Ordinance 0183ORDIN ATE CE N 0.183 . An Ordinance providing for the collection of a dog tax; and providing for the licensirg, impounding and killing of dogs and fixing a penalty for the violation of the same. The City Council, of the City of Edmonds do ordain as follows: j),j 4'W"- '' SECTION 1: Teo dog shall be permitted to go abroad in any of the streets, alleys or public places within the City of Edmonds unless a license shall have been procured for said dog in the manner hereinafter provided. SECTIOT 2: The owner of or person,having in charge any dog permitted to run at large within the City of Edmonds, shall pay to the City Treasurer, yearly, the sum of Two ($2.00) Dollars for every male dog, and the sum of Four ($4.00) Dollars for every female dog; and the City Treasurer shall issue a license and furnish 9 therewith a metal tag with the license number engraved or stamped thereon, and such tag must be attached to the collar of leather or metal, and said collar to be properly secured about the neck of said dog. Provided, that the same shape or form of tag shall not be used for two consecutive years.. SECTIOE 3: The City Treasurer shall keep a record of all li-,&Zea' ceases granted including the number of license and name of persoL�&tZ416eJ to whom issued. Provided, that any license procured and paid for on or before the First day of :"ly of any -year shall be issued upon the payment of $1.00 for male dogs and $3.00 for female dogs. SECTIOT, 4: It shall be the duty of the City 14arshal to enforce the provisions of this Ordinance; if a dog shall be impounded, thelyjaAAJ owner thereof shall, before redeeming the same procure a license therefor and pay to said Marshal the sum cf -1.00 for imi,oundir fees. All licenses issued under the provisions of this Ordinance shall expire on the thirtieth day of June of each year. On and after the First day of July of each year the Marshal shall proceed to collect said dog license fees as provided in Section2 of this Ordinance. Said Marshal may retain 59% of all moneys collected for male dog license and -25% of all moneys collected for female dog license. SECTION 5: The City Treasurer shall furnish said. Marshal withr� licenses arl tags which shall be delivered to ar.y person making the necessary payment therefor. The Marshal shall keep a record S of all male and femals dogs impounded a r d all moreys received by virtue of this Ordinance, and, after deducting his fees, as pro- vided in Section 4 of this Ordinance, shall pay all moreys collected, by virtue of this Ordinarce, to the City Treasurer. SECTIOU 6: No female dog in time of heat, no vicious dogs 'ar mad dogs shall be permitted to run at large within the limits of the City of Edmonds, and it shall be lawful for any person to kill such dogs running at large, whether wearing a license tag or tot; and the owner or person permitting any such dogs to run at large shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upor conviction theref Gee shall be fined not exceedin.Fave($5.00) Dollars and costs or im- AM prisored not exceeding one key for each $2.00of such fine and costs. SECTIOU 7: Whenever it shall become necessary for the Marshal to cause a dog to be killed, said Marshal shall be allowed a fee of d' $1.00 for each dog so killed and buried 8: Any person or persons violating any of the provi- �, sions of '=,:.fs Ordinance shall,upon conviction thereof, be fined it any s: --ot exceeding Five ($5.00) Dollars and costs or be im`� prisored it the City jail rot to exceed one day for each Two ($2.00) Dollars of such fire and costs. Passed by the Council Jur_e 17th, 1909. Approved June 17, 1909. Attest: Geo,-.I.Leyda, Clerk. James Brady, Mayor. I, Geo.ivl.Leyda, City Clerk, hereby certify that the forego- ing Ordirar_ce 1,o.183 is a true copy of the o-rigiral as passed by the Coureil June 17th, 1909. Geo.M.Leyda, Clerk.