Ordinance 0407ORDII AY, CE L 0. 407. .r Ordiraree providirg for the issuance of $20,000.00 of ger_:er- al Bords and $130,000.00 of special water revenue Bonds it accord- ance with a propositior submitted by Ordinance Lo.404 of, the City of Edmords, Nashi �rton, passed and approved July 3, 1928, and adop- �ted by the voters o-E said City at ar electior held thereir or r August 7, 1928, providin for the form and details of such Bords, and providing for the sale thereof. WHEREAS, a. a special electior held it the City of Edmords, 4-s/ashIr-jgtor, or. August 7, 1928, pursuart to Ordirarce Io.404,passed API and approved July 3, 1928, more thar three -fifths of the quali- .e• .V' fied voters of said City votir_g at said electior voted in favor �Iof acquirirg and corrstructirg a muricip 1 Y:ater works system and issuing gereral 3ords it the principal sum --f 20,000.00, and special water revenue Bords ir the principal sum of $130,000.00 in paymert thereof; roe: therefore, �`, The City Cour_cii of the City of Edmonds do ordair as follows: SECTI01 1: Tha' the Mayor and City Clerk of said City of Ed- 1l, t kmords be, ar_�d they wM,a, hereby authorized and directed to issue it general Bords of sai_- City in the principal sum of $20,000.00,to R be dated September 1,1928, and bear irterest at a rate rot ex- ceedirg five percerto per arrum, payable semi-arnually, said Bords to be in deromiratio:.­of $500.00 each, rumbered from 1 to 40 ir- elusive, and mature --.erially it the order of their cumber as follows: $1,000.)0 - - - - - - - September 1, 1930 1,000.)0 - - - - - - - - September 1, 1931 19000. ")0 - - _ _ - _ - September 1, 1932 1,000.00 _ - - - September 1, 1933 1,000.,)0 - - - - September 1, 1934 1, 000. JO -- = LL - T T _ - September 1, 1935 --- Pet 1,000,00 - September 1, 1936 1,000.00 - - - - - September 1,-1937 1,000.00 - - - - - - - --September 1, 1938 1,500.00 - - - - - - - - September 1, 1939 1,500.00 - - - - - - - - September 1, 1940 1,500.00 - - - - - - September 1, 1941 1,500,00 - - - - - - - - September 1, 1942 2,000,00 - - - - - - - September 1, 1943 2,000.00 - - - - - - - - September 1, 1944 209 SECTI0 2: That the Mayor and uit,y Clerk of said City of W � Edmonds are hereby authorized and directed to issue speciLl water revenue Bonds in the sum of $130,000.00, to be dated Sep-, tember 1, 1928 and bear irterest at a rate rot exceedirg uig percert. per arum, payable semi-annually, to be in de=omira- tions of $1,000.00 each, numbered from 1 to 130 inclusive, aLd mature serially as follows: 2,000.00 - - - - - - - -- September 1, 1934 --- 2,000.00 - - -- - - - - - September 1, 1935 2,000.00 - - - - - -- - - September 1, 1936 �- 2,000.00 - - - - - - - - September 1, 1937 %- 2,000.00 - - - - -- - - - September 1, 1938 �- 2,000.00 - - - - - - - - September 1, 1939 4, 000.00 - - - - - September 1, 1940 ,i' 6,000.00 - - - - 6,000.00 - - - - - - - - September - - - - September 1, 1, 1941 1942 7,000.00 - - - - - - - - September 1, 1943 r � 7 , 000. 00 - - - - -- - - - September 1, 1944 8, 000.00 - - - - - - - - September 1, 1945 -_. 8,000,00 - - - - - - - - September 1, 1946 9,000.00 - - - - - - - -- September 1,, 1947 9,000.00 - - - - - - -- - September 1, 1948 -- 0 10,000.00 - - - - - - - - September 1, 1949 9� 10,000.00 - - - - - - - - September 1, 1950 )�f-. 11,000.00 - - - - - - - - September 1, 1951 11, 000.00 - -- - - --- - - - September 1, 1952 12,000.00 - - -- - - - - - September 1, 1953 SECTIOU 3: That the gereral Bonds herein authorized to be issued shall be substantially in the form following, except as to dates of payment: L o. 500.00 UNITED STILTES %AMEHICA STATE OF WASHIIGTOI CITY OF EDMOI IDS General Coupon Grater Bond Erow all men by these presents: That the City of Edmonds, a municipal corporation of the State of Washirgtor, ackrowledges itself to owe and for value received f- _ n,,,� d� promises to pay to bearer the sum of Five Hundred and no/100 � "J ($500.00) yollars or the first day of September, 19 , together with irterest thereon from date hereof until paid at the rate of percert. per arum, payable semi-arnually on the first days of --March and September each year, as eviderced by and upon presen- tation and surrender of the annexed interest coupons as they severally become due. Both prir_c ipal and irterest payable in Gold YV Coin of the United States of America of the present standard of weight and fineness at the office of the Treasurer of said City of Edmor_ds , or at the fiscal agency of the State of Washington in the City of T'ew York, - -- at the option of the holder, and for the prompt payment of this Bord, both principal and'irterest, as the same becomes due, the full faith, credit and resources of the said City of Edmorcls are hereby irrevocably pledged. This Bona is ore of an issue of $20,000.00 of general Bor_ds issued by said City of Edmor_ds for the purpose of providing funds for the corstructior of a municipal water works system, pursuart to the plan specified and adopted by Ordinance h o. 404 of said. City and ratified by the qualified voters of said City at an elec- tion held therein on August 7, 1928, and this Bond is issued pursuart to said Ordinance to. 404, arcl in full compliance with the Ordinances of the said City and the Constitution and Laws of the State of Washington. It is hereby recited, certified and declared that all acts, corditions and things required to be clone precedent to and in the issuance of this Bond have happened, beer; done and performed as required by Law; that specific provision has been made by the City Council for the payment of the principal and interest of this Bond as the same becomes due, and that the total indebtedness of said City, includir..g this Bord, does rot exceed any limitation prescribed by the Corstitutior or katutes of said State of Washington. 210 �'C IE WITLESS WHEREOF, said City of Edmonds has caused this Bord to be signed by its Mayor and attested by its City Clerk and its corporate Seal to be hereto affixed, and the interest coupons hereto attached to be signed and sealed by the litho- graphed facsimile signatures of said officers this lst day of September, 1928. CITY OF EDLIOIDS, By Attest: Its Clerk. The interest coupons attached startially in the following form, Its Mayor. to said Bonds shall be sub - except as to dates of payment: IITEREST COUPOT Coupon T o. Do. Or, the first day of 19 the City of Edmonds, State of Washirg-tor., for value received. , will pay to the bearer, at the fiscal agency of the State of Was4 ington in the City of Lew York, or at the office of the City_Zreasurer of the City of Edmonds, at holder's option, the a -am of 0 in Gold Coin of the United States of America, such sum erg e semi-arrual interest due that day on its General 'Hater Bond dated September 1, 1928. CITY OF EDMOIDS, Attest: �J Its Mayor. its Clerk. SECTIOL 4: That the special water revenue Bonds hereby authorized to be issued shall be it substantially the following form, except as to date of payments: 10. $1, 000.00 U1ITED STATES OF AMICA STATE Oil WASHILGTO1, CITY OF ED1101DS T EDMOIDS SPECIAL 'PATER REVET:UE BOLD Zror all men by these presents: That the City of Edmonds, a murieipal corporation of the State of Washington, acknowledges itself to owe and for value received hereby promises to pay to bearer or the lst day of September, 19 , the principal sum of Or_:e Thousand and ro/100 ($1,000.00) Dollars, with irterest there - Aor at the rate of percert. per annuin, payable semi-anru- , ally or, the first a�ys of Larch and September of each year, as evidenced by and upon presentation and surrender of the arnexed interest coupons as they severally become due, both prircipal and interest payable it Gold Coin of the United States of America of the present standard of -weight and fireress at the office of the Treasurer of the City of Edmonds, or at the office of the fiscal agency of the State of Washington, in the City of Lew York, at the option of the holder, both prircipal and interest, being payable only out of the gross revenues of the water supply system of said ''ity of Edmonds as ---provided it E}rdinaxct 11Q 404�.f, said City and the Treasurer of said City is hereby directed to, pay the same as hereir provided.. This Bond is one of an issue of special water revenue Bonds in the principal sum of $130, 000.00, authorized b__the--voters--of said City of Edmonds at ar_ election held therein-on-August__7,-192-8-, pursuant to Ordinance ro.404 of said City, for the purpose of providir.,g funds for the corstruction of a municipal-- water works system and is payable out of the special fund created by said Ordira.nce ro.404, designated "Pella icipal Water Works Bond Fund", which fund is to be drawn upon for the sole purpose of paying the principal and interest of said Bonds. The City of Edmonds hereby covenants with the holders of this Bord that it will keep and perform all the covenants and promises it the said Ordir-arce cor_taired, to be by it kept and performed, and said City does hereby irrevocably obligate and bind itself to set aside ar_d pay into said Bond round from the gross revenues of said water system, at least thirty '30) days prior to the respective dates upon which irterest or prircipal and interest of the Bords of this issue shall become due, a sum equal to the amounts of such irterest or such prircipal and interest, as the case may be, which amounts so pledged are -hereby 211 0 declared to be a first and prior lien and charge upor the gross reverues of said water works system, and all additions, enlarge- merts and extersior_s hereafter thereto made. - The City of Edmonds further birds itself to establish and mairtair rates for water service which shall provide sufficient revenues to permit the paymert into such special fund of the said sums which the City has pledged to be set aside for the pay- ment of the principal and interest of said Bonds until such Bords have beer, paid in full. It is hereby found, certified and declared that said Bords are issued pursuant to and in strict compliance with the laws and OODStitution of the State of Washington and of the Ordinances of the City of Edmords, and that all acts, conditiors and things required to be dore precedent to and in the issuance of this Bord have happened, beer done and performed, as required by law. IL WITLESS 11THEREOF , the City of Edmonds has caused this Bord to be signed by its Mayor and attested by its City Clerk and its corporate Seal to be hereto affixed, and the interest coupors at- tached to be signed and sealed with the lithographed signatures of said officers this first day of September, 1928. CITY OF EDMOI DS , Attest: its 1+layor. Its Clerk. The irterest coupons attached to said Bond shall be substan- tially in the following form, except as to dates of payment: IL T ,REST COUPOT, ro. Or the first day of 19 the City of Edmor_ds, State of Washington, will pay to bearer, at�'he fiscal agency of the State of Washir.,gtor it the City of r ew York, or at the office of the City Treasurer of the City of Edmonds, at the holder's op- tior, the sum of � ire Gold Coin of the United States of Lmerica, solely from the special funds known as "Municipal Water Works Bond Fund", or its Special plater Revenue Bond dated Septem- ber 1, 1928, rumbered CITY OF EDMOI DS , .attest: Its Mayor. is erk SECTIOL: 5: All of said Bords, both general and special, sha 1 be signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk under the �r(, Seal of said City, and each of said interest coupons shall be sigred with the facsimile signatures of said officers, and such facsimile signatures shall be binding to all intents and purposes upor the said City of Edmonds. f SECTI01; 6: That the City Clerk is hereby authorized ar_d diJ rected to call for bids for the sale of said gereral Bords it the mar..rer provided by law. SECTIO1. 7: This Ordirarce shall take effect and be ir_ force from and after five days after its passage, approval and publica- tior_. Passed by the City Uourcil and approved by the Hayor this 21st day of August, 1928. -I,ublished August 24, 1928. Attest: Geo._;1.heyda, Clerk. I'.A.Fourtner, layor. Approved; Claude L. Stevens, City Attorrey. NOTICE TO 001.TRACT ORS. 4 _ l:otice is hereby giver that sealed proposals i7ill be received . Eby the City of Edmonds, Snohomish County, 1Iashingtan, up to eight o'clock P.M. Tuesday, September 4, 1928, and ther publicly operaa, for the corstructior of a water supply system for said City. The work involved will include the construction of three pump houses, poorer and control wirirg to motor starters, three 212 motor driver deep :11 turbine pumps, construction of a 500,000 gallon steel standpipe, furrishing and laying 12-irch pipe, fl- inch pipe, 6-inch p__ e, and 4-inch pipe, complete with valves, fittings, hydrants, services, meters and appurtenances as speci- fied. to proposal will be considered except as same is made in l�k'rict conformity with the advertisement therefor and upon the forms or proposals furnished by the Engineers. 2roposals will be received only from reliable contractors who are experienced it this class of work rd who are financially responsible. payment for the work will be made either in cash or by war- ovvil rarts on the general construction fund of the City, to be re- tired by the sale of Bonds, which have been authorized as re- quired by law. The City reserv,.Ls the right to reject ary and all bids. �" The plars and specificatiors for such work are ro'T or file anal open to public irspectior it the office of Willis T. Bat- chel"ler, Ire. , Corsrltirg Er.gireers, 929 Dexter Horton Building, Seattle, .Vashington, and may be obtained by prospective bidders upon deposit of Fifteen ($15.00) Dollars. Five ( 5.00) of said deposit will be refunded upor returr of plans and specificatiors withir five (5) days after date contract is awarded. 2ublished LugaSt 24, ar.:d 31, 1923. F..js.t ourtner, mayor, Geo..7.Leyda, City Clerk. I hereby certify that the above correct copy of Ordinance Lo.407 of City of Edmonds. and foregoing is a true and the City of Edmonds, Wash. Geo.:d.Leyda, City Clerk.