Ordinance 0340* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * .k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ORDINANCE 10.340. (L. I . D. 30 ) Ar. Ordir:arce providirg for the re -assessment of all property it Local Improvement District 1o.30 of the City of Edmonds, as established by Ordir_arce l' o.325 of said City, and of all property within. the City of F,dmor.ds specially benefited thereby; and direct- ing the preperetior of ar_ assessmert roll therefor. The City Council of the City of Edmonds do ordain as follows SECTI01 1: Whe'eas, under and pursuant to Ordinarce Lo.325 of the City of Edmore s, Washirgton, the Alley it Block "H", from Fourth Street to Sigh Street; also Fourth Street from Edmonds Street Forth to Alle in Block "H" have been improved by the con- struction upon saidlley and serer course, within the limits mentioned, of a latejal sewer system thereon, and whereas the as- sessments heretofore I levied upon the property in Local Improvement District ho. 30, have, through inadvertence and mistake, been ir_- adequate to meet the cost and expense thereof. 335 SECTIOE 2: Low, therefore, it is ordered that the property, withir Local Improvement District ho.30,as created under Ordinance Igo. 325 of the City of Edmords , ar_d all other property withir said Citywhich has beer specially berefited by such improvemert , shall be re -assessed for the true amount of the cost of said improvement. SECTIOI' 3: That an assessment roll be prepared as by the laves of the State of Washirgtor and the 0rdirarces of said City provided, which roll shall include all of the property specially berefited by such improvemert , and which roll shall be based upon the actual cost of such impr ov ezmert . SECTIOL 4: All sums heretofore paid by the owr.ers of property within said Local Improvemert District T o.30, under the assessmert roll heretofore confirmed by the Council for said► District under Ordinance T:o.325, sh€:ll be credited upon the assessments charged against such owner upon the reassessment roll, and it the evex_t the reassessment shall be less than the origir_al assessmert, then the amount of such excess payment shall be-refurded to the owner of the property so over -assessed. SECTIOE 5: This Ordinance shall take effect and. be in full force and effect from and after its passage by the City Cour_cil of the City of Edmonds, its approval by the Mayor and. its publioa- tior according to law. Passed by the City Council of the City of Edmonds in regula r session this 21st day of Eovember, 1922, and approved by me on the same date. Attest: Geo.M.Leyda, City Glerk. E.E.Beesor, for. I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordirarce Eo.340 of the City of E6ziords, Viash. Geo.M.Leyda, City Clerk.