonds) F.R.Beeson, Mayor. Attest: Geo.11.Leyda, City Clerk. First publication. September 9th, 1921 ( Seal of City of Edmonds) I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Resolution of the City of Edmonds, and that the same was published or posted according to Law, said Resolution being ro.34. Geo.I.Leyda, City Clerk.