Ordinance 5281' 03DII,nT. CI: I:O. 528 .ir Ordir_arce prcvidirg fox• the iaprovemert of the east— erly side of Third Avenue I orth, ir., the City of i'dmords, by the corstructior of a 10 irch lateral sewer from the irtersectior- of Third Lvcr:ae 1 orth with the East ar:d 'Nest center lire of Sectior 24, To'.r_ ship 27 I. or th, 3arge 3, East W. Teti. , r_.ortheaster— ly alorg said third Lver-ae 1-orth for 950 feet more or less to a cor_rectior with the rorth Trurk gewer; also to improve the Easterly side of Third Lver-ae I:orth, it said city, by the cor structior of an eight-irch-late-rc 1 seviex beggirr-i,rg at the, irter- sectior_;of TYiird Averue .1 orth lard the north City Limits;. thex:ce Southwesterly- alor:g the Easterly 'side of- Third Aver: ea �'orth"ior -585 feet more or less to a correctior %-7ith the I.orth Trur_k Sewer; also to improve the Easterly side of Third averse I orth, ir: said city, by the cor:structior o-f corcrete curbs atd �atter;s, -together with the necessary draira.ge -f:o x the irtersectior_, of'Thii�d Averue I arch all .e our ih Avenue I o_ h, ir-'s6.id - City; therce- T ortheasterly for 1100 fee-,, more or less, to the I.orth City Zimits' cif-Eamor.ds, together N-L'U, x the recessary Marl,of-es., -catch baLir-s'ard -other ap- purter:are'es recessary to make a complete imyprovemer_t, all it accordance frith- Hesolutior I.o. 104 of 'The Citl of Ecu�o2:ws, creat— irg ar.. Asaessmert .�)istriet; crea ::ir7; -a Local T.._y,rovemert uis �rict ur 'here2 or, and proviaing . hat pa ezt far Bch improv6r er t `be made by special assessmert a,_ said District user the made ®f paymert -by borax. WH.T tE�LS, 3y iaesolution ro. - l®4, of the City of Edmor_ds, the City Courcil .of the said City has aeclared its irter.tior- to order the -improvement, as above outlir-ed; ar:d doirg all other work x ecessary it c.or.reclior therevi th zo .lake a complete- prov--MOrt it _accordance ;:nth the plars ar.L specifics tiars- pre.;-; pared by the City RagireGr,. LOW, -TIT ',, `Oaf, THE C I i-Y Oi EDiQOT'D 5 TyOI:S OED,Ljj or, Sectior 1: That the easterly side of Third lverue forth it the City of Mmo .ds, from the irtersectior. of Third Averue i orth with the east and west center lire of Sectior_ 24, To yship 27 i orth, dar.ge 3 Bost W. M. , northeasterly along said Third xverve I orth for 95 feet more or less to a correction with the forth Trurk Sewer b improved by the corstructior of a 10 inch lateral sewer, toSe her with necessary manholes, catch basins and other apyarterL ces recessary to make a complete improve- mer.t; also that the Easterly side of Third rverye forth, ir said city, begi_::rin at the irtersectior of Third Avenue T orth arL the Lo-rth City imits; therce Southwesterly slor:g the :. & ter- ly side of third av true I orth for 585 feet more or less to a corgi ectior: with the T orth Tra l Sewer be improved by the con- st-ructior of an d-i _ch lateral sever, together with necessary manholes, catch bas. rs and other appurter_ar_ces i ecessary to make a complete improve? rt; also that the Easterly side of Third hverue T orth, it said City, from the i_r:tersectior. of Thirty lverue T orth and fourth ivur_ue T orth northeasterly for 1100 feet, more or less, to the Torth City limits of Edmords be improved by the corst-ruo.tior of co: Crete curbs and gutters, together with necess- ary drairage . I Sectior 2: IThat there is hereby established a Local Improvement Distric to be called Local Improvemayt District he-reir crested it u cordar-ce with law. aectior 3: IThat there is hereby established a Local Improvement District to be called Local Improverner:t District 10. 51 , which List-rLet shall irclade the followirg described property, to -wit: Begirr.ir_g at ar intersectior of the ',vest lire of Third h7crue T.orth and th. T.orth Oity Limits live it the City of Edmonds; therce east along the I orth City Limits lire for 120 feet; thence So th ar_d parallel to and 120 feet easterly of the East lire of 'Third iverue Lorth for 1401.5 feet to ar, irtersectior with tie SouthweEterly lire of Fourth hvenue T.orth therce Southerly al rg the y es t line of P ourth iverae T or th to ar irtersectior wit. the Last and ,pest certer lire of Sectior 24, Towr ship 27 Tor h, aaLge 3 East 7. 1. ; therce 'rifest along the East and Oest certer lire of said Sectior- 24 to the certer lire of Third !venue lorth, therce Tortheasterly or the certer lire of Third i7eru I orth to ar intersection withthe jorth City Limits; therce Nast along the forth City Limits to the point of 3egirrirg, less that portion of the foregoing belorgir.g to School District Y"15 of Srohomish Cour:ty, ;Tashingtor. Sectior 4: special fury is hereby created to be called .Local Improv inert District 2ur_d l o 51, which shall cor_sin in the aggr gate of the several amounts assessed, levied gate and collected or th lots and parcels of lard it said Local Improvement L strict _a,.r.d the prose_eds:):b!,the ,sale -.of the _ bords : of the= :said Afatriat for the prupose if defrayirg- the costs and,expdrses of such imDrovemeLt. - Ott of said surd . - shall be paid the bords, the i.rteres:t thereor, and the entire cost of such improvement, except the cost of labor as hereir-- after provided. Sectior. 5: The costs and e,:per.ses of such improvement shall be defrayed o3 special Esoess:wnts payable in ter_ equal, ar.r_aal ir_stallmer is with irteres t the-reor at the rate of 5 per cert., per ar.,.rum ur er the mode of paymert by bords, as provided - by law and the Ordir'.arces of said City. Lords •bearirg interest at the rate of 5 per cent per ar.r.am, payable or or before twelve years from 4e of •issae, shall be issued oir payment of the costs and exper es of such improvemert, or the City of EdLmor.ds may, at its electio=, sell seid bords and make wymert it cash it the marr_er provided by the Ordirarces of said city. Sectior 6: That the costs e;rd exper_ses of said improve- ment to be borne by adr assessed agair_st the property of the said Assessment District, and for which bords of said iris urict are to be c shall rot isa bed, shell rot ir.:. �1 n l said lade Mile cos;, of labor apor_ Sala 1.1�1 OVC 1:1V 1+:J, 395 vz=iO3 Iato2 IB %o £, £a2T23£e& by teJeral 2&a26 az2e2 2£e J2k 31�: QZ Zelefcl Jo76£y!=e2t. 2-L3:33: JE21ary,16, 124,0. �i2332: Jeo. 2 Gc/Ea &ft2 JIc22. ZU -) - : J :ac2y I2. 1260. 2. &. 2oa2tye£ I2s £er2/%£ey &Dove 102c201rg is E %£Je E22 Go22eo% Oooy of 026±zc2Oe 10. 323, 02 ±4e QitJ o2 3 Sao12z.