Ordinance 513264 �7 ORD111 Aic CE 10. 513. Ali ORDI AIDE amerdirg Section 3 of Ordinaree L o. 508 of the City Of Edmonds entitled "An Ordinance providing for the purchase and acquisition by the City of Edmonds of a new Pumper for the Fire Department, providing for the issuance of emergarey warrants it pay- mert therefor and deelarirg am emergency!!. BE IT ORDA31IED BY THE COUrCIL OF THE CITY OF EDKOL-BB: SECTIM I: That Section 3 of Ordiraroe Lo. 508 of the City of Edmonds, entitled as above set forth, be arrd-the same ishereby amerd- ed to read as follows: SECTI M 3: That the estimated cost and experditures required to purchase said Pumper for the Fire Department is yhe sum Of $1890985 *hiGh sum shall be paid by the issuaroe of emerger�oy warrants drawn on the fund properly chargeable therewith. SECTION 2: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force a and effect upon its passage and publication as required by law. I PASSED this 19th day of duly 1938. ATTEST: GEO.M. LEYD , F .g..FOURTLER, City 01 rk. Mayor. I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordinance Lo.513, of the City of Edmonds, AaShirgtOn. A� 3dz' City C