Ordinance 0176ORDIIAL CE N 0. 176 . AV It aAd _:?" % ,Y Lr Ordirarce establishing fire limits within the City of Ed- mords, and regulating the erection, alteration.: ar d repair and re- moval of buildings within the same, and providing a penalty for the violation thereof. The City Council of the City of Edmonds do ordain as follows: r-' SECTIOL 1: That the fire limits of the City A Edmords, � hereafter to be known and designated as the "George Street Fire cr'�i Limits" be, and they are hereby, established ar.d declared to be within the boundaries of the tracts of land aryl lots bounded. and described as follows, towit; Begirrin_g at a point or, the East lire of Lot 22 of Block t`. and 13 Block 120 City plat of Edmonds, as the same appears of record in the office of the kuditor of Sr_ohomish County, Washing- ton; thence running Westerly 120 feet on either side of George I Street a.rd including all of lots 1 to 13 irclusive of said Block 120, and all of Lots 22 to 33 inclusive of said Block "DII to Fifth Street; therce running Torthwesterly 120 feet on either side of George Street and including all of Lots 1,2,11 and 12 in Block 1, and Lots 6, 7 and part of Lot 8, also part of acreage adjoining Lots 6 it Block "B."; continuing and running Northwesterly along said George Street 120 feet on_ either side thereof and including all of Lots 1. 2, 11 and 12, Blcok 6 and all of Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 it Block "C"; continuing and running along said George Street 120 feet on either side thereof and including all of Lots 1, 2,11, and 12 in Block 7, all of which land and lots heretofore described being in said original plat of Edmonds, also including all of Lots 9 and 16 irclusive in Block 1 Gepharts Addition to Edmonds; con- tinuing and running thence along said George Street 120 feet on either side thereof and including all of Lots 1, 2, 11 and 12, Block 12 original plat of Edmonds and all of Lots 9 to 16 inclus- ice of Block 2 in Gepharts addition to Edmonds; cortiruirg and running along said George Street and including all of Lots 1 and 2 it Block 13 original plat of Edmonds, and all of Lots 9 to 12 in Block 3 Gepharts Ldditior to Edmonds, and erding at the intersec- tion of George Street with the right-of-way of the Great Lorthern RailwayCompany. 4 SEUIZ 2: That the fire limits hereafter to be known and designated as "Bell Street Fire' Limits" of the City of Edmonds, be,ard they are hereby, established and declared to be within the boundaries of the tracts of lard ar d lots described as follows, towit: All of Lots 1 to 9 inclusive in Block "D"; all of Lots 15 to 19 inclusive in Block "E'; Lots 1, 2, 11 and 12, Block 2; Lots 1, 2, 11 and 12, Block 5; Lots 1, 2, 11 and 12, Block 8; Lots 1, 2, 11 and 12, Block 11; Lots 1 and 2, Block 14; also all and every part of Blocks 1, 6, 7, 12 and 13 not included in the George Street Fire Limits; all in the City and original plat of Edmonds. FI SECTIOL. a: .o building, except brick or stone, brick and �, aA'" tore, brick srd Terra Cott&, or concrete, or iror construction_ building shall be erected or placed within the George Street Fire �f Limits. l,o wooden building r.-ithir• the George Street Fire Limits shall be repaired or altered, except by written permission from the building committee of the City Council. The words "brick or stone","brick and store", and concrete shall mear all buildings whose sidewalk .walls are constructed of store, brick or 'both, and I'concrete and of wood veneered with brick, stone or concrete: �v-SECTIOU 4: Eo wooden building, except for dwellir_g purposes, shall be built, erected or placed within_ the Bell Street Fire ,yY Limits. And no wooden building exceeding two stories ir: height shall be built, constructed or erected or placed within the Bell Street Fire Limits. SECTIOL 5: r�o wooden building within the George Street Fire ^„w�Y� Limits shall be moved, except to a point outside of said George Street Fire Limits, or to some other portion of the same lot to make room for more permarert improvements. A wooden building may be raised or lowered to the official grade of a street by written permissior of the building committee of the Council. vO/' SECTIOrI 6: Eo building of ary kind or character shall be erected withir the George Street Fire Limits, or the Bell Street lJ Fire Limits without the written permission of the buildirg com- mittee of the City Council. ' SECTIOr< 7: Any person or corporation, whether owner, agert., contractor or builder of any building withir the George Street -ire Limits or the Bell Street Fire Limits, or any other person 4NII who shall violate any of the provisions of this Ordirance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemear_or, and upon conviction thereof shall be fired ir_ any sum not exceeding One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars; and any buildirg or any addition to any building construct- ed cortra.ry to the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed a nuisance and upon conviction of the owner thereof, as provided for in this Ordinance, said building or addition shall be torn down or removed outside of said fire limits under the direction of the Mayor. SECTIOI 8: Any and all Ordirances or parts of Ordirarces in corflict herewith are hereby repealed. massed by the gouncil February 18th, 1909. Approved by the Mayor February 18th, 1909. Attest: Geo.2I.Leyda, Clerk. James Brady, Mayor. .tublished February 20th, 1909. I, Geo.I.Leyda, City Clerk, hereby certify that the foregoing Ordirarce Eo.176 is a correct copy of the Ordinarce as passed by the Oourcil or Febr-gary 18th, 1909. Geo. Y.Leyda, City Clerk.