Resolution 105282 RESOLUTIOT T0. 105. A Resolution Declaring the intertion of the City Courcil of the City of Edmonds to improve First Avenue North in said city, from Edmonds Street northerly a distarce of 1071 feet more or less to a cor.r.ectior with the to th Trunk Sewer by the corstructior of 'a -combir- ed 8-10 irch lateral and sar_itary sewer and corstructior of corcrete curbs and gutters, together with the recessarydrairage, marholes, catch basirs and other appertererces necessary to;make a complete improve- mert; creating ar 5assessmert District; creating a Local Improvemert District curd therefore:providirg that the payment for said improve- ment be made by special assessmert or the property ir, said District arder the mode of pay -inert by bonds for materials used, fixed estimate, ar.d all other experces except cost of labor fury ished by Federal funds urder the W.P.r1. plar of the federal Goverrmert. BE IT HESOLVEI. BY iH!; COUT.CIL Oi' THE CITY Or LDM01' AS: I. That it is the irtertior of the City Courcil of the City of Edmonds State of Washirgtor, to improve First &verue T,orth, it said city, from Edmonds. Street northerly a distarce od 1071 feet more or less to a corr.ectior with the T;orth Trur, : ,sevrer, by corstructior of a combined 8-10 irch lateral awd sanitary sevrer and. the cox structior. of corcrete curbs and gutters, together with the necessary drairage, marholes, catch basirs ar:d other appertemerces recessa.ry to make a complete improvemert. II. That the cost ar_d exper_ce of all materials required to be mane a complete improvement, the fixed estimate and all other xeiperces of every kind, except the cost of labor contributed by the Federal Goverrmert under the i.P.A. shall be made by special asaessmer.t. a Local Improvemert District shall be established embracing as rear as may be all the property specially berefited by such improvemert, and ard such specially benefited property shall be assessed to pay gor the ertire cost of such improvemert, except the cost of labor furr:- ished by the Pederal Goverrmert under the t .P.. III. All pe-rsvrs who may desire to object to the improvemert hereir mertioned are hereby rdtif ied to appearat the Courcil Chambers it thr ity Hall it the City of E,dmords, Washirgtor, at a meetirg of said Courcil or. the 17th day of October 1939, at the hour of eight o'clock P.M. of said day, ther_ and there to preset their objections thereto if ary they have. IV. The City Exgirear of said City of Edmords is hereby directed to submitt to the City:Cour.cil, at or prior to said 17th day of October 1939 ,the estimated cost and expense of the improvement, in this Resolution mentioned, and a statement of the proportionate amount thereof which shall be borne by the property within the proposed im- provement District aecordingto the valuation last placed upon it for general taxation, together with a diagram orprint showing thereon the lots9 tracts or parcels of land and other property which will be spec- ially benefitted thereby, and the estimated amount of the coat and ex- pense of such improvement to -be born by each lot, tact parcel of land, orother property. Passed by the Cit Council of the City of Edmonds this 15th day of August 1959, and appro ed the same date. PASSD August ,1939 ATTEST, Geo. M. Le da City Clerk PUBLISHED AuMist 1939 r.g. Fourtner mayor I hereby Certify that the above and foregoing is a true and Correct Copy of Ordinance No* 528, of the City of Edmonds.