Resolution 043IMPROVL)MIT RESOLUTIO1, EO. 43 (L.I.D.34) A Resolution declaring the intention of the City Council of the City of Edmonds, State of Washington, to improve the follow- ing described Alley in said City,towit: Alley between Dayton Street and Maple Street from the Trunk Sewer on Sixth Street, East to Seventh Street, by constructing thereon a lateral Sewer System, including lateral Sewer, inlets, catch -basins, manholes, lamp -holes, and doing such other work as may be necessary in cohnection therewith. Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Edmonds; 1. That it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Edmonds, State of Washington, to improve the following describ- edAlley towit: Alley between Dayton Street and Maple Street, from the Trunk Sewer on Sixth Street, East to Seventh Street in said City by con- structing a lateral sewer system in and upon said Alley; also by constructing the neoessary inlets, catch -basins, waiiholes, lemp- holes and doing such other work as may be necessary in connection therewith. 2• That the payment for the improvement in this Resolution mentioned shall be made in whole by special assessment; a Local Improvement District shall be established, embracing as near as may be all the property specially benefited by such improvement, and such specially benefited property shall be assessed to pay for the cost of such improvement.. 3. All persons that may desire to object to the improvement herein mentioned are hereby notified to appear in the Council Chambers in the City Hall, in the City of Edmonds, Washington, at 349 a meeting of the City Council on the Seventh day of Lovember,1922, at eight P.B., of said day, then and there to present their ob- jections thereto, if -any they have. 4. The City Engineer and Street Committee of said City of Edmonds, are hereby directed to submit to the City Council at or prior to said Seventh day of I ovember, 1922, the estimated cost and expense of the improvement in this Resolution mentioned, and a statement of the proportionate amount thereof which shall be borne by the property within the proposed improvement.district, and a statement of the aggregate , "segaed valaation of the real estate, egelusive of improvements within said proposed improve- ment district according to the valuation last placed upon it for general taxation, together with a diagram or print showing there- on the lots, tracts and parcels of land and other property which will be specially. benefited thereby and the estimated amount of the cost and expense of such improvement to be borne by each lot, tract or parcel of land or other improvement. Passed by the City Council this seventeenth day of October, 1922, and approved by me the same date. Attest; Geo.M.Leyda, Oity Clerk. F.R.Beeson, Mayor. I hereby -certify that the above. and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Beeolutiony No.43 of the City of Edmonds. Geo -M, Leyda, City Clerk.