Ordinance 0007ORDINANCE NO. 7. An Ordinance to license, tag and regulate auctioneers, ham - ers and pedlers. Be it ordained by the Council of the Town of Edmonds. SECTION l: That every auctioneer within the Town of Edmonds, shall prior to engaging in such occupation, obtain a license in the manner prescribed by this Ordinance and pay therefor into the Town Treasury at the rate of fifty dollars per annum; provid- ed, however, that no such license shall be issued for a period of less than three months; and provided further than this sec- tion shall not apply to any public officer, executor, adminis- trator, guardian or trustee, who shall sell or offer property at such auction, pursuant to legal process; nor to hawkers. SECTION 2; That every peddler and hawker within the town of Edmonds shall prior to engaging in such occupation obtain a license in the manner and pay therefor at the rate prescribed in this Ordinance, and every person who shall solicit, canvas, or 9"Ok take orders for, or sell or offer for sale any kinds of goods, articles or property on the streets of the Town of Edmonds or by going from house to house, shall be deemed a peddler within the meaning of this Ordinance; provided, however, that venders of newspapers and magazines and regular commercial travelers employ- ed by wholesale dealers, and selling staple articles and merchand- ize to the merchants and traders of the town shall be, and they are hereby exempted from the provisions of this Ordinance; provid- ed, further that the chairman of the license and revenue commit- tee of said town may grant a permit to any person or persons to sell or dispose of any article or product entirely manufactured or produced within the town of Edmonds without being licensed as herein provided. Such permit shall be in writing, issued by the clerk of said town, and shall describe the article or product to be sold thereunder and the place of manufacture, and nothing ex- cept such written permit shall avail in defense of any prosecution under this Ordinance, and provided that no permit shall be issued as aforesaid to any person other than a bona fide resident of said town. SECTION 3: The rates for peddlers shall be as follows: for C� selling jewelry five dollars per day; for selling salve, liniment , drugs, medicines, cloth, silks, cassimeres, dress goods, shawls S7 or table cloths five dollars per week; for selling statuary, pic-WL( tures, books, maps or publications other than newspapers, maga- Acid" zines or taking orders therefor; five dollars for three months; and no license shall be issued for any period for less than five dollars; for selling fish, shell fish or game one dollar per week, five dollars for three months; and no license for such purpose shall be issued for any period for a less sum; for selling fruit, vegetables, butter, eggs or other farm or dairy produce by persons other than the producers thereof,ten dollars for three months. No license shall be issued for any period for less sum. For sell- ing fruit, vegetables, milk, butter, eggs or other farm or dairy produce by the producer thereof one dollar for three months. For selling any article or class of goods not herein enumerated ten dollars per week, and nosuch license shall be issued for any period for less sum. Every person selling, offering'for sale, advertising, solicit- ing, canvasing, or taking orders for any goods, articles or pro- perty by going from house to house in the public streets of the town excepting licensed auctioneers who shall make public outcry or give any musical or other entertainment, or make speeches to draw custom or attract notice, shall pay, in addition to the above prescribed -rates, ten dollars per day, and the license for such purpose shall be designated as a hawkers' license. SECTION 4: No license shall be issued under the provisions J'] of this Ordinance authorizing the sale of prize packages, or dis- tribution of prizes in any form by chance or lot. SECTION 5: Licenses shall be issued under the provisions of this Ordinance only to citizens of the United States, and persons who shall have declared their intention to become citizens of the United States. SECTION 6: Applications for licenses under this Ordinance shall be made in writing to the Town Clerk on blanks to be Earn-. ished by him for that purpose; and every such application shall tttits state definitely the article or articles to be sold, advertised, 8Y solicited, or canvassed for, and the intended manner of conducting r the business, whether by peddling mere?y or by peddling and hawk- ing, or by auctioneering, and shall be,. -accompanied by the affi- davit of the applicant showing either that such applicant is a citizen of the United States, or has declared his or her inten- tions to become such; when such application and affidavit and the receipt of the town Treasurer for the required amount is filed with the town Clerk, he shall, if satisfied that the ap- plicant is a citizen of the United States, or has declared his intention to become such, issue the license applied for. The person so licensed shall be limited to the articles and mode of conducting the business stated in his application, and be pro- tected no further by such license. TTCL SECTION 7: Every person who shall engage in the occupation . business of an auctioneer, hawker or peddler, within the town �p of Edmonds the first obtaining a license therefor in accord- .,V ttJI� an.ce with P ovisions of this Ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, on conviction thereof, shall be pun- ished by a fine in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment for a term of not exceeding thirty days or by I both such fine and imprisonment. d4'raid SECTION 8: That all Indians are hereby exempted from the provisions of this Ordinance. SECTION 9: That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage,approval and publication. u a'mb passed by the Council of the Town of Edmonds the 20th day of October 1890. Approved by me this 20th day of October 1890. George Brackett, Mayor. Attest: Frank Ashcraft clerk of the town of Edmonds. Published the lst day of November 1890.