Ordinance 5270.iDII AI: 1:0. 527 Ar Ordirare and assessmert roll the improvement of Edmords, by the cor eral sewer, togethe appurter,ar,ces reces accordarce with Ord levyirg as assessme lots, tracts and pa vidirg for the issu of the issuarce the approvir:g and corfirmirg the assessmert of Local Improvemert District I.0. 49,, for he alley it Block 77, P1Gt of the'City of tructior of a six ir.:ch (611) corcrete lat- with the necessary manholes, and. other ary to make a complete improvement all in -ranee lo. 527, of the City of Edmor_ds, t on account thereof against the several eels of ls.rid as shown or: said roll, pro - Lee of bonds therefor ar_:d fixing the date eof. THE CITY OF I EDMOI LS DOES OADAIT: : Sectior 1: IThat the assessmert and assessmert roll of Local Improvemert District 1:0.49, for the improvemer:,t of the allea it Bloc?-, 77, lat of the City of dmor:rls, by the corstrac- tior of a six inch 6") corcrete lateral sewer, together with the necessary mar,ho es, ar.d other apparterarces recessary to make a complete impt-ovemert all ir. accordance with Ordir_arce lo. 527, of the Cit of Edmords, vs the same rove stands, be and the same is hereby r_. all things approved and confirmed. Sectior. 2: That each of the lots, tracts ar_d parcels of lard or other preperty shover_ or said roll is hereby declared to be specially ber. fited by said imyp-rovernert in at least the amoart charged agai_Lt the same and that the assessmert appear- ir.:g against the same is it proportion_ to the several assessmerts appearir_g upon said roll ar:d there is hereby levied ar; assessmert agairst each lot, t act and parcel of lard and other property appearir_g upon saidi roll the amourt fir_ally charged agair..st the 393 same thereon. Sectior 3: That the 1 day of March, 1940, is hereby fixed as the date of the issuarce of the bords required to be issued or account of said improvemert. Sectior 4: The City of Edmords may sell said bords and make payment in cash ir: the marr..er provided by the Ordirar— ces of said City. Attest • Geo. M. Leyda City Clerk. PASSED: January 2, 1940 PUBLISHED: Jaruary 5, 1940 F. A. Fourtrer Rwyor. I hereby Certify that the above and foregoing is a true and Correct copy of Ordinance 527, of the City of Edmonds. 'Auto