Resolution 104RESO UTI OT OF U TEMI X 10. 104 A Resolution declaring the intention of the City Council of the City of Edmonds to improve the easterly side of Third Street, in said city, by the constructior, of a 10-inch lateral sewer from. the intersection of Third Street with the MA a.ru West center lire of Section 24, ToTr.ship 27 Lorth, Rarge3, East W. I., north- easterly along sLid Third ,street for 950 feet , more or less to a connection with the forth Trurk Sewer; also to improve the Easterly side of Third Street, in said city, by the construction of a eight -inch lateral sever beginning at the irtersectior of Mira Street ar..0 the north City Limits; thence Southwesterly aloLg the Easterly side of Thiru Street for 585 fect more or less to a corer rectior with the forth Trar_k Se er; also to improve the lasterly side of Third :street, in st ici city, by the corst-raction of concrete curbs ar,a gutters, together with the recessary arainage from the intersection., of Thiru :street and Bourth Street, in sbia city; thence Torthec sterly for 1100 feet, more or lest, to the Lorth Gity Limits Of E.LT110t1CiU, togethor zith the reces, ary marholes, catch basins aru Other apourterar,ces recessary to m&ke L complete im— provement; proviaing that the paymert for sUd improvement be made by special Lssessment on the property in sciu District under the mode of pL meni by bor_as for materials used, fixed estinLte, and all other expensez except cost of labor farrishe4 by Keueral funus under the W2! pK r of the lederul Government. BE IT MSOLVEo BY 'THL MY 50. 1 0IJ 02 'iH h CI'TZ OP i.,MOLIS: 1. That it is the irtcitior of City Council of the City of Edmonds, Ita.te of 7a,shingtio?-, to i7Drove the easterly side of Third Street, in said city, by the co:str.a.ction of a 10-inch lateralsewer from the intersection of Third Streit zith the a.st a,na West center line of Section 2", 2o. nsnip 27 l orth, ha:.r.gel, last northeasterly al=7 Baia Third Areet for 950 feet .ore or less to ca. connectior with the 7 orah trunk je er; also to improve the Easterly side of Third street, in said city, by the construction of an eight -inch lateral sewer beginning at the intersection of Third Street and the I.orth Oity limits; thence soathvie: terly along the Easterly side of Third Street for 66Z feet more or less to a connection with the I ort.h Trunk Sewer; also to improve the easterly side of Third Jtreet, it said city, by the construction of concrete curbs and gutters, together with the necessary drair_- age from the irtersectior. of Third Street and Fourth Street, in said city; therce l-ortheatterly for 1100 feet, more or less, to the forth City Limits of �Amords, together with the necessary manholes, catch basirs and other appurtenances recessary to make a complete improvemert. 2. That the cost ar..d esperse of all materials recuired to make a complete improvement, the fixed estimate and all other exper..se of every kird, except cost of labor contributed by the Federal Goverrmert under WPA, shall be made by special assessment; a Local Improvemer..t District shall be established embracirg as rear as may be all -'the property specially berefitted by such improvemert, and such specially berefitted property shall be assessed to pay for the entire cost of such improvemert, except the cost of labor furrished by the Federal Goverrmert under W.P.L. 3. All persons who may desire to object to the improve- mert hereir mertiored are hereby notified to appear at the Courcil Chambers ir_ the City Hall, ir_ the City of Edmonds, Washirgtor, at a meetir_g of the said Council or the 17th day of October, 1939, at the hour of eight o'clock P. M. , of said day, them ar,d there to presert their objectior_s thereto if any they have. 4. The City Ergir_eer of said City of Edmonds is hereby directed to submit to the City Courcil, at or prior to said 17th day of Octob�-r, 1939, the estimated cost ard- esperse of the im- provemert, iri this Resolution mentioned, and a statement of the proportionate amount thereof which shall be borne by the property within the proposed Improvemert District; and a statement of the aggregate assessed valuation of the real estGte, exclusive of im- provements, within said proposed Improvement District according to the valuation last placed upon it for general taxation, together with a diagram of print showing thereor the lots, tracts, or parcels of lard and other property which will be specially ber- efitted thereby, ar.:d the estimated amount of the cost and expense of such improvemert to be borne by each lot, tradt, parcel of lard, or other property. Passed by the City Council of the City of Edmords this...: day of September 1939, and approved the same date. F. A. Fourtrer Mayor. ATTEST Geo. M. Leyda C ty Clerk . I hereby certify that the above and foregoirg is a true and correct copy of Resolution of Irtertior i,o. 104, of the City of Edmords, Washirgtorl. Zkr v J. V.Y 0