Ordinance 518OpMITAICE 1:0.518. A1' ORM31 RICE providing for the issuarce of Eire Thousand ( 99000,00) Dollars of general bords it accordance with a pro- -position submitted by Ordirarce J o.515 of the City of Edmonds, Washirgtor, passed and approved -August 2, 1938, adopted by the voters of said city at ar electior held thereir or September 13th 1938, provtdirg for the form and details of such bords. WHEREAS , at a special election, heid it the City ofEdmords, Washirgtor, or September 13, 1938, pursuart to OrdirarceL o.515, passed and approved August 2, 1938, more thar three -fifths of the qualified voters of said city, voting at said electior, voted it favor of corstructirg an additioral and supplemertal system ofsewerage and issuir_.g gereral bords it the principal sum of Tire Thousard (09,000.00) Dollars, ir_ paymert of the city's portion of the cost thereof, LOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUICIL OF THE CITY OP EDis OID5 DOES 0FJ)AIL AS FOLLOWS: SECTIO1, I: That the Mayor axd City Clerk of said City of Edmords be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue general bords of said city, ir the prircipalsum of Lire Thousand W,000,00) Dollars, to be dated L ovember 1, 1938, ardbear int- erest at the rate of 5 per cent., per arrum, payable semi-annually said bords to be ir_ deromiratiors of $200,00 each,rumbered from ore to forty-five, inclusive, and mature serially in the order Of their rumber as follows: $400,00---------------------------- Lovember 1, 1940 400,00--------------------- livember 1, 1941 400,00---------------------- Lovember 1, 1942 400,00---------------------- L ovember 1,1943 400,00--------------------- - L ovember 1,1944 400,00--------------------- g ovember 1,1945 400,00---------------------- L ovember 1,1946 400,00--------------------- l ovember 1,1947 6 Wd 400,00-----------_______ 1,ovember 1,1948 400900------------------ r ovember 1,1949 400tOO------------------ I-ovember 1, 1950 400,00------------------ J ovember 1,1951 600,00------------------ November 1,1952 600, ❑0-------------------T ovember 1,1953 600,00------------------ l ovember 1,1954 600,00------------------ J ovember 1,1965 600, 00----___-_--____--_ j ovember 1,1956 600,00__________________ L ovember 1,1967 600,00----___- -___-_ r ovember 1,1958 Seetior 2:That the general bonds herein authorizecl to'.,be sub- startially in the form following, except as to db,tes of payments; I o, M ITED STATES OF AMERICA $200,00 STATE OF WArSHUGTOL CITY OF EDUMDS General Coupon Sewer BoXCLI!, Xxow all meal by these presents: That the City of Edmonds, a Mmieipal Corporation of the State of Washington, acknowledges itself to owe and for value received promises to pay to., bearer the sum of Two Hundred and no/100 ($200, 00) Dollars, or the first day of r ovember, 19 together with interest thereon from date hereof pntil paid -at—Me rate of per eent., per annum, payable semi-annuglly or the first days may and l ovember each year, as evidenced by and upon pres- entation and surrender of the annexed interestCoupors as they severally become due. Both principal and irterest payable in lawfil money of the United States of America of the present standard of weight and fineness at the office of the Treasurer of said City of Edmords, or at the fiscal agency of the State od Washirgton in the City of Xew York, at the option of the holder, and for the prompt payment of this Bond, both prineipal.and interest, as_ the same becomes due, the full faith, credit and resources of the said City of Edmonds are hereby irrevocably pledged. This Bond is one of an issue of tire Thous and ($9 , 000, 00 ) Dollars of General Bors issued by said City of Edmonds for the purpose of providing funds for the construction of an additional and suoolemertal municipal sewer system pursuant to the plans specified and adopted by Ordinance Igo. 515 of said City, and ratified by the qualified voters of said City at an election held therein on September 13,1938, and this bond is issued pvrsuart to said Ordinance No. 515 and in full compliance with theOrdinarces of the said City and the consti- tution and haws of the State of Washirgton. It is.hereby recited, certified and declared that all aets,conditiors asd things required to be done pereedent to aged in the issuance of this Bond have happened, been dore and performed as required by law; that specific provision has been made by theeity Council for the payment of the principal and interest of this Bond as.the same becomes due, and that the total indebted.raess of said City, ircludirg this Band, does not exceed any limitation prescribed by the Constitutuion or Statutes of said State of Washington. III WITSESS U REOF ,said City of Edmonds has caused this Bard to be signed by its Maroy and attested by its City Clerk and its corporate Seal to be hereto affixed, and -the interest Coupons hereto attached to be signed are sealed by the lithographed facsimile sigratures of said officers this first day of November, 1938. CITY 0F E"OE DS , By s Mayor. Attest, IZEer . The interest Coupons attached to said Bonds shall besub- startially in the following form, except as to dates of payment; IL TEBEST COUPON N o. Coupor. 10. Or the ins day of ,19 , the Coty of Edmonds, State of Washirgton, for value received, will pay to the bearer at the fiscal a.gemey of the State of Washi3pgton in the City of Dew York, or at the office of the City Treasurer of the City Of Edmonds, at holder's option, the sum of, 27 lawful more$ of the United States of America, such sum being the semi-annual interest due that day on its General Sewer B Bond dated November 1, 1938. Attest: Iris Clerk. City of Edmonds _ By: its:11ayor. SECTION ;: All of said bonds shall be signed bythe Mayor and attested by the City Clerk under the Seal of 4aid City, and each of said interest Coupons shall be signed With the facsimile signatures of said -Officers, 4nd such facsimile si sigratuer shall be birsirg to all ir_tenes and purposes upon the said City of Edmoilds. SECTION 4: this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after five (5) days after its passage and publication. Passed by the City Courcit and approved by the Mayor this loth, day of I ovember, 1939. ATTEST: F.A,FOii$TiF.R, Mayor. City Clerk. Published: November lath, 193a. I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordirabe N o.518 of the City of Edmonds, Washington. City C18q.