Ordinance 0487OiiDIIA ; CE E 0.487 . Ar Ordirarce for the licensing ar.,d regulating of the sale of !�J✓ � beer and wire of such alcoholic cortert as is permitted by the laws of the United States of Lmerica ar_d the State of Washington, withir the City of Edmonds, providirg penalties for the violatior. thereof and repealing all Ordinances or parts of Ordirances in conflict herewith. The City Courcil of the City of Edmor_,ds, Washington, do or- dain_ as follows: SECTIOE 1: It shall be unlawful for ar_y to sell either ,u directly or indirectly by ary subterfuge, or to keep for sale any A,41 beer or wire it the City of Edmor_�ds, Washirgt %r, without first ob- tair_-ir.:g a licerse therefor it accordance with the provisions of this Ordir_arce. SECTIO1 2: That licenses for the sale of beer and wire of such alcoholic cortert as is permitted by the laws of the United►�b States of America and State of Washirgt or, shall be granted by the City of Edmonds to the persors described and under the cordi- tior_s following: , To grocers or other retail merchants by whom beer ar.d wine is sold only it bottles or ire the original cortairers, upon the ' 4Ec-41 paymert of a morthly licerse fee of Two Dollars ( 2.00). Ur_der such licerse the drirkirg of wire and beer on the premises where sold shall be urlawful. To persors corductirg restaurar_ts ar_d cafes where beer and wire is sold it bottles to be served orly with meals or the pre- mises upor the payment of a morthly licerse fee of Three Dollars _ ($3.00). To persors selling such beer or wine it bottles or or. draught���� to be drurk or, the premises, with or without meals upor, the pay- mert of a morthly licerse fee of ter Lollars, ($10.00) . �� - SECTIO1: 3: The holder of a Goverrmert licerse for the sale � V of beer or wire, or both, in the City of Edmonds, shall be deemed to be engaged it the sale of beer or vuir_.e, or both, it the said , City, and said Government licerse shall be prima facie eviderce f thereof; provided that this Section shall rot apply to licensed Druggists ergaged it the drug business. SECTIOs� 4: Any persors desiring a licerse under the prov'i- �� siors of this. Ordinance shall file with the City Merk an applica- tior in writirg which application. shall state the fame o appli- cart, and the place where the proposed business is to be conducted. 240 Sid All applications sh�l be approved by the City Council at any regular meeting th-ereof. 1,11 applicatiors must be accompanied by cash or certified check it the amour_;t of license fee provided by this Ordinarce. SECTIOI, 5: shall be granted only to citizens of the Jrited States who :._y-e beer residents of the City of Edmords for off" at least ore year. 10 retail license shall be granted to ary rrholesaler or manufacturer. Licenses granted under this Ordinance shall not be trarsfGrrable, nor shall a charge in the location of the business under Bach license be permitted, except upon notice to the Council ard the same proceedir_gs had thereon as it the case of the grant', of the original license. 1E1TI1 6: The power to grant or refuse any license to sell r it ary marrer to dispose of beer and vuine it the City of Ed- o�:as shall be and remair_ fixed in the Council, and nothing in this Ordiranee cortained shall be corstiued to grant any vested right in any person for the issuance, assignment, transfer, re- x.�: y, reis-ue, or vurtiruance of such license, and the right and power shall be ard ems__. at all times vested in the Council to vote to cartel ary license, wherever in its judgmer_t the public irterest demands s.__: _ revocation. SECTIOL. 7: Al_ places at which beer or wine is sold shall ewilA 0 closed from ore o clock n.i�i. , until sever. o'clock, A.M. ._ SECTI01, 8: Eo licensed dealer of such beer and wine shall permit ary breach the peace, or disturbance of the public order or decorum, or ary roisy, riotous or disorderly conduct, upor the premises where such beer ard wine is licensed to be sold. SECTIOY, 9: It shall be unlawful to sell beer or wire to any person urder the age of eighteen years, or to employ any minor at a place where beer :• wire is drum or the premises. SECTIO1 10: _ .;; person found guilty of the violation of the erms of this Ordirar.ce.shall pay a fire of rot less than Fifty 1-ollars ($50.00) nor mare than Ore Hundred ($100.00) Dollars, or be serterced to serve thirty (30) days in the City jail, or both such fire and imprisormert. ft SECTIOT� 11: If any sectior, sentence, or clause of this Or- a1__a- ce, is by a Co:_--,t declared to be illegal, such illegality shall rot affect the remainder of this Ordirarce that is found t%p to be legal. SECTION 12: T___ City Council shall have full authority and power to declare ary license forfeited for the violation of any of the terms upon _��h it is granted, or of the provisions of • this Ordirar_ce, even though the party so offerdirg has rot been corvicted in any C. for the violation of any such terms. SECTIO1, 13: "'11 Ordinances and parts of Ordinances it conflict herewith are hereby _•epealed. SECTIOL 14: Ordinance shall take effect and be in force five days after its y assage, approval ard publication, as provi- ded by law. !1 Passed and appr_ved this 4th day of &pril, 1933. Published April 7th, 1933. Attest: Geo-1. ,.,, da, City Clerk. Geo.�. Barbir., Mayor. I hereby certif,;' that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordi--arce l o. 487 of the City of Edmonds, Mash. Geo.M.Leyda, City Clerk. I1