Ordinance 0167* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * x x * * * * * * * * * ORDIIAU CE N 0 • 167. e 6,4 x C� An ordinance granting unto the Edmonds Electric Light & -2ower dbel Company, a corporation duly created, organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Washington, its successors and assigns, the right, privilege and franchise to erect anal main-�f tair electric and power works within the limits of the Towr of Edmonds, Washington, and for furnishing electric eurrert to the �n citizens of said Towr by works erected withir, and without the cor- W. porate limits of said Town, and authorizing said corporation, its successors and assigns, to erect pole and wire lines upon streets, alleys and public grounds and thoroughfares of said Town, and to maintain and operate the same for furnishing said Town and its in- habitants with electric lights and electric power, and to sell such lights and electric power to said Town and its inhabitants. Be it ordained by the Courcil of the Town of Edmonds. 6` SECTION 1: That there be, and is hereby, granted unto the &;4 Edmonds Electric bight and tower Company, a corporation duly organ- J%. ized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of 11f, Washington., its successors and assigns, the right, privilege and �'G a/*C franchise of erecting within the limits of the Town of Edmonds, electric light and power works, and to supply electric light and power from works erected within or without the corporate limits of the Towr of Edmords, and to erect pole and wire lines upon the streets, alleys, public grounds and thoroughfares of said Town, with the necessary cross arms, and upon such pole lines to fasten wires, and stretch wires through such streets, alleys, public grounds and thoroughfares for the purpose of lighting said Town with electricity, and for furnishing its inhabitants with electric power, and to sell such lights and power to said Town and its inhabitants. SECTION 2: That said poles shall not be less than thirty (30)t�� feet long, and that wher erected near a street having a sidewalk, they shall be placed next to said sidewalk; said poles shall be se- curely placed in the ground at such depths as to render them safe and free from all danger of careenirg or falling over, and said poles shall be placed under the direction of the Mayor and Town Council, so as rot to interfere with lamp posts and other objects lawfully existing in the Streets. SECTION 3: Said wires shell be insulated wires and carefully f connected and fastened so as not to come in contact with any objecv� through which a "ground" could be formed, and shall be stretched so as not to interfere with the free ani urobstructed use of said Streets, public grounds, thoroughfares and alleys. Zw SECTION.4: Whenever it shall be necessary it the erection of said poles to take up any portion of the said sidewalk, or dig up 0,W-14, any ground in or near the sides or corners of said Streets ard- alleys, then said Edmonds Electric Light and .tower Campary, its successors and assigns, shall, after such poles are erected, with- out delay replace said sidewalks, axd properly refit the stringers and planks thereon: it a neat, workmarlike manner, and remove from said Streets, sidewalks and alleys, all rubbish and dirt and other material Which may have been placed thereon or taker up or dug up r.. the erection or coretractior of said poles, and shall put such Streets, sidewalks'arid alleys in as good condition as they were before be ibg taker up or disturbed. 82 ' SECTI0 5: That all the privileges herein conferred upon_ t he said Edmonds Electric Light and Power Compary, its successor s or asL-igns, shall cor3tinue for the term of Thirty (30) years from the time this Ordinance goes into effect. SECTIOF 6: That the said Edmonds Electric Light and Power ' m-Pary, its successors or assigns, shall within thirty days after -e the adoption of this Ordinance, file with the Town Clerk an accept- arce of the franchise herein granted, subject to the conditions hereir_, and shall i=ediately thereafter proceed to install and pperate said plant, unless preverted by inability to procure material or stress of weather in which it is impracticable to work, but in no case to extend beyond one year from the passage of this Ordinance. And that the said Edmonds Electric Light and Power Company, its successors or assigns, shall within ore year from the final passage of this Franchise be able to furnish electric power amounting in the aggregate to One Hurdred (100) horse power. SECTIOU 7: That the said Edmonds Electric Light and Power i6jo, Company, its successors and assigr_�s, shall be entitled to charge and receive the following rates for lights during the continuance of this Franchise, but no greater amount,towit: For commercial lighting as follows: For each sixteen candle power incandescent light used until ter o'clock at night severty-five (75&) cents per month. For each sixteen candle power incariescert light all right service Ore Dollar (1.00) per month. For each thirty-two candle power incandescent light used until ten o'clock at right One Dollar and Twenty-five (1.25) Cents per morth. For each thirty-two candle power incandescent light all night service One Dollar and Twenty-five ($1.25) Cents. Each six Ampere are light all night service Sever.: Dollars and Fifty (7.50) Cents per month. For each six Ampere are light until twelve o'clock Six ($6.00) Dollars per worth. Resider_�ce Lighting as follows: Service until ter. o'clock, 3,4 per candle power. For all right service 4� per candle power; provided that the said Edmonds Electric Light and Power Company shall not be required to furrish light to any residence for less than Ore.Dollar and Fifty ($1.50) Cents Der month. ;;deter rates to be as follows: -J,, For 1 to 25 Kilowat hours, if paid after tenth of morth,19� ' r, er ilowat Hour. For 1 to 25 Kilowat HTs.if paid before loth of ;lo.15�` per d.W.Hr. 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" 't " tl If IT TV IT IT before IT TV it 8� IT IT " ii t'Q-,TI01` 8: That the Edmor_ds Electric Light and Power Compary, s successors or assigns, shall erect, equip and maintain at X, places to be hereinafter designated by the mayor and City C ouncil 7J� of said City, at least thirty incandescent fifty (50) candle power lights for the purpose of lighting the Streets, public buildings, and public grounds of said City for a period of five (5) years from the date of installation, said lights to be furnished at Two Dollars and ($2.50) Fifty Cents per month each from dark to light; and the Edmonds Electric Light and Power Compary, its successors or assigns, shall, from time to time, when required by the Mayor and City Council of said City, furnish, equip and mairtair_ at places as may be designated by the Mayor and City Council, any additional number of fifty (50) Candle power incandescent lights which the city m may require for lighting the streets, public buildings and public grounds thereof, the said fifty (50) candle power incandescent lights to be furnished at Two Dollars and ($2.50) Fifty Cents per mor_th each. Provided, that said Edmonds Electric Light and .Power Company shall furnish free to the Town of Edmonds, twelve (12) in- ear_descent lights of sl tx een (16) candle power each, for the City Hall and Jail of said Town of Edmonds. SECTION 9: The Edmonds Electric Light and Power Oompany, its successors or assigns, shall have the option or privilege of in- stalling a meter at, any time and upon any service in place of the flat rate as established by this Ordinance. When a meter shall be installed the same shall be furnished at the cost and expense of the said Edmonds Electric Light and tower Company, but said Company shall be entitled to a meter rental of Twenty-five (251) Cents per month for each meter so installed, when; the same shall..have been so installed at the request of the consumer, then no charge for meter rental shall be made by the Company. The minimum rate for any one consumer or single occupancy upon meter basis, shall be One Dollar and Twenty-five ($1.25) Cents per month, in addition to meter rental of Twenty-five (25V) Cents per month, as hereinabove provided. SECTION 10: If the said Edmonds Electric Light and Power Com,;Z r pany shall fail to complete its plant, herein contemplated, and g7i,4_" shall fail to erect the necessary poles and stretch the wires for tt- said electric plant, or shall fail to furnish the lights provided for in Section Eight of this Ordinance, or shall fail to be pre- p-- pared to furnish the public with electric lights as contemplated L in this ordinance, within six worths after the passage of this Ordinance, they. this Franchise shall be forfeited and become null and void. If, after the expiration of six months, the plant contemplatedI in this Ordinance shall not be completed, the City Council may ex- e.0 tend the time not to exceed six months. SECTION 11: That the said Edmonds Electric Light and Power Aala91" Company, its successors or assigns, may from time to time prescribe and adopt such reasonable rules and regulations as are necessary or may be required for the purpose of furnishing or supplying such electric Light and Power. SECTION 12: This Ordinance shall take ef.Lect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication. Passed by the Council this 3rd day of September 1908. Approved by the Mayor this 3rd day of September 1908. ,Ittested: Geo.M.Leyda, Clerk. James Brady, Mayor.