Resolution 102RES OLUTI 011 OF IL TEITI OL L O.102 . (L. I . D., 48 ) A Resolution declaring the intertion of the City Courcil of the City of Edmonds to improve Fifth Street, in said City, from Dayton Street South a distance of One Thousard Three Hundred Seventy-five (1375) feet, more or less, to the center line of Howell Way, and Walnut Street from:Fifth Street East Five Hundred Twerty-five (525) feet, more or less, by the construction_ on Fifth Street of a ter inch (10" ) concrete Sewer, and or. Walrut Street of an eight inch (8"1 concrete Sewer, together with the necessary manholes, catch basins and other appurtenarces necessary to make a complete improvement; creating an assessment district; creating a Local Improvemert District Fund therefor; providing that the payment for said improvemert be made by special assess- ment on the property in said district under the mode of paymer_t by Bonds for materials used, fixed estimate, and all other ex- penses except cost of labor furnished by Federal furls under the IPA plan_ of the Federal Government. Be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Edmonds; 1. That it is the irtertior of the Laity Council of the City of Edmonds, State of Washington, to improve Fifth Street from Dayton Street South along the Easterly side thereof a distarce of Ore Thousand Three Hundred Seventy-five (1375) feet, more or less, to the center line of Howell 'Say; also Walrut Street from Pifth Street East a distance of Five Hundred Twerty-five,(525) feet, more or less, by the construction in Fifth Street of a ter inch,(10") concrete lateral Sewer, and in Walnut Street of 380 � ar eight inch (8") concrete lateral Sewer, together with the necessary manholes, catch basins, appurtenances and all other work necessary to r�u-_7.e a complete improvement. 2• That the cost ar d experse of all materials required to make a complete improvemert, the fixed estimate and all other expenses of every kind, except cost of labor contributed by the Federal Government under WPC., shall be made by special assess- ment; a Local Improvemert District shall be established embrac- ing as rear as may be all the property specially benefited by such improvement, ar_d such specially benefited property shall be assessed to pay for the ertire cost of such improvemert, except the cost of labor furnished by the Federal Goverrmert under WFA. 3. All pereore who may desire to object to the improvement, herein mertiored, are hereby notified to appear at the Council Chambers it the City Hall it the City of Edmonds, Jashingtor, at a meeting of the said Courcil on the Third day of August, 1937, at the hour of eight o'clock P.M., of said day, then and there tc present their objections thereto if any they have. 4. The City Engireer of said City of Edmonds is hereby di- rected to submit to the City Courcil, at or prior to said Third day of August, 1937, the estimated cost and experse of the im- provemer.t in this Resolution mertioned, and a statemert of the proportionate amount thereof which shall be borne by the property within the proposed Improvemert District, and a statemert of the aggregate assessed valuatior of the real estate, exclusive of im- provements, within said proposed Improvement District according to the valuation Last placed upor it for general taxation, to- gether with a diagram or print showing thereon the lots, tracts, or parcels of land and other property which will be specially benefited thereby, and the estimated amount of the cost and ex- pense of such improvement to be borne by each lot, tract, parcel of land, or other property. Passed by Lhe City Courcil of the City of Edmords this Sixth day of July, 1937, and approved the same date. Attest; Geo.M.-,eyda, City Clerk. r.A.Fourtner, Mayor. I hereby certi�'-- that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution ro.102 of the City of Edmonds. Geo.M.Leyda, City Clerk.