Ordinance 520ORDII AY CE I O. 620 (L.I .L.49 ) A ORLILAICE provi,dir_g for the improvemert of Eighth and lirth Streets betweer Hair ar_d Laytor Streets, bythe corstructior of a six inch and eight irch cor_crete or vitrified clay sewer from Eighth ar_d Mail Streets, south ore half block to the alley it Block Sever_ty-sever (77) , thence East or the alley to the east lire of Block Seve_-ty-sever..(77), together with the necessary marholes, catch basir_s ar:d other apperter.:arces necessary to make a complete"improvemert, all ir. 4030ratreewith a petitior Digred by a majority of the property owr_.ers of the lir_ealfror_t4ge gpo-h the improvemert to be made ar_d of the area withir the limits of the aesesemer_t district to be created therefor, which petitior was filed with the Ciry Clerk or February 1, 1939; creatirg at. Amessmer.:t District; creating a Local Improvemert Liatrict Fur_d therefor, ar_d providirg that paymert for such improvemert be made by special assessmert or_said District -ur..der the mode of Waymert by Bords . ,, WHEREAS, by petitior_ of a majority of -the property owrers Of theLireal frontage upon the improvemert to be made and of the area withir the limits of the asseesmert district to be created therefor, asking thEt jhat theCity Courcil of Edmords order a Local Improvemert listrict for the corstructior of a sewer from Eighth ar_d Hair. Streets , South ore half block to the alley in Block Sever_ty-sever (77), therce Last or the alley to the East lire of Block Seventy -sever (77), all located withir. the City of Edmords, which petitior was filed it the office of the City Clerk orFebruary 1, 1939 ar..d approved by the City Cour_cil at its regular meeting or February 21, 1939, ar_d whereas this complete improvemert shall be constructed ir_: accordance with the plans and specifications prepared ar:d filed by the City Engineer, 10W THEREFOR, the City of Edmonds does Ordair: SECTI0II That D&Itor. and Hair Streets betweer. Eighth ar_d l.irth Streets, and Eighth and I ir..th Streets from Mair to Laytor Streets shall be improved by the corstructior of a six irch (6") and ar eight irch (8") corcrete or vitrified clay lateral seder along the alley ir. Bloch Severty-s ever. (77) ir_ the Plat of the City of Edmords, therc6Lortherly alor_g Eighth Street to correct with the exietir_g marhole at :_ 273 Eighth ar_d Mair Streets; together with the necessary manholes, catch basics and other apperterarces necessary to make a complete improvemert, all ir, accordarce with the plays arcl specificatiors prepaired under the directior. of the City Ergir:eer, which plars and specificatiors are 027 file with the City Clerk and are hereby adopted ar_d approved. SECTIOI 2; That the labor or such imp-rovemtrt shall be furrished by the IIdorks Progress Ad-gir_istrCatior_ or ary other Federal grant labor; that the costs and experses of such improve- mert (exclusive of labor) shall be borr:e by and asscs--cd against the property ircluded ir., the as_essmert district herein: crested it accordarce with law. SECTIOT 3: There is hereby established a Local Improve- mer.t District to be called Local Improvemert District Io. 49, which district shall ir_clude the follotivirg described property, to -wit: Lots ore (1) to Thirty-eight (38) irclusive, Block Severty-sever. (77), City of Edmords, Sr:,ohomish Courty, Stateof 1,Vashirgt or . SLCTIOI: 4: A s_peci&l fur_d is hereby cre�'ted to be called Local Improvemert District r`urd I o. 49, which shall corsist ir. the aggregate of the several amourts assessed, levied and coll- ected on the several lots aid parcels of lard it said. Local Ima- rovemert District and the proceeds of the sale of the Bords of the aaid District for the purpose of defraying the costs ar_,d expenses of such improvemert. Out of said fur:d shall be paid the Bonds, the interest thereon., ard the ertire cost of such improvement, except the cost of labor, as hereir provided. SECTIOI' 5: The costs and experses of such improvemert shall be defrayed by special assessr�erts payable it ter (10) equal annual irstallemrts with interest thereon at the rate of five per cert (5%� per arr.um under the mode of "Paymert by Bonds" as provided by law and the Ordirarces of said Ci-�y. Bords bearirg interest at the rate of five per cent (5%) per ar.num, payable or_, or before twelve (12) years from date of issue, shall be issued it paymer:t of the costs and expenses of such im-provemert, or the City of Edmords may, at its electior, sell said Bords ar.d make paymert it cash it the marrer provided by law and the Ordirarces of said City/ SECrTIOI 6: That the estimated cost of said improver_iert ( exclusive of labor) is the sum of rive Hurdred ard Twer_.tyltv.o Dollars and Severty-five cents ( 522.754. Section 7: That the total assessed valuatior of all the real estate included ir_ said assess=mer.t district is Elever. Hurdred ar,d Thirty Dollars ($1130.00). Sectior 8: That the costs ar.,d experses of said improvemert To be borre by and assessed agairst the property of the said assessmert district, and for which Bords of said district are to be issued, shall rot include the cost of labor upor said improvemert, Which labor is to be furr_ished by Federal dIumds under the IV. P. A. play_ of Federal Government or ary other Federal grart of labor. Passed by the City Courcil of the City of Edmords ir regular sessior this*4thday of April, 1939 and approved by me or the same date. Attest: Goe.Yl.yeyde_ Uity Clerk - - F•A.FOURITER Mayor I hereby certify that the above and foregoirg is atrue and correct copy of Ordirarce L o.520 of the City of E mds. I& -, z� P"�' - City Clerk