Ordinance 507251 ORDIIAI CE T.O. 507 Ar. ordirar_ce relatirg to vehicles and the operation thereof upoI the public streets and other public places of the City of Edmords; providirg for vehicle equipmert; limitirg and restricting certair sections of the public streets aLd other public places of the City of Edmores; prescribiLg rales of the road for vehicles operatirg or public streets or other public places of the City of Edmords; defirir.g offenses and fixi*g penalties; repealing certair Ordinances ar_d parts of Ordirarces in.corflict with the provisiors of this Ordirar,ce; saving certair acts performers and declaring an emergency. THE CITi' 0�°_ EDUOLDS DOES OBDAIL : Sectior I:The folloz irg words ar:d phrases, wherever used it this ordinance, shall have the mearirg as ir° this Sectior ascribed to there, carless where used the context thereof shall clearly indicate to the contrary: (a) "Alley-" A public highwLy within the ordirary mean- irg of alley rot designed for gereral travel and primarily used as a mearS of- access to the rear of resider_ces arc busiress jestab= lishmerts. (b) "Arterial ui hwa .11 ;very public highway, as hereir defined, or poruior thereof -designated as such by proper authority. (0) "r,uthorized Emer erc- Vehicle." Ary vehicle, as herein -defired, of €pry fire department, police departmex t, sheriff's Office, cororer, prosecuting attorrey, Vlashir_gtor State 2atro1, ambularce sOrvice, public or private, or ary other vehicle author- ized it writing by the state commission: or: egtlipmer._t. (d) "Bic cle." Every vehicle, as hereir defired, having a saddle for the use of- the rider, operated. by human, pourer, ar_d desigred to travel or.: rot more than three wheels it cortact with the ground, but excludirg a farm tractor- (e) "Eusiress District." The territory cortigaous to and ircludir.; the public highway, as herein defined, wher� fifty per or more of the frontage th.ereor and either aide thereof for a corltiruous distarce of three hundred (300) feet or more is occupied by buildirgs' it use for business. (f) "Center of Ir.teTSecti.;r." The point of ir_tersectiOL of the certer lines of the roa.av'Lur or irtersectirg public highways. (G) "City Street_." Every public highway as hereir. defined, or part thereof,locateu u,ithir the limit: of Edcnor ds, except alleys. (h) "Combiratior of vehicles." Livery eombiratior of motor vehicla ar.d trailer or motor vehicle e.rd semi=trailer, the prir_cipwl use of u.hich is the trarsport&tior of commodities,• merchar..d.ise, prod -ace, freight or animals- (i) " ommerq-JaI Vehicle." Ary vehicle, the principal use of which is the trs.r.sportatior of commodities, merchandise, produce, freight, animals or passe:xger_�, for hire. (j) "Crosswalk." The portion of the roadway between the - irtersectior. i:rea arc, a prolorgation. or eorrectior_ of the farthest sidewalk lire or ir the evert there are ro siddwalks ther betweer the irtersectior area arc a lire ter (10) feet therefrom, except `J as modified by a marked crossu:alk. (k) "Hours of l+ar ; es ." Wherever used ir. this Ordira.r_ce, shall mear the hours from ore -half hour after sunset to ore -half hour before sunrise, and any other time when persons or objects may rot be clearly discernible at a distance of five hundred (500) feet. (1) 11'Marked Crosswalk." Ary portior of a roacilray distirct- ly ir._dicate�L for _redestriar_ crossing by lives or other markirgs or the surface thereof. 252 (m) mQtot 7ruck.n Any motor vehicle as herein defined, designed or used for the transportation of commodities, merchandise, produce, freight or animals. (n) "Motor Vehicle." Every vehicle, as herein defined, which is in itself a self-propelled unit. (o) "Motorcycle.'T Every motor vehicle, as herein defined, having a saddle for the use of the rider and designed to travel on not more than three wheels in contact with the ground, but excluding a farm tractor. (p) ":IaffIer." A device consisting of a series of chambers, or other mechanical designs for the purpose of rec- eiving exhaust gas from an internal combustion engine and effec- tive in reducing noise resulting therefrom. (q) "Peace Officer." Any officer authorized by law to execute criminal process or to make arrests for the violation of the statutes or ordinances or of any particular statute or ordinance relative to the public highways of this state or city. (r) "Pedestrian." Any person afoot. (s) "Person." Every natural person, firm, co -partner- ship, corporation, association or organization. (t) "Private Road or DrlYeWay." Every way or place in private ownership and used for travel of vehicles by the owner or those having express or implied permission from the owner but not by other persons. (u) "Public riiah a ." Every way, lane, road, street, boulevard, ana every way or place irthe City of Edmonds open as a matter of right to publie vehicular travel. (v) "Railroad. it A carrier of persons or property upon vehicles, other than street cars, operated upon stationary rails, the routs of which is principally outside incorporated cities and towns. (w) "BAi road .'f Any sign, signal or device erected by authority of a public body or official or by a rail- road and intended to give notice of the presence of railroad tracks or the approach of a railroad train. (x) "Residence Distr;Lctit The territory contiguous to and including the public highway, as herein defined, not com- prising a business district, as&herein defined, whet the prop- erty on such public highway for,,continuous distance of three hundred (3OU) feet or more or either side thereof is in the main improved with residences or residences and buildings in use for business. (y) 7-S-afety ZQmk.,211 The area or space officially set apart within a roadway for the exclusive use of pedestrians and which is protected or is marked or indicated by painted - marks, signs, buttons, standards or otherwise, so as to -be plainly discernible. W " of u ." Any motor vehicle, as herein defined., owned by a public or governmental agency and operated for the transportation of children to or from school or school activ- ities or privately owned and operated for compensation for the transportation of children to or from school or school activ- ities. (aa) "- dewalk.'• That property between the curb lines or the lateral lines of a roadway, as herein defined, and the adjacert property, set aside and intended for the use of pedes- trians or such portion of private property parallel end in proximity to a public highway and dedicated to use by pedestrians. 253 (bb) "Traffic Control Any traffic device. as Si al.� herein defined, whether manually, electrically or mechanieally operated, by which traffic alternately is directed to stop or proceed or otherwise controlled. (cc) "Traffic Dev'ces.11 All signs, signals, markings and devices rot inconsistent with this ordinance placed or erected by authority or a public body or official having jur- isdiction, for the purpose of regulating, warning or guiding traffic. (dd.) " ehic ." Every device capable of being moved upon a public highway and in, upat or by which any person or property is.or may be transported or drawn upon a public high- way, excepting devices moved by human or animal power or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks. Section 2: During the hours of darkness every bicycle shall be equipped with one lamp on the front, exhibiting a white light visible from a distance of at least five hundred (500) feet to the front and with a lamp on the rear, exhibit- ing a red light visible from a distance of five hundred (500) feet to the rear; excepting that a red reflector meeting the requirements of this ordinance may be used in lieu of a rear light. Section 3: At all times during hours of darkness at least two(2) lighted headlamps shall be displayed, one on each�`� side at the front of every motor vehicle, and one lighted red rear lamp, except when such vehicle is parked subject to thei regulations governing lights on parked vehicles. Section 4: Every motor vehicle, other than a motorcycle, when operated upon a public highway shall be equipped with brakes adequate to control the movement of and to stop and to hold such vehicle, including two separate means of applying such brakes, each of which means shall be effective to apply the brakes to at least two wheels. if these two separate means of applying the brakes are connected in any way they shall be so constructed that the failure of any one part of the operat- ing mechanism shall not leave the motor vehicle without brakes on at least two wheels on the same axle. Every motorcycle and bicycle, when operated upon a��'�� public highway shall be equipped with at least one frictioia� brake, which may be operated by hand or foot. Every trailer or sami-trailer of a gross weight, including load, of two thousand (20000) pounds or more, when operated a upon a public highway shall be equipped with braked adequate to ��I control the movement of and to stop and to hold such vehicle and so designed as to be applied by the driver of the towing motor vehicle from its cab. Section 5: It shall be unlawful for and person to operate a motor vehicle which shall not at all times be equipped with a muffler upon the exhaust thereof in good working order and in constant operation to prevent excessive or unusual noise and it shall be unlawful for and person operating ark motor vehicle to use a cut-out, by-pass or similar muffler elimina- tion appliance. Section 6: Every owner or operator of ary motor vehicle used upon any public highway of Edmonds shall equip such vehicle with a mirror or other device to enable the operator thereof to have at all times clear and unobstructed view to the rear of such vehicle sufficient to enable him at all times to observe conditions existing to the rear of such vehicle within a distance of not less than two hundred (200) feet. 254 Section 7: It shall be unlawful for and person to operate any motor vehicle upon the public highways of Edmonds with and 'Vsign, poster, card, sticker or other non -transparent material upon the windshield or rear or side windows of such motor vehicle other than a certificate or sticker required by law or rule or regulation of proper and lawful authority, in which case the same shall be placed in the lower right-hand corner of the windshield onlyi Section 8: (1) Every person operating or driving a vehicle of anY character upon the public highways of Edmonds shall operate the same in a careful and prudent manner and at a rate of speed no greater than is reasonable and proper under the conditions existing at the paint of operation, taking into account the amourt and character of the traffic, weight of wti vehicle, grade and width of highway, condition of surface and freedom of obstruction to view ahead and ebnsistent with any and all conditions existing at the point of operation so as not to unduly or unreasonably endanger the life, limb, property or other rights of any person entitled to the use of such public highways. (2) Subject to the provisions of subsection (1) of this section, and except in those instances where.& lower maximum lawful speed is provided by this ordinance or otherwise, it shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to operate the same at a speed in excess of the following: (a) Twenty-five (25) miles per hour within 1 the corporate limits of the City of Edmonds. (b) Twenty miles per hour in traversing any ?/c1d_1-v 4.�intersection of public highways where the operator's view is obstructed: 2rovided, except as otherwise provided in this section, this provision shall not apply to operators upon arterial highways. An operator's view shall be deemed-Lo be abstructeci when at any time during the last 100 feet of his approch to an intersection he does not have a clear and unin- terrupted view of such intersection, and of all public highways entering such intersection for a distance of 100 feet along the center line of each thereof; (c) Twenty (20) miles per hour in traveling Zo upon an arterial highway and traversing an intersection with another public highway not an arterial highway, and the operator of another vehicle, about to enter the intersection of such _,arterial highway thereat, shall have brought his vehicle to a complete stop as required by law before entering such arterial highway. (d) Twenty (20) miles per hour while travel- ing upon any public highway and proceeding through any business s.r district, when such business district is so sign -posted at the rrf , extremities thereof. (le) Twenty (20) miles per hour when operating any vehicle upon a public highway of Edmonds when passing any 4.1A,ti ,�-Aschool house on school days, or school or public playgrounds 14,L,Lrbetween the hours of 8:OU. M. and 5;00 2. M. or when crossing 'anV, marked school 'crossing during such hours. Compliance with such speeds under the circumstances hereinabove set forth shall not relieve the operator of any vehicle from the further exercise of due care and eautioz as further circumstances shall require. The unlawful operation of a vehicle in excess of the maximum lawful speeds provided in this section, at the point of operation,and under the circumstances described shall be prima facie eviderce of the operation of a motor vehicle in a reckless manner by the operator thereof. 255 All charges for the violation of any of the provisions of this sectior, every notice to appear, and every complaiµt chrrgirg the violatior of this section shall specify approximately the speed at which the defendant is alleged to have operated such vehicle, the maximum lawful speed at the poir_t of operation and the rea.sozable and proper rate of speed applicable under the cordiziors existing at the point of oper- ation. Section 9: It shall be unlawful for any person to opera.te'4 a motor vehicle at such a slow speed as to impede or block the normal and reasonable movement of traffic at the point of operation thereof, except wher a reducea speed is necessary for safe operation or in compliance with any lair, rule or regulation peace officers are hereby authorized to enforce this section by directions to vehicle operators, ard it shall be unlawful for any person to operate in wilful disobedience to the provisions of this section or refuse to comply with the directions of ark, peace officer relating thereto. Where any slow moving vehicle tends to congest traffic any peace officer may cause such vehicle to be removed from roadway and permit the congested traffic to be relieved. Section 10: Whenever any person is operating any vehicle3 upon any public highway of Bdmonds he shall at all times drive the same to the right of the center of such highway, except when in the exercise of care in the overtaking and passing of another vehicle traveling it the same direction, or where an obstructior exists it is necessary to drive to the left of the ee1-,ter of such highway, providing the same is done with due care and right of way is extended to vehicles traveling in the proper direction upon the unobstructed portion of the public highway. Section 11: Upon turning to the left at any intersee- tior it shall be unlawful for the operator of a vehicle to make such turn to the left unless all wheels of the vehicle shall pass to the right of the center of such intersection. Section 12; It shall be the duty of every operator of any vehicle on approaching public highway intersections to look out for and give right of way to vehicles on their right, simultaneously approaching a given point within the inter- section , and rinether such vehicle first enter and reach the intersection or rot; provided, this section shall not apply to operators on arterial public highways. Section 13: It shall be the duty of azy operwtor of any vehicle upon entering an intersection and having sigralled has intention as required by law to turn such vehicle to the left to look out for and give right of way to vehicles approaching in the opposite direction and thereby pl ced on his right, simultaneously approaching the given paint within the inter- section, whether such vehicle first enter and reach the inter- sectio:n,or not: provided, this section shall not apply to a vehicle making such a left turn when having entered and turn- ing to proceed upon an arterial highway. Section 14: The operator of any vehicle shall stop as required by law at the entrance to any intersection with any arterial public highway, and having stopped shall look out for and give right of way to any vehicles upon such arterial high- way simultaneously approaching a given point within the inter- section, whether or not such vehicle first reach and enter the intersection. Section 15: It shall be the duty of every operator of a vehicle while backing such vehicle to 11ok out for and yield the right of way to all other vehicles upon the public highway. 256 ' Z Section 16: It shall be unlawful for the operator of a 1y vehicle to emerge from any alley, driveway, building exit,u private way or private property or from off the roadway of any Public highway, or to the roadway of any public highway or across a sidewalk or into the sidewalk area extending across r� any such alley, driveway, building exit, -private way or private property without bringing such vehicle to a full stop and yield- irg the right of quay to all pedestrians upon such sidewalk and all vehicles upon such public highway. ,section 17: Iz shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to operate over any unprotected hose of a fire depart- ����� mert when laid down on any public highway or any private road, street, way or alley. Section 18: Pedestrians shall be subject to traffic control signals at intersections and the directions of officers disaharg-p- _,-1 irg the duty of directing traffic at intersection. Where traffic control signals are not dr. place or in operation, the operator of a vehicle sliall yield the right of way, slowing gown or stop- ,ping,if need be, to so yield, to and pedestrian crossing the roadway within a marked crosswalk or within any unmarked cross- walk of any interseetior. ���------ Zection 19: ivo 1person shall stop, stand, or park a -'•1�1+r�; vehicle, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a peace officer or traffic control device, in any of the following places; 1. On a sidewalk or parking strip; 2• In front of a public or private driveway or within five (5) feet of the end of the curb radius leading thereto; 3. Within.ar, intersection; 4• Within fifteen (15) feet of a fire hydrant; 5. On a crosswalk; 6. Within twenty (20) feet of a crosswalk at an inter- sectior; 7. Within, thirty (00 ) feet upon the approach to any flashing beacon, stop sign, or traffic control signal located at the side of ,a roadway; 8. Within,thirty (40) feet of the nearest rail of a a railroad crossing; 9. Alongside or opposite any street'excavation or obstrudtion when such stopping, standing,, or parkin would. obstruct traffic;; 10. On the roadway side of any vehicle stopped or parked at the edge of curb of a street. 11. At any place where official signs prohibit stopping; ('b) ro person shall move a vehicle not owned by,such person into any such prohibited area or away from a curb such distance as is unlawful• parking or stardirg shall be permitted inthe manner provided. by law at all other places ex- cept a time limit may be imposed or.parking reatrioted at other places, but such limitations and restrictions shall be as pro- vided in an ordinance or ordinances of the City of Edmonds now existing or hereafter passed. Section 20: �Exeept where angle parking is permitted by local crdirarce every vehicle stopped or parked upon a roadway where there is an adjacent curb shall be so stopped or parked with the right-hapd wheels of such vehicle parallel to and with- in twelve (12) inches of the right-hand curb. ro person shall be granted the right, use or franchise for vehicle parking of ary portion of the surface area of ary public highway to the exclusion of any Qther like person. Section 21: To person operating or it charge of a Motor vehicle shall permit it to stand unattended without first stopping the engiie, and when standing upon a perceptible grade without effectively setting the brake thereon and turning the front wheels to the curb or side of the roadway. 257 Section 82. When there has beer any aecident or any wrecked or damaged vehicle is removed from the roadway of a`� G public highway, anyglass, debris or other injurious substance, dropped from such vehicle shall be removed from the roadway by the operators involved carless they be ineapacitated. Section 23: It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle with more than three (3) persons in the front or operator's seat thereof. Section 24: It shall be unlawful for any person to trans- ,�t,, 4xez port any living animal on the running board, fenders, hood., or other outside part of any vehicle unless suitable harness, cage nw`zyL or enclosure is provided and so attached as to protect such ' animal from falling of being thrown therefrom. It shall be unlawful for any person to transport any person upon the run- ning board, fenders, hood or other outside part of any vehicle, except that this provision shall not apply to authorized emer- gency vehicles. . Section 25: It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle upon the highways of this city when such person has in his or her embrace another person which prevents the free and unhampered operation of such vehicle. Any person so doing shall be deemed guilty of reckless driving. Section 26: It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a motor vehicle in a reckless manner over and along the public fit, highways of this city. For the purpose of this section to "operate in a reckless manner," shall be construed to mean the operation of a vehicle upon the public highways of this city in such manner as to indicate either a wilful or wanton disregard to the safety of persons or property. Section 27: It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any vehicle upon the public highways or alleys of this city while under the influence of or affected by the use of intox- icating liquor or of any narcotic drug. Section 28: It shall be unlawful for any person operating a vehicle upon any public street of this city to fail to bring s such vehicle to a complete stop at any point at which there is located a stop sign, except when directed to proceed by a peace officer or traffic control signal. Section 29: Amy person failing to observe and comply with the restrictions of any restrictive signs erected or maintained by competent authority upon any public street of this city shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Section 34: h o operator of a vehicle shall disobey the instructions of any official traffic -control device placed in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, unless at the time otherwise directed by a peace officer. Section 31: It shall be unlawful for any person operating any vehicle upon ariy public street to fail, refuse or neglect to obey all signals of any peace officer or duly authorized flagman who is at the time discharging the duty of regulating and directirg traffic. Section '132: It shall be urlawful for any person ;while , operating or ir charge of any vehicle to refuse when requested by a peace officer to give his nL.me and address and the name�'``� and address of the owner of such vehicle. or for such person to give a false name and address, and it shall likewise he unlawful for any such person to refuse or neglect to stop when signaled to stop by any peace officer or to refuse upon demar4 of such peace officer to produce his certificate of license registration of such vehicle or his vehicle operator's license or refuse to permit such officer to take any such licer_se or 258 certificate for the purpose of exLlmiratior thereof, or to refuse to permit the examination of any equipment of such vehicle or the weighing of such vehicle or to,refuse or neg- lect to produce the certificate of license registration of such vehicle or his vehicle or his vehicle operator's license when -requested by any court. Any peace officer shall on request produce evidence of his authorization as such. Section- 33: It shall be unlawful -for-the operator of any vehicle to fail to stop his vehicle when directed to do so by any shhool patrol sign or signal displayed by any member of a school patrol engaged in the performance of his duty and wear- ���� irg or displaying appropriate insignia, and it shall further be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to disregard any other reasonable directions of any member of the school patrol when acting in performance of his duties as such. 1S-ection 34: The cperator.of any vehicle involved in an (ee,�.f accident resulting in injury to or death of any Berson or total or claimed damage to either or both vehicles or property to an apparent extent of Twenty-five dollars ($25.00) or more, �i shall, withing twenty=four (24) hours after such accident, make a written report of such accident to the chief of police of the city. Section 55: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with, onderogation of, this ordinance or any part of this ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed in so far as the same are in conflict with, or in derogation of this ordin- ance, or any part hereof. Section 36: This Ordinance shall not affect any act done, ratified or confirmed, or any right accrued, vested or establish- ed, or any action or proceeding had or commenced in any civil or criminal cause, before this ordinance and its respective pro- visions take effect, and any such acts done, ratified or con- firmed and any rights accrued, vested or established shall be preserved and any such actions or proceedings may be prosecuted and -continued with the same effect and under the same provisions of the law in effect at the time such act was done, ratified, or confirmed, or right accrued, vested or established or action or proceeding ha&�or commenced. Section 37: Any person violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall, upon conviction, be punished by imprison- ment in the City ;ail not to exceed L inety (90) days, or by fine of not to exceed Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00), or by both such fine and imprisonment. Upon the Conviction of driving any vehicle under the influence or affected by intoxicating liquor, or narcotic drug in violation of this Ordinance, in addition to such fine and imprisonment the court shall revoke the operator's license of such parson for a period of one calendar year, and. thereafter until reapplication. Section 38: This Ordinance is necessary for the preserva- tion of the peace, health and safety of the City of Edmonds, and is necessary to confirm to the Washington Motor Vehicle Act of the State of Washington, and an emergency is declared to exist and this ordin,-.rc6 shall take effect upon its passage and pub- lication. ayor. ATTEST:' G .71�"i I +hereby certify tk-&.t the above and foregoirg is a true pgSg -1917 and correct copy of Ordinance PUBLISHED Deeember 31, 1937. o• 507 of the City of Edmolyds,Wash. F � Cle