Ordinance 0266ORDIULICE NO. 266. An Ordinance prescribing the duties of certain officers of the City of Edmonds. The City Council of the City of Edmonds do ordain as follows: SECTIOV 1: The City Clerk shall perform such duties incident aVA to his office in addition to those prescribed by law. SECTION 2: The City Treasurer shall perform such duties dent to his office in addition to those prescribed by law. SECTION 3: In addition to those duties prescribed by law the City Marshal shall act as Street Commissioner and Pound Vaster, serve all notices upon behalf of the City, and perform such other duties as may be designated by the Council by Resolution or Ordi- nance. SECT101 4: The City Attorney, in addition to performing the duties as by law prescribed, shall prosecute and defend all suits or actions or, behalf of or agairst the City, or any of its officials in an official capacity, or any matter relatir_g to local improve- mert districts, or the Collection of taxes or assessments; also he shall prosecute all violations of the City Ordinances, and pre- pare all papers relative to the same. He shall attend all the meetings of the City Council, and perform such other duties as may be prescribed or designated by the City Council by Resolution or otherwise. In case of foreclosure of any assessment for street improvement he shall receive in addition to the aforesaid sum such Attorney fees as the court may adjudge reasonable, payable out of such respective street improvement fund. SECTI0E 5: That the Health Officer and the City Er_gireer shel i perform such duties as by law prescribed, and in addition theretojtll. such other duties as are usual and ircidert to their respective �, offices. SECTIOE 6: This Ordinance shall take of-'ect and be ir_ full force from and after its passage by the Council and approval by the Mayor, and its publication in accordance with law. SECTION 7: All Ordinances and parts 'of Ordirances in con- flict herewith are hereby repealed. Passed by the City Council this first day of October 1913. Attest: W.H.Schumacher, Clerk. J.D.Sherrick, Mayor. First publication October 3, 1913%� Last publication October 10, 1913. Gv I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordinance lo.266 of the City of Edmonds, Wash. W.H.Schumacher, city Clerk.