Ordinance 506O':�DII,.AY CE 1 0. 506. Ax Ordirarce adopting the Budget of and levying gereral taxes for the City of Edmonds, Washir_gtoL for the fiscal year commerc- irg Jaruary lst, 1938 or all taxable property, both real ar_d per- coral, it said ulity, for the purpose of raising sufficiert re- fP� verue to carry or the different departmert. s of said City for the "1 ersuirf year, as required by lair, a�opropriatir:g the same to the severa]. furd.s for said fiscal year ar.,d providing for the collec- tior.. thereof. VIEF-1EAS, the City Courcil of the City of Edmords heretofore adopted its preliminary Budget for the year 1938, and WH dILAS, a hearirg thereon, pursuant to notice giver. as required by law, wag held or., the 11ourth day of October, 1937, ar_d said firal Budget having beer, adopted and the Courcil having determined -the amount of gereral ,,taxes necessary to be levied for the ersuirg year„ and having apoortiored the same as hereir_- after set forth, 1013, THERE2WE, The City Council of the City of Edmords does Ordain as follows: SECTIOI; 1: Th$t the Budget for the City of Edmords for the year 1938 is hereby adopted and the total appropriations ard the taxes levied theref r shall be apportiorea to the various funds for.the ersuirg yea as follows: Departmert Salaries ar d Wages City- Clerk, � � 360.00 Printing, Postage , Staty. Phone calls, Fuel, Lights, City Hall, Borsd , City Treasurer's Salary. 360.00 Experses, Bond, :;pair t eL- Irt . and al.ce ara Debt Ae- Total Operatior ems ption_ ;�360.00 180.00 15.00 124.00 5.00 324.00 360.00 50.00 30.00 80.00 2To Department Salaries and Wages City ittorrey's Salary,$360.00 Expenses, Bord, Ialainter. Irt.And arse and Bent e- Operatior aemp ior. 25.00 5.00 Health Officers Salary, -� 75.00 Experses, $ 20.00 Care of Garbage Dump, 120.00 State Ir_sp.Police Dept.$120.00 Chief Police Salary, 420.00 Might Patrol Salary, 120.00 Extra Police, 175.00 Experses, $ 100.00 Bords, 15.00 Phore calls, 10.00 Collection Dog Tax, 26.00 Ird.Irs.& Med.Aid, 20.00 (cortir_ued) Total 360.00 G� r 30.00 75.00 140.00 Y U " 835.00 170.00 Fire Dept.Volunteer Firemers Wages, $300.00 300.00 Equip. and Repairs, 900.00 Storage, 96.00 Firemer.s' Insurarcq, 45.00 1041.00 .� J r'f City Street Dept. Street Supt.Salary, $960.00 _ Extra Mens Wages, 200.00 1160.00 Materials & Tools, $1500.00 Equip.Mairterarce, 500.00 Traffic Signs and Pair_t , 150.00 Street Lights, 1200.00 IDd. Irs.& Med.Aid, 60.00 3410.00 Library Fund, Librarians Salary, $300.00 300.00 ` Ma azines Pa ers .0 g � P .Books � 30 0 0 Insurance, 25.88 Labor, -10.00 P.O.Box Rert,Postage, 8.00 Minor supplies, 30.00 Lights, 30.00 Fuel, 70.00 473.88 Park Fur_d, wages, $200.00 Llaterials, $ 200.00 200.00 Ird.Ir_s. & Med.Aid, 5.00 205.00 3950.00 $ 5873.8898L3.88 f Total amount to be raised !� other than by taxes, $2739.00 Amount to be raised by 15 mill tax or $472,824.00 dstimated va uatior_, 7084.88 Total Ex erditures �9823• * Expenditures for Bord Redemption and Irterest,L.I.D. Guarantee fund To redeem L.I.D. Bords ar.d interest, 600.00 Bord 3edemption Furd,Trurik Sewer Bords, 1507.00� Ger_eral obligation Bords, 1500.00 Total Expenditures, %Z J0.00 Bord Interest Furd, Sewer Bord Irterest, 360.00 Gereral obligation 3#rd irterest, 600.00 Water Bord Irterest, 2520.00 Total Experditures, 3480.00 250 � Bepartm. ert Salaries imainten- Ir_t.and �,__d ';:woes arce and Lebt ire- Total operation ae nz Total amourt to be x• ised for Bord Redemption Interest, $6480.00 Grand Total to be raised under the 40 mill Tax Law on $472,824-00 estimated value is 13564.28 Pater Revenue Expenditures for 1938, estimated Water Collector's Salary, 480.00 Water Supt.Salary, 840.00 Labor, 300.00 ,materials and _.:ai= uerarce, 2000.00 power for Pumps, 1200. 00, 3ord Redemption, 1000.00- Bond Interest, 6540.00- Sinking yard, 3000.00- Estimated Receipts, 60-00 SECTIOT: 2: That- there be and there is hereby levied on all the real and persoy wl property of the City of Edmonds, subject to taxation therein., a ge---eral tax for Municipal purposes for the ensuing year commercrng January 1st, 1938 the sum of Thirteen Thousand Five ur.dred Sixty-four and 28/100ths ($13,564.28 Dolx. SECTIOL 3: Thi2 Ordinance shall be certified to the proper County officials as provided by law, and the taxes herein levied shall be collected al:: paid into the City Treasury of the City of Edmonds, at the ti:,_ and in the marrer provided by the laws of the State of Washin---nor for the collection of taxes for Third Class Cities. V r'.A.FolLzrtr.er, Mayor. Passed Octobe- 4th, 1937. Attest: Geo.:_.yeyda, City Clerk. Published October Sth, 1937. I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordnance lo.506 of the Grit of , Wash. ,� ra (SEAL) I hereby certify that the Ordinances in this book are true and correct copies of the Ordinances, Resolutions, Iotices., etc., of the City of dmords, as recopied from the Original entries written in long emu_d, or from newspaper clippings of them; where errors in spelling were encountered then the same were corrected. WORSS PROGRESS ADMILISTRATIOE , ltovember 12, 1937• By gq!�L4� Senior Clerk