Ordinance 0211ORDIE AI CE 10. 211. An Ordirarce providirg for the laying out, exterdir_g and es- tablishirg of extensions of Third and Fourth Streets over, across and through certain private and public property as public streets, highways and boulevards it the City of Edmords between the Torth and South lives of the limits of said City on lires parallel with said Third Street as flow laid and established, and from the South line of Daley Street on said Fourth Street Jorth on reverse curves _ to the left and right' to the ir_tersectior with said Third Street r- extended as hereir provided, over and across certain private lots, d blocks, tracts and parcels of lard between said points, and pro- viding for the cor_demxation, appropriation and taking of so much of said lards as may be r_ecessary therefor, and declarir_g that the same is necessary fora public use, and providirg for the taking and damaging of other lards necessary for such purpose, and for the ascertainment and payment of just compensation to be made for private property to be taker or damaged for said purpose, and for the assessment of a jztst and equitable proportion of said compensa- tion and of the necessary experses of such takir._g and damaging upon the private property between the points r_amed, and betweer the north lire of Dayton $treet and the ir_tersection of said Fourth so extended with said, Third Street, according to the benefits to be derived from such improvement. The City Council of the Cit,; of Edmords do ordain as follows; 115 SECTIOL 1: That Third Street im said City be laid out, ex- terded and established ir_ a Southerly airectior and thirty feet wide or either side of a lire described as follo:4s: Begirrirg at the point of irtersectior of the center lire of said Third Street with the forth lire of the Southwest Quarter (S �,) of the �x Southeast 01aarter (5E ) of the Southeast Quarter (SE$ ) of aectiox Twe -:ty-three (23) , Towrship Twenty-se7e7_ (2" ) L ortz, _=:sr_ge Three (3) East of Williamette Meridian; thence South on the center line of said Third Street produced ir_ the line of its present direction a distance of thirty (30) feet; thence angle left nicety degrees a distance of 16.37 feet thence angle right 89 degrees 54 minutes, 30 secords a distance of 632.3 feet to the Southeast corner of the Southwest Quarter (SW7) of the Southeast Quarter (S 4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE') of Section Twerty-three (23), Township Twerty-sever_ (27) 1`orth, Range Three (3) East, N.M.; thence angle left nine (9) Minutes a distance of 1333.7 feet to the City limits; and in a Lortherly direction and thirty feet wide on either side of a line described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the center lire of said Third Street as now established with the center lire of Daley Street in said City; thence Lorth on a lire of said center line of said Third Street produced a distance of 1700 feet to the Qity limits. SECTIOI 2: That Fourth Street be laid out exte-1_ded _Li estab- lished it a T.ortherly direction and 'vex ty-five (25% feet wide or- 0 either side of a line described as follows: Begi rrir_g at the poirt of irtersectior of .l ourth and Daley Streets in said City; therce or the center lire of said �Ioarth Stre�L produced a distance of 21.59 feet; therce by a 32 degree 13 minutes 12 secord curve to the left with central argle of 68 degrees 57 minutes and with an arc distance of 213.95 feet, therce by a 22 de- gree 54 mirute 36 second curve to right, with a center ar_gle of 39 degrees 51 minutes with are distance of 173.94 feet; therce or a targentl41.6 feet to the irtersectior, of the center line of Third Street. SECTIOr 3: That all the private property above described is necessary for such public use, and the sane is hereby condemred, a�- propriated and taker, for such public ase whe= compensatior has beer, made therefor it the marr_er provided by l ar: ar^ th-12 Cr iraz ce; that such proceedirgs be had in the Courts havirg jurisdiction there- of to perfect such appropriation and takirg, and to ascertain the damages occasioned by such appropriation. SECTIOr 4: That the cost of such appropriation ar_d t€k- iLg, to- gether with all damages which shall be so occasioned by wuch tkir.,,e,,rS and the cost of all proceedings to be had therein necessary for such appropriation shall be charged t:) the private property to be ber_efited by such extension and establishment of such Streets, and all such ppropperty shall be assessed for such damages by special as- sessment to be made by the Board of Eminent Domain Commissioners of the City of Edmonds according to the benefits to be derived thereby, and in such assessment all property abutting and adjacent to said Streets as established herein shall be included in an assessment district for such purpose to be known as "Imprrovement District l;o. 14" . SECTIOL 5: That there be,and is hereby,established a special fund to be known as "Improvement Fund lo.14" into which shall be lef`' paid all such assessments for such benefits to such private prop.er$y, ar.d out of which shall be paid all compensation for such taking and appropriatior, and all damages allowed by said Court therefor, to- gether with the costs of such appropriation. SECTIOi: 6: That when such compersatior for such taking and damages shall have been ascertained by said Court said Board of Eminent Domair Commissioners shall assess such property for such equitable and just amounts and proportions as to them shall appear just, and shall give notice thereof in the manner provided by law, to the property owners and all objectiors to said assessment roll shall be made it writing at such time and place as said Board may designate it such notice. SECTIOL 7: That wher_ the Clerk of said Court shall certify j�yy4.l• al the amount of such assessmert against such private property to the City Treasurer he shill immediately give notice thereof, stating �"� 1W therein that said asressmerts will become delinquent within sixty days from and after Mach rotive, and all property against which - such assessments shag-1 have become delinquent shall' -be -scold in the marner provided by law. SECTIOE 8: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from ardi after its p$Lssage, approval and publication. Passed the Coaroil and approved by me this 22nd day of June 1910. kttest: Zophar Sowell, 3rd, City Clerk. SVilliam Beeler, Mayor. I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of. Ordinance Lo.211 of the City of •Edmonds, Wash. Zophar Howell,.3rd, City Clerk.