Ordinance 510262 ORDIINAI CE 1"0. 510 AT ORDIS AECE: Relatirg to volunteer firemen's relief and compensation fund; providirg that the City of Edmonds conform with the provisions of Chapter 121 of the Laws of Washington of the year 1935; limiting the membership of the volunteer fire departmert to twenty (20) firemen for each one thousand (1,000) population; 4nd creating a board of trustees to be known as "The Edmonds Board of Trustees of the Volunteer Firemen's Relief and Compensation Fund." WHERF.A5, there is now maintained and for several years consecutively last past has been maintained in the City of Edmonds an efficient, regularly organized volunteer fire department as defined by Chapter 121 of the laws of Washington of the year 1935; and VTHZREAS, the City of Edmonds and the members of said fire department desire to participate in the benefits prescribed in said Chapter 121 ;_ T;,OW, THEIREr'ORE, THE CITY CODICIL OF THE CITY OF EDUOIDS DOES ORDAU AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the City of Edmonds nor elects to conform with all of the provisions of an act of the legislature of the State of Washington approved by the Governor, March 20, 1935, entitled "At ACT relating to and creating a fund in the State Treasury to be known as the Volunteer Firemen's Relief and Com- pensatior Fund, designatirg the duties of certain officials; providing for relief and compensation for volunteer firemen; creating a Board of Trustees in each municipality for the main- tenance and distribution of Said fund; empowering municipalit- ies to limit the membership of said volunteer fire departments, and requiring medical and physical examinations for members of said fire department", inorder that said city and the members of the regularly organized volunteer fire department maintained therein may participate in the benefits prescribed in said act. Section 2. That the membership of the regularly organized volunteer fire department of the City of Edmonds be and the same is hereby limited to twenty (20) firemen for each one thousand (1,000) population of said city. Section 3. That, pursuant to the provisions of the act referred to in Section 1 of this ordinance, there is hereby creat- ed and established a board of trustees of the volunteer firemen's relief and compensation fund to be known as "The Edmonds Board of Trustees of the Volunteer Firemen's Relief and Compersation Fund"; That such board shall consist of the mayor, city clerk and one Gouncilmat of the City of Edmonds, the Chief of the organized volunteer fire department of the City of Edmonds, and ore member of said fire department to be elected arrually by the members of said fire department for a term of one year; that the members of said vol-anteer fire department have certified in writing to the City of Edmonds that they have elected James Astell , a member of said fire department, as,a member of said bo-.rd of trustees; that the members of the first said board of trustees are as follows: F . A. r ourtner , Mayor of the City of Edmoras; Geo. HT. Leyda, City Clerk of the City of Edmor_ds; Carl Callehar_, Councilman of the City of Edmonds; yx. C. Engels, Chief of the Edmnozda Volunteer Fire DepartmeTat and. James Astell, elected member of said depa,rtmer.:t; Grin that the 3oLrd of Trustees hereby created shall have all the porvers and shall perform all�the duties conferred and imposed upar_ it by the provisiors of said act. Attest: GEO . M. LE)5)A iyClerk. Passed Jarusry 16, .iayor. I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true arl correct COPY of Ordinance N o . 5IC of the City of Edmonds, bash. Published jaruarz 21 1938.