Ordinance 0419ORDIIALCE L0.419. (L.I.D.45) Ar_. Ordir_arce confirming the assessment and assessment roll of Local improvement District E o.45 for the improvement of Maple Street in the City of Edmonds, Washingtor., from the East line of Fifth Street to the certer line of l inth Street, by clearing and grubbing, gradirg to the full width of said Street, except through the cut between Fifth Street and Sixth Street where the grade shall be forty (40) feet in width; graveling the full length of the improve- ments to a width of at least twenty (20) feet; irstallirg tiling, pipes, sewer correctior_s, inlets, manholes, catch basins, culverts, ar.,d ary and all other drainage works necessary to the construction and maintenance of a suitable grade and road surface and doing all other things necessary to make a complete improvement all ire accord- aroe with andpursuart to a majority petition filed with the City Council on the Seventh day of November, 1928, and levying and as- sessirg the amour.ts thereof against the several lots,tracts, and parcels of lard as shown_ on said roll, establishing a local Improve- ment District Fund and fixing the date of issuance of Bonds. The City of Edmonds loth ordair: SECTIOI 1: That the assessment and assessment roll of Local Improvemert District ro.45 for the improvement of Maple Street in. the City of'Edmords,Washington, from the East line of fifth Street to the certer lire of ninth Street by clearing and grubbing, grad- irg to the full width of said street except through the cut be- tweer Fifth Street and Sixth Street where the grade shall be forty (40) feet in, width; graveling the full length of the improve- merts to a width of at least twerty (20) feet; i.-stalling tiling, pipes, sewer connectior_, inlets, manholes, catch basins, culverts and any and all other drairap works necessary to the construe- tior and mairterarce of a suitable grade and road surface and do- ing all ether things necessary to make a complete improvement, all in accordance with and pursuant to a majority petition filed with the City Council or the Seventh day of l ovember, 1928, as the same ' now stands, be, and the same is, hereby in all things &.iproved and confirmed. SECTIOL 2: That each of the lots, tracts and parcels of land as shown_ or said roll is hereby declared to be specially berefited by said improvement in at least the amount charged agairst same, and that the assessment appearing against the same is in propor- tion to the several assessments appearirg upon said roll, and there is hereby levied ar. assessmert against each lot, tract and parcel of lard appearing upon said roll the amount firally charged against the same thereon. 376 SECTIOL 3: Thai for the purpose of this improvement there is hereby created and established a special fund to be called "Local Improvement F4rd District 45". SECTIOL 4: Than the Fifth day of September, 1929, is hereby fixed as the date oflthe issuance of the Bands required to be issued on account oflsaid improvement. SECTI01" 5: Thant this Ordirance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication accord- irg to lair. F,A,Fourtrer, Mayor. Passed or the Slixteerth day of July, 1929. Approved on the Sixteenth day of July, 1929. Published July 19th, ;929. I hereby certify that,the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordiname l o.419 of the City of Edmonds, Wash. Attest: Geo.M.Lleyda, City Clerk. Geo.M.Leyda, City Clerk. ! it sir * �V ale yr A- w w w w w w w w w w w w �- w w w w w