Ordinance 50859 r 0 T I C E FOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEP that the following proposed emergency Ordinance has been introduced before the City Council of the City of Edmonds and will be voted upon by the City Council at its regular meeting to be held in the City Hall of said City on Tuesday, January 18, 1938, at 7:30 o'clock P• M. Any taxpayer of said City may appear at such meeting and be heard for or against the adoption thereof: 2ROPOSED ORDIUACCE: OEDINALCE VO. 508 An Ordinance providing for the purchase and acquisition by the City of Edmonds of a new Pumper for the Fire Department, providing for the issuance of emergency warrants inpayment there- for and declaring an emergency. BE IT ORDAIUED BY THE CITY COUICIL OF THE CITY OF S: Section 1: That the City of Edmonds shall purchase and acquire, for the use of the Fire Department of said City, one Pumper of .200 gallon capacity. Section 2: That by reason of thw worn condition of the present fire=fighting apparatus of the City of Edmonds and the urgent requirements in that respect of said Department, and the need of a new Pumper for said Department, an emergency is hereby declared to exist with reference thereto which could not reason- ably have been foreseen at the time of making the last annual budget. Section 3: That the estimated cost and expenditure required to purchase said Pumper for the Fire Department is the sum of 1500.0❑ which sum shall be paid. by the issuance of emer- gency warrants drawn on the fund properly chargeable therewith. Section 4: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication as required by law. ATTEST: GEO.M.LEYDA 0 ty Clerk. Published January 5 1938. Oity .Clerk I Oierety certify that the foreg- toing is a true copy of the dorat is e . ity .0 e 260 af' 1 ORDIDALCE 10. 508 An Ordinance providing for the purchase and acquistior by the City of Edmonds of a new Pumper for the Fire Department, providing for the issuance of emergency warrants is payment therefor and declaring an emergency. BE IT ORIAIIED BY TIE CITY COJT:CIL 02 THE CITY OF EDI1!1Ot?DS: SEctior 1: That the City of Edmonds shall purchase and acquire, for the use of the Eire Department of said City, one Pumper of 200 gallon capacity. Section 2: That by reason of the worn condition of the present =ire-Ligh�ing apparatlas of the City of Edmonds and the urgent requirements in that respect of'said Lrepartm.ert, and the reed of a new Pumper for said Department, ar emergercy is hereby declared to exist ',with reference thereto which could rotreason- ably have beer foieseen at the time of !makirg the last arnual budget. Sectior_ ;, That the estimated cost and expenditure required to.purchase said Pumper for the Eire T�epartment is the sum of 1500.00 which sum shall be paid by the issuance of emer- grecy warrar s drawn or the fund properly chargeable therewith. Section 4: This Ordinance shall take,eff ect and be it full force and effect upor_ its passage and publication as required by law. Passed: Jaru.ar 7 4 fittest: - � Published January' 21st I958. I hereby oertify that the above and foregoing is a true and oorreot oopy of ordinance No. 505 of the City of Edmonds, mash. City Old