Ordinance 03705_9 0 ORDIFAECE BO.370. An Ordirarce relating to and providing for the licensing and regulating of pool rooms, billiard rooms and card rooms in the City of Edmonds; defining offerses and providing penalties; pro- vidirg for the revocation of licenses; and repealing all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith. Be it ordained by the City of Edmonds: SECTION l: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or cor- tv� poratior to keep, operate or maintain in the City of Edmonds ary billiard room, pool room or card room or a combiratior public room and or pool room and or card room without a valid and �qlilliard ubsisting licerse so to do to be known as a billiard room, pool room and or card room license; the fee for such license shall be Fifty ($50.00) Dollars per arnum. SECTIOr, 2: That the license of any person, firm or corpora- tion to conduct, operate or manage any pool room, billiard room or card room within the limits of the City of Edmonds grarted urder the provisiors of this Ordinance, or as the same may here- after be amerded, shall be immediately cancelled and revoked when any such person, firm or corporation shall have been convict- ed in the 2olice Court of the City of Edmonds for the violation of any of the provisions of this Ordinance or any provision of any Ordinance of the City of Edmonds relating to gambling, disorderly conduct or to the manufacturing, possessior,,'sale, barter, ex- change, giving away, furnishirg or otherwise disposing of or keep- ing intoxicating liquor, or when any such person, firm or corpora- tion shall have been convicted it any of the Courts of the State of Washington under the provisions of the laws of the State of Washington relating to gamblirg or to manufacturing, possession, sale, barter, exchange, giving away, furnishing or otherwise dis- posing of or keepirg irtoxicating liquor. SECTIOE 3: ro license shall be granted to conduct, operate or manage any pool room, billiard room or card room in the City of Edmonds, to any person, firm or corporation who has been con- victed in the police Court of the City of Edmonds of the violation ,of ary provision of this Ordinance or of any Ordinance of said City relatirg to disorderly cord -act or for the violation of any Ordinance of said City relating to intoxicating liquors or that has beer convicted in any of the Courts of the State of Washington under the provisiors of the laws of said State relating to gamblir.g or the manufacturing, possession, sale, barter, exchange, givirg away, furnishir_g or otherwise disposing of or keeping irtoxicating liquor. SECTIOr 4: It shall be unlawful for the owner, proprietor., marager or other persor ir. charge of or employed in any public If 4 billiard room, pool room or card room in the City of Edmonds to VW,G keep such place open for busir:ess or permit ary persor_- to play billiards, pool or cards therein between~ the hours of twelve (12) o'clock midright and sever_ (7) o'clock L.M. SECTIOT. 5: It shall be unlawful for ary persor_ ur_der the age ' of twenty -ore (21) years to play pool, billiards orcards in any public pool room, billiard room or card room, or to loiter in any such room, or for the proprietor, manager or person it charge of a public pool room, billiard room or card room to permit any such minor to play pool, billiards or cards thereir or to remain in ary public billiard room, pool room or card room. SECTIOI b: .Ar_y person violating or failing to comply with any of the prov.sior�s of this Ordirarce shall be deemed guilty ,6a*,t of a misdenear:or aid upor cor:vi.ctior thereof shall be purished by a fire in any sum rot exceedirg One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars or by imprisor_nert in the dity jail for rot exceedirg thirty (30) days, or by both such fire and imprisorner_t. SECTIOY 7: That all Ordinances or parts of Ordirarces in y`kcorflict herewith are hereby repealed. ' Passed December 1, 1925. Lttest: Geo-Y.I,eyda, City Clerk. Alice U. Herr, Mayor. Published December 4, 1925. 1, 91 I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordinance Lo. 370 of the City of Edmords, Nash. Geo .M. Leyda, City Clerk.